• 我们安全标准问题上放松。

    We are not prepared to compromise on safety standards.


  • 我们睡袋里睡觉,暖和安全

    We were warm and safe, cocooned in our sleeping bags.


  • 报告揭示了机场安全致命缺陷

    The report reveals fatal flaws in security at the airport.


  • 安全问题受到极为严肃对待。

    Security matters are treated with the utmost seriousness.


  • 警方失踪孩子安全深表关注

    The police have expressed grave concern about the missing child's safety.


  • 安全似乎一点都担心

    He didn't seem in the least concerned for her safety.


  • 较大街区感到非常安全

    In the larger neighbourhood, I felt very unsafe.


  • 有人质疑安全措施是否充分。

    The adequacy of the security arrangements has been questioned.


  • 商业利益置于安全考虑之上

    Safety considerations were subordinated to commercial interests.


  • 出于安全考虑裁判暂停那场比赛。

    Officials suspended the game because of safety concerns.


  • 人们交火发生时急忙跑向安全地带。

    People scurried for safety as the firing started.


  • 政府雇员可能接受安全部门审查

    Government employees may be screened by the security services.


  • 食品添加剂进行严格安全检测

    Strict safety tests are carried out on food additives.


  • 安全部队很大的搜查逮捕权力

    The security forces have extensive powers of search and arrest.


  • 安全部队授予入户搜查的极大权力

    Security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes.


  • 大海里倾倒污水不卫生也安全

    Discharge of raw sewage into the sea is unsanitary and unsafe.


  • 难民寻找安全四处逃奔

    Refugees run hither and thither in search of safety.


  • 竭力主张限制安全部队

    He urged restraint on the security forces.


  • 土耳其安全部队已经开始搜寻失踪人员

    The Turkish security forces have started searching for the missing men.


  • 较老式汽车难免缺乏最新安全改进

    Older cars inevitably lack the latest safety refinements.


  • 人们这个失踪少年安全越来越担心。

    There is growing concern over the safety of the missing teenager.


  • 公司忽略了安全规程而受到公开批评

    The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures.


  • 卷入战斗中的平民安全必须得到保障

    The safety of civilians caught up in the fighting must be guaranteed.


  • 遵照建筑规程第6实施安全措施

    Safety measures were carried out in compliance with paragraph 6 of the building regulations.


  • 这家航空公司指责将乘客安全儿戏

    The airline was accused of playing Russian roulette with passenger safety.


  • 人们感到钱袋紧缩未来缺少安全

    People feel pinched in their pocketbooks and insecure about their futures.


  • 极端分子占了上风,安全主管解雇

    The extremists prevailed, and the security chief was canned.


  • 我们设计中纳入所有最新安全装置

    We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design.


  • 游击队员得到承诺可以安全离开这个国家

    The guerrillas were promised safe conduct out of the country.


  • 只要条件许可,雇主提供安全工作环境

    Employers should provide a safe working environment, as far as is reasonably practicable.


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