• 龄自然是一个因素,现在只有58%的 Y 世代的人们还时不时地用到座机,相比之下,有84%的婴儿潮世代的人们,家里的电话号码已经50年没有变了。

    Age is naturally a factor—only 58 percent of Generation Ys still use landlines now and then, compared to 84 percent of Baby Boomers who've perhaps had the same home number for 50 years.


  • 就是说,事实上唯一给我们家里打电话的人是我们婴儿潮世代的父母。所以我们会玩一个游戏,在拿起电话之前猜是谁在打电话(使用来电显示功能会让游戏失去乐趣)。

    That said, to be honest the only people who ever ring our home phone are our Baby Boomers parents, to the point where we play a game and guess who is calling before we pick up the phone (using Caller ID would take the fun out of it).


  • 婴儿潮世代即一鲍勃同龄人改变我们世界

    Baby boomers, that group of people, according to Bob Dylan and his peers who were going to change the world.


  • 对于婴儿潮世代组织了小家庭父母而言,孩子建立感情的理想方式

    For baby boomer parents with their nuclear families, it was a perfect way to4 bond with the kids.


  • 问题婴儿潮世代人们没有更新这样资讯,也没有改变他们的金前规则

    The problem is that the baby-boom generation didn't get the news and didn't change their rules of money.


  • 婴儿世代”迫不急待地想宠爱他们孩子孩子,就像当初宠爱自己一样

    Boomer grandparents will spoil their children's children as eagerly as they once spoiled themselves.


  • 克雷恩:婴儿潮世代确实需要听听这个信息他们开始把重点放在指导指挥上

    Crane: : The boomers do need to hear the message, that they're gonna have to start focusing more on coaching rather than bossing.


  • 比如小鬼世代要求互动革新的同时,婴儿世代追寻的平静安逸就餐环境

    Baby Boomers, for example, are looking for quiet, soothing dining environments while Tweens demand interaction and innovation.


  • 庞大婴儿潮世代意味着潜在消费者已经5、60岁,而且,媒体业主管认为这个年龄层的消费力过去价值

    The ageing of the large baby-boomgeneration means there are a lot of potential customers in their 50s and 60s.Furthermore, the executives argue, people of this age are worth much more thanin the past.


  • 华盛顿——快餐作为主食方式,美国几十年,可能已经达到高原美国作为成熟婴儿潮世代看来像一个不同菜单

    WASHINGTON - Fast food, a mainstay of American eating for decades, may have reached a plateau in the United States as the maturing baby-boom generation looks for a more varied menu.


  • 许多婴儿世代出生的老人们都表示他们从来都不想家里每天等人拜访然后恭送别人离开尽管他们乐于花少量时间在互相串门上。

    Many baby-boomers say they never want to bow out altogether, though they would often prefer to put in shorter hours.


  • 研究显示尽管日本对于不断下降出生率相当担忧,但因为婴儿世代退休支出,仍期待明年会有一波大幅但短暂经济跃进

    Despite its fears over a falling birth rate, Japan can expect a major but temporary economic boost from next year as the baby boom generation spends for its retirement, a study said.


  • 皮尤项目主任Susannah Fox我们研究发现婴儿潮世代他们年轻的同行一样热衷于电子邮件好处网上活动。”

    "Our studies have found that boomers are just as enthusiastic about the benefits of E-mail and Web activities as their younger counterparts," says, associate director of the Pew project.


  • 皮尤项目主任Susannah Fox我们研究发现婴儿潮世代他们年轻的同行一样热衷于电子邮件好处网上活动。”

    "Our studies have found that boomers are just as enthusiastic about the benefits of E-mail and Web activities as their younger counterparts," says, associate director of the Pew project.


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