• 彭罗斯认为这些圆圈以前宇宙留下碰撞前面宇宙黑洞引力效应背后球形涟漪

    Penrose believes these circles are windows into the previous universe, spherical ripples left behind by the gravitational effects of colliding black holes in the previous universe.


  • 真正兴趣宇宙起源时空形状黑洞性质

    What I do find interesting is the origin of the universe, the shape of space-time and the nature of black holes.


  • 最近发现有力支持这样理论即银河系中心宇宙估计存在1000亿个其他星系中的许多里有一个黑洞

    Recent findings lend strong support to the theory that a black hole lies at the center of the Milky Way and of many of the 100 billion other galaxies estimated to exist in the universe.


  • 但是对于黑洞他们宇宙进化过程所扮演角色来说,的确一副闪闪发光的图景

    Yet this is the bright new picture of black holes and their role in the evolution of the universe.


  • 他们天文学同僚们或许乐意探索宇宙边缘寻找奇特物质比如黑洞类星体暗物质

    Their colleagues might be happy probing to the edge of the cosmos looking for exotic things like black holes and quasars and dark matter.


  • 作为天文学家们认为壮观物体很难想象假如没有黑洞宇宙看起来什么样子

    As the most spectacular object known to astronomers, it's difficult to imagine what the universe would be like without black holes.


  • 通过观察巨型脉泽对黑洞主人万有引力反应我们能够实际测量万有引力在宇宙中的其它地方是否也是一样

    But watching the mega-maser respond to the gravity of its host black hole means we can actually measure whether gravity is the same on the other side of the universe.


  • 由于这个特征修正后理论在像非常早期宇宙黑洞高密度区域中的表现尤为明显。

    Due to this characteristic, the revised theory has implications especially for high-density regions, such as in the very early Universe or within a black hole.


  • 这些类星体的河外星系黑洞所发射电子爆炸遗留下来宇宙背景辐射碰撞后所形成的,它天文学家提供了关于早期宇宙线索

    These quasar jets are formed when electrons emitted from a black hole impact with cosmic background radiation left by the big bang, giving astronomers clues about the conditions in the early universe.


  • 以前黑洞看成进化终点这个点上,宇宙所有物质最终进入静止状态

    Previously, black holes were seen as the endpoints of evolution, the final resting state of most or all of the matter in the universe.


  • 特大质量黑洞作为宇宙中的结构基础继续同样捕获公众专家们想象

    Supermassive black holes, which are the foundation for structure in the universe, went on to capture the imagination of the public and experts alike.


  • 加州长滩市天文学家也许已经解决宇宙的鸡与蛋问题星系星系核心特大质量黑洞哪个最先出现

    LONG BEACH, Calif. - Astronomers may have solved a cosmic chicken-and-the-egg problem: Which came first - galaxies or the supermassive black holes in their cores?


  • 宇宙看似自身拥有一个宇宙监督原则作用,阻止黑洞奇点直接观察

    The universe appears to have a built-in "cosmic censorship" principle at work that shields a black hole's singularity from direct observation.


  • 感觉像是我们硬生生地把宇宙扯破了一样,我们黑洞的裂缝,强大的超能力“请住手!” 再也不存在了。

    It felt like we had forcibly ripped apart the universe and were now staring at a gaping black hole where our powerful weapon used to exist.


  • 除了吸收气体星体M87星系这个宇宙质量冠军有可能是一系列黑洞合并结果最近的一次可能发生不太遥远的过去

    Aside from feasting on gas and stars, M87's champion is likely the result of aseries of black hole mergers, the last of which may have happened in the nottoo distant past.


  • 我们需要能够帮助我们理解宇宙爆炸之后瞬间或者黑洞附近发生的事情的理论那些地方具有很强引力场

    We also need such a theory to understand what happened immediately after the big bang or what's going on near black holes, where the gravitational fields are immense.


  • 黑洞恒星塌缩超新星之后留下巨大的引力怪兽,它们宇宙神秘奇异天体

    Black holes, the great gravitational beasts left behind when stars collapse in a supernova, are some of the weirdest and most exotic objects in the universe.


  • 假使我们生活某个典型宇宙中,那么这个宇宙应该具有能够优化黑洞产生所需要的物理规律物理常数只是至今我们还无从知道,我们所处的宇宙是否符合这个要求

    If we live in a typical universe, then it ought to have physical laws and constants that optimise the production of black holes. It is not yet known whether our universe fits the bill.


  • 如果存在的话,那么这些“大圈”便是“前大爆炸”所产生宇宙黑洞的“化石”。

    These, if they exist, would be fossil traces of black holes from the pre-Big Bang version of reality.


  • 黑洞如同宇宙收紧口袋,在个区域即使是光线都无法逃出它的重力陷阱

    Black holes are regions of space so tightly packed with matter that not even light can escape their gravity Wells.


  • 众所周知黑洞个高度密集的宇宙结构,令宇宙物质无法逃脱

    As is known to all, the black holes are as dense structure and sometimes inescapable for the cosmic materials.


  • (黑洞里)没有设想过的子宇宙分支,物质信息仍然牢牢地保存在我们这个宇宙里。我很遗憾科幻迷们失望了。

    There is no baby universe branching off (inside a black hole), as I once thought. The information remains firmly in our universe. I'm sorry to disappoint science fiction fans.


  • 我们关注黑洞宇宙起源赚钱开靓车

    We are more interested in black holes and the origin of the universe than with making tons of money and driving flashy cars.


  • 那些小孩讲述黑洞宇宙爆炸时,他们眼睛闪烁着光芒

    I've seen children's eyes light up when I tell them about black holes and the big bang.


  • 宇宙最大黑洞相当于太阳质量180亿——是前纪录保持者6倍,质量几乎相当于一个星系

    The most massive black hole in the universe weighs in at 18 billion times the mass of the sunsix times as massive as the previous record holder and as massive as a small galaxy.


  • HDF130距我们100亿光,它宇宙爆炸30亿年就存在了,当时正是诸多星系黑洞快速形成时期

    HDF 130 is more than 10 billion light years away and existed at a time 3billion years after the Big Bang, when galaxies and black holes were forming ata high rate.


  • Miller来自于这种融合黑洞任何形式的早就地球擦肩而过,由于星系融合宇宙并不少见,因此黑洞融合不足为奇。

    Any waves from this particular black hole merger have long past Earth, Miller said. But since galactic mergers are not unusual in the universe, black hole mergers are probably not either.


  • Miller来自于这种融合黑洞任何形式的早就地球擦肩而过,由于星系融合宇宙并不少见,因此黑洞融合不足为奇。

    Any waves from this particular black hole merger have long past Earth, Miller said. But since galactic mergers are not unusual in the universe, black hole mergers are probably not either.


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