• 许多用于处理日期字符串其他类型数据函数

    There are many new functions for manipulating dates, strings, and other kinds of data.


  • 对于字符串数据类型DB 2需要通过来知道这个可以增长多长

    It is needed for string data types so DB2 knows how long the chain can grow.


  • 可以RDF文字给定数据类型整数”、“字符串”、“日期甚至是莫尔斯代码”。

    RDF literals can be given data types such as "integer", "string", "date", or even "morse code".


  • 可以看到这些文档可以存储包括字符串整数浮点数日期对象数组各种数据类型

    As you can see, these documents can store various data types include strings, integers, floats, dates, objects, arrays and more.


  • 危机更加复杂设计建模除了逻辑型,字符串整数型,用户自定义数据类型可以对更加复杂的问题建模。

    To model more complex designs, you can type tags by stereotypes and meta-classes, in addition to Boolean, string, integer, user-defined data type, and terms.


  • 项目检索字符串需要转换正确数据类型

    The string value retrieved from the item set also needs to be transformed into the correct data type.


  • 有效负载预期结果可以简单整数字符串或者可以进一步引用包含序列化数据类型XML文件

    Both the payload and expected outcome may be simple integers or strings, or can reference further XML files containing serialised data types.


  • 使用API获得设置项目时,只有一个字符串可以用作数据类型

    When using APIs to get and set the value of an item, only a string can be used as the data type.


  • 如果发生这种情况,尝试调整表达式条件次序,把数据类型相似(数字字符串日期等等)分组在一起

    If this happens, try to reorder your conditions in your expression, grouping items of similar data types (Numbers, strings, dates, etc.) together.


  • 如果字符串足以处理本地化数据类型,那么ResourceBundle获得掩码字符串就是技巧一个很好的用途

    If a mask string can do what you need for a set of localized data types, retrieving the mask strings from ResourceBundles is a great use of this technique.


  • 表示定义Representational definition)主要定义IT系统如何表示每个术语比如整数字符串日期格式参考数据类型)。

    Representational definitions focus on how each term is represented in an IT system such as an integer, string or date format (see data type).


  • 如果不是简单数据类型(例如字符串整数或其他),应该指定一个将该值序列化适当XML结构的WS .Binder

    If the value is not a simple data type (such as string, integer, and so on) then a WS.Binder should be specified that is capable of serializing the value into the appropriate XML structure.


  • 不幸的是,JAXB没有发现一点使用数据类型toptype这个属性可以接受任何字符串

    Unfortunately, JAXB failed to pick up on this and use a Boolean data type — instead, the TopType class accepts any string value for this attribute.


  • 返回类型可以4 种XPath 1.0基本数据类型之一boolean字符串节点数字

    The return type can be any one of the four basic XPath 1.0 data types: boolean, string, node set, and number.


  • SOAP定义简单数据类型字符串整数浮点数以及负整数(NegativeInteger)。

    SOAP defines simple data types: String, Int, Float, and NegativeInteger.


  • 简单数据类型Data比如字符串Boolean整数日期等等

    Data for simple data types, such as sttring, Boolean, integer, date, and so on


  • JSON支持对象之外的各种数据类型字符串数字(整数实数)、布尔数组(包含方括号中的逗号分隔序列)。

    JSON data supports various data types besides objects: strings, null values, Numbers (integer or real), Boolean values, and arrays (comma-separated sequences of values enclosed in square brackets).


  • 联合数组associative array)另外数据类型可以表示为一个字符串

    The associative array is another data type that can be represented as a literal.


  • 也是合法数字没有xslsort指定数据类型字符串排序

    Sorting strings that are also valid Numbers, where no data-type is specified for XSL: sort.


  • 个简单元素作为nameSDO的原生数据类型(字符串)属性建模

    The simple elements and are modeled as primitive (string) properties of the name SDO.


  • 类型可以基元字符串(SDO它们为“数据类型”,定义了一个映射php类型集合)或复杂类型代表序列或地址(SDO称它们为数据对象类型)。

    Types can be primitives, such as string (SDO calls these "data types" and defines a set mapped to PHP types), or complex types to represent an order or address (SDO calls these data object types).


  • 大家指出一点原因如果我们一下以前讲过数据类型的种类,浮点数,整数字符串它们实际上相同行为方式

    The reason I want to point this out to you is, if we go back up to the kinds of data objects we started with, floats, ints, strings, they actually behave the same way.


  • 数据类型变量业务对象一种简单类型例如字符串整数

    A data type variable is a business object or a simple type such as string or integer.


  • 如果需要创建时间相关数据类型的单个,可以使用类型构造函数提供时间字符串表示形式作为参数

    When you want to create an atomic value of one of the time-oriented data types, use a type-constructor function and provide the string representation as an argument.


  • 最后字符串类型引用类型因此每个字符串实例引用一个附加内存存放实际字符串数据

    Finally, the string type is a reference type, so every string instance refers to an additional block of memory to hold the actual string data.


  • 如果字符串存储DB 2数据VARCHARchar类型中,那么就常常需要这些字符串上应用基于内容谓词

    If you store strings in columns of type VARCHAR or CHAR in a DB2 database, you often have the need to apply content-based predicates on those strings.


  • 简单属性可以基元数据类型例如整数字符串或者称为内容特殊数据类型这种数据类型用于存储诸如文件字节等批量数据

    Simple properties of items can be primitive data types, such as integers and strings, or a special data type called content, which is used to store bulk data such as the bytes of a file.


  • 参数类型空间对应XML模式数据类型类型可以布尔字符串类型

    The parameter type and value space corresponds to the XML schema data types; it can be of type boolean or string.


  • 助手方法采用适当数据类型执行必要转换以便将数据存储字符串

    The helper methods take the appropriate data type and do the necessary conversions to store the data as a string.


  • 所有规格都支持产品领域相关数据类型比如字符串数字与日期相关数据类型

    All specifications support relevant data types for the product domain, such as string, number, and date-related data types.


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