• 中方通过协商妥善解决有关争议

    China stands ready to resolve relevant disputes properly through consultation.


  • 我们也衷心希望达尔问题早日得到妥善解决

    We sincerely wish an early and proper settlement of the Darfur issue.


  • 我们韩方保持沟通希望尽快妥善解决一事件

    We are keeping in communication with the ROK side in the hope of properly resolving the issue as soon as possible.


  • 中方一如既往妥善解决问题发挥建设性作用

    China will continue to play a constructive role in working for an appropriate settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue.


  • 制裁并不目的,还是应该坚持对话谈判妥善解决

    Sanctions are not the purpose. We should adhere to dialogue and negotiation for a proper settlement.


  • 中方一贯主张通过对话谈判妥善解决伊朗问题

    A: China always holds that the Iranian nuclear issue should be solved properly through dialogue and negotiations.


  • 中方一贯主张通过对话谈判妥善解决伊朗问题

    A: China always upholds a proper settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiations.


  • 对于合作过程出现问题希望有关企业赞方妥善解决

    We hope relevant companies and the Zambian side properly solve the problems that occur during the cooperation.


  • 我们主张谈判方式通过外交途径早日妥善解决伊朗问题

    We stand for an early and proper resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue through negotiation and by diplomatic means.


  • 平等对待开展更多合作指责,并通过对话妥善解决双方的分歧

    Treat each other as equals and engage in more cooperation, rather than finger-pointing and resolve properly our differences through dialogue.


  • 中方也将继续国际社会一道早日妥善解决伊朗问题作出自己努力

    The Chinese side will continue to work with the international community to make our own efforts for an early and proper solution of the Iranian nuclear issue.


  • 相信双方共同努力密切配合下,有关问题一定能够得到妥善解决

    I am convinced that with concerted efforts and close collaboration of both sides, we can find a proper solution to this issue.


  • 中方各方保持密切沟通协调,为推动早日妥善解决问题共同努力

    The Chinese side will maintain close communication and coordination with all other parties in a joint effort to bring about an early and proper resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue.


  • 但是大多数议员只是期待妥善解决这个长期存在时代错误,尽管它是个顽症

    Most, though, just wanted the tidy resolution of what had long seemed an anachronism, albeit a rather effective one.


  • 中国一贯认为安理会保持团结全面长期妥善解决伊朗问题至关重要。

    China always believes that unity of the Security Council is crucial for the comprehensive, long-term and appropriate solution of the Iranian nuclear issue.


  • 专业建设存在一些深层次问题需要我们认真分析妥善解决

    Some deep problems still remain in the specialty construction which are needed to be analyzed and solved properly.


  • 我们希望有关各方能够着眼大局妥善解决有关问题共同维护促进方会谈。

    We hope that all parties concerned can proceed from the overall interest, properly resolve relevant issues with a view to jointly maintaining and promoting the Six-Party Talks.


  • 宏观层面的语言服务语言资源合理配置语言问题妥善解决

    Macrocosmically, language services are the rational allocation of language resources and the proper solution to language problems.


  • 中方十分重视富尔问题一直妥善解决这一问题发挥积极建设性作用

    China attaches great importance on the Darfur issue and has played a positive and constructive role in the properly solution of the issue.


  • 我们希望有关方面能够继续通过对话协商妥善解决这个问题,使六方会谈尽快复会

    We hope relevant sides can continue to solve the issue through dialogue and consultations for an early resumption of the Talks.


  • 翻译完成语言转换中的文化转移必须妥善解决文化差异带来种种障碍

    Various obstacles resulting from cultural difference must be properly solved before culture transfer can be fulfilled in language translation.


  • 我们一直主张南海争议应该直接当事国通过对话协商和平方式妥善解决

    We maintain that disputes in the South China Sea should be peacefully resolved through dialogue and consultation between countries directly concerned.


  • 两国一些问题不同看法,本着相互尊重态度妥善解决,避免双边关系造成损害。

    We may disagree on certain issues, yet we should properly resolve our differences in a spirit of mutual-respect to ensure our bilateral relations free of any damage.


  • 中方包括伊朗在内的各方保持密切沟通,继续妥善解决伊朗问题发挥建设性作用

    The Chinese side is willing to maintain close communication with Iran and all other parties concerned and play a constructive role in seeking a proper solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.


  • 伊朗问题上中国主张在国际原子能机构框架通过对话协商方式妥善解决

    On the Iran nuclear issue, China stands for an appropriate resolution within the framework of the IAEA through dialogue and consultation.


  • 我们本着负责任建设性态度参与安理会有关磋商寻求问题妥善解决作出了巨大努力

    We have taken part in relevant consultation of the Security Council in a responsible and constructive attitude, and made tremendous efforts for the proper solution of the issue.


  • 我们一直认为,有关当事方能够直接对话、建立互信有利于促进妥善解决伊核问题创造条件

    We have consistently believed that the direct dialogue between the parties concerned will help build trust and create conditions for the proper solution of the issue.


  • 作为印度巴基斯坦的邻国和共同的朋友我们真诚希望通过对话协商妥善解决一问题

    As a neighbor and friend to both India and Pakistan, we sincerely hope the two countries properly address the issue through dialogue and consultation.


  • 答:我们支持保持接触希望有关接触有利于重启方会谈、妥善解决有关问题创造条件

    A: We support the US and the DPRK stay in contact and hope this will create conditions conducive to resumption of the Six-Party Talks and proper settlement of relevant issues.


  • 答:我们支持保持接触希望有关接触有利于重启方会谈、妥善解决有关问题创造条件

    A: We support the US and the DPRK stay in contact and hope this will create conditions conducive to resumption of the Six-Party Talks and proper settlement of relevant issues.


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