• 组织需要明确指挥主次顺序绩效标准以及正确管理

    Organizations need clear direction, set priorities and performance standards, and clear controls.


  • 愿意帮忙,可有一限度

    I'm willing to help, within limits.


  • 我们不能细节问题误事

    We mustn't get bogged down in details.


  • 冷静、淡真相合盘端

    He sets out the facts coolly and dispassionately.


  • 停下来走进面试

    She paused to collect her thoughts before entering the interview room.


  • 工作不一就是大难临头。

    Losing your job doesn't have to be such a disaster.


  • 这些任务必须次序去执行

    The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence.


  • 放心星期天参加。

    You can depend on his coming in on Sunday.


  • 常用方法放射性年法

    The most frequently used method is radiocarbon dating.


  • 任务截止期限不是更好吗?

    Wouldn't it be better putting a time-limit on the task?


  • 建议每年一机器检修一次

    It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year.


  • 大致说来,犀牛一种动物

    Rhinos are largely sedentary animals.


  • 不一,”神秘地说道

    "Not necessarily," she says cryptically.


  • 购买食物时,权利

    When you buy foods you have certain statutory rights.


  • 计划这么除非出现异常情况。

    That's the planunless anything untoward happens.


  • 这次不会上当受骗了。

    She wouldn't be fobbed off this time.


  • 名学生有一严重学习困难

    Several pupils were designated as having moderate or severe learning difficulties.


  • 商业信函不一刻板缺乏人情味

    Business letters need not be formal and impersonal.


  • 为什么人们心目中教授健忘呢?

    Why are professors stereotyped as absent-minded?


  • 除了胡安每个人都取得了成功。

    With the exception of Juan, each attained a measure of success.


  • 肿大前列腺并不表明癌症的存在。

    An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.


  • 马文父亲特别规矩不容变通

    Marvin's father was exceptional for the inflexibility of his rules.


  • 这个协约地区享有一的自治权。

    The agreement gives the territory limited self-rule.


  • 的话是根据的。

    There is some substance in what he says.


  • 喜欢不然不会给她打电话

    He must like her, or he wouldn't keep calling her.


  • 有些重大变革

    There are going to have to be some drastic changes.


  • 了个殴打警察罪,然而得到从轻判处

    He was convicted of assaulting a police officer but he got off with a light sentence.


  • 价格变化不能负面地影响人们生活水平

    Price changes must not adversely affect the living standards of the people.


  • 儿童到了时候需要了解更多知识。

    There comes a time when children need to know more than the basic facts of life.


  • 受到程度批评这是必须面对的。

    You are going to have to take a certain amount of criticism, but you must cope with it.


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