• 他们钻石女孩最好朋友我来说始终芭比娃娃

    They say diamonds are a girl's best friend, but for me, it is always Barbie.


  • 据说钻石女孩最好朋友这种珍贵宝石所蕴含的不光是只有闪耀的特质。

    It is said that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but there are more to these precious gems than their bling quality.


  • 少女解释教练选择了另一个女孩而不是最好朋友加入大学代表队。

    The teen explained that her coach chose another girl over her best friend for the varsity team.


  • 如果能够成为得到所有女孩摇滚明星或者电影明星最好朋友,这样不是很好吗

    Wouldn't it have been nice if you could have been the best buddy of a rock star or a movie star who gets all the girls.


  • 句话语境是:最好的朋友干掉一杯pinot酒之后,女孩们的话题毫无征兆地突然转移比拼“谁讨厌自己身体”上来。

    The situation: Over a glass of pinot with your BFFs, girl talk suddenly turns into a competition of who hates their body more.


  • 整个事情已经非常难以忍受工作组观看意有所指…看到最好朋友兴趣与热情女孩讨厌

    I guess the whole thing must've been pretty excruciating for WG to watch... seeing her best friend and love interest passionately be with the girl she hates.


  • 我家隔壁一个女孩,她最好朋友我们聊天无所不聊分享一切

    There was a girl who lived next my house was my best friend, we talked and share about everything.


  • 米歇尔来自南方女孩过去25年中不仅仅妻子孩子们母亲,还是我最好朋友

    Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, girl of the South Side, for the past 25 years, you've been not only my wife and mother of my children, you have been my best friend.


  • 女儿解释教练选择其他女孩而不是选择她最好朋友参加,她朋友的母亲大发雷霆。

    The teen explained that her coach chose another girl over her best friend for the varsity team. Her friend's mother was livid.


  • 琳达最好朋友15。她是个有着圆脸两个大大的眼睛的漂亮女孩

    Linda is my best friend. She is 15 years old. She is a pretty girl with a round face and two big black eyes.


  • 一直大学一个女孩大约4年来我们一切都最好朋友在一起

    I had been best friends in college with a girl and for about 4 years we did EVERYTHING together.


  • 一个五十男人,到了这种年纪最好十八到二十四岁的女孩子做朋友

    A fifty-year-old man says it's best to find a girl between the age of eighteen and twenty-four in his age.


  • 一旦得到了一些实际经验,你可能会发现:你真的解决朋友最好胖乎乎女孩喝醉了每月一次。

    Once you get some actual experience you may realize that you really just want to settle down with one cool, sweet girlfriend and that this is preferable to picking up a drunk chubby girl once a month.


  • 谈论最好朋友也许属于**,一个热情勤奋坚强女孩我们喜欢讨论一些有趣的问题

    To speak of my best friend, maybe it belongs to **, she is a warmhearted, hardworking strong-minded girl, we were favor in discussing some our interesting questions.


  • 最好朋友颜青青一个漂亮懂事的女孩,在学校里我们一块儿,一块儿学习,会帮老师一些理所能的事,老师都称赞我们是帮手

    Hello everyone. My best friend is Yan Qingqing. She is a pretty girl and she is very kind. We play together and help each other. In the kindergarten we also help our teacher to do many things.


  • 是个长的特别的小女孩,比最好朋友莫利还要高,小床都快放不下了。

    Tall Tilly is very tall. She is taller than her best friend Molly, and too tall for her bed. She is too tall to be a ballerina.


  • 也结识朋友——最好朋友一个烟酒沾的高中女孩

    I've made new friends, too-my best friend is a girl from high school who didn't do drugs or drink.


  • 一个星期六晚上我的三个朋友marc,eric还有forest外面点什么做做,最好是能去聚会,这样我们认识女孩了。

    One Saturday night three friends, Marc, Eric and Forest, and myself were out trying to find something to do, preferably a party where we could meet some girls.


  • 最好的朋友:“哦,那样的话容易了,只要一个女孩母亲好了啊。”

    So his friend said, "Oh! That's easy. You just have to look for a woman who looks like your mother."


  • 最好的朋友:“哦,那样的话容易了,只要一个女孩母亲好了啊。”

    So his friend said, "Oh! That's easy. You just have to look for a woman who looks like your mother."


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