• 这次表现妖冶---宝儿正是我想要的形象。

    This time I was asked to convey sensuality - my beau the object of my imagination.


  • 就算是微薄的收入宝儿两个哥哥依旧怀抱著梦想

    Even with a modest income, BoA and her two older brothers kept their dream alive.


  • 有一宝儿听到了一阵阵的呜咽原来是小野兔瑞比掉进冰洞

    The only sound was the wind. But one day Lars heard something else, a faint whimper. He turned his nose in the direction of the sound and sniffed.


  • 宝儿还是幼犬时,它就“自创”了一些游戏,还精心设计复杂策略以免被逮到

    As a puppy, Beau invented games and crafted intricate strategies to avoid capture, he said.


  • 离婚宝儿独居生活并不适应加入了离婚女子俱乐部那里的女人守寡女人

    The boa after a divorce to reside the life is not too orientation, she joined the club, where divorce woman lost all women are married or widowed women.


  • 著名音乐节目《音乐露营宝儿表演自己歌曲MBC举行演唱会纪念他开拓美国市场。

    Home to the famous music show, "music Camp," in which BoA performed several songs, MBC will be having a concert to commemorate their entrance.


  • 除了英语日语课之外宝儿第一次搬到日本,是NHN播音员合住,以便完善的日语发音

    Besides English and Japanese lessons, she lived with an NHN announcer when she first moved there so that she could perfect her Japanese pronunciation.


  • 因此我们认为可能有助于如果我们穿着宝儿行动就像一个真实的美国比特尼克同时,新的英文歌词

    So, we thought it might help if we dressed BoA up like a real, American beatnik while she worked on her new English lyrics.


  • 他用饼干宝儿数数。他拿出把饼干,如果宝儿次数出示饼干一致,它就能得到这些饼干作为奖励

    He taught Beau to count using dog biscuits, laying out a handful and rewarding the dog when the number of his barks corresponded to the number of treats.


  • 40名的重要艺术家们,从小理查德女性主义原型莱斯利·戈尔、大卫·宝儿麦当娜、到Lady Gaga,不断重塑或打破性别规则

    Top 40 artists especially, from Little Richard and proto-feminist Leslie Gore, to David Bowie, Madonna and Lady Gaga have pushed social progress by bending and breaking gender rules.


  • 也许今年,我们应该注重物品使用期,追求那种连续好几代的礼物。 比如所谓传家宝式的小物件儿,一个手机可能25不是短短25分钟的。

    Maybe this year keep time in mind and go for the kind of gift that can continue to be used for generationsso-called heirloom gadgets, like a cellphone that might last 25 years rather than 25 minutes.


  • 普里亚卡·乔普拉因2000年赢得世界小姐冠军头衔而闻名于世之后开始了模特儿生涯,进入宝莱坞电影王国。

    Priyanka Chopra gained fame after winning the Miss World Title back in 2000 andafter that she started working as a model and also entered the movie industryfrom Bollywood.


  • 贾宝玉、薛宝琴、邢岫烟、四人同一天过生日。 众小姐带上自己的丫头们借机芍药栏中红香圃三间小敞饮酒行令,一时敞厅内热闹非凡。

    As jia baoyu, Xue Baoqin, Xing youyanand Ping'er had birthdays on the same day, the young ladies held a hilarious drinking party in the hall of the peony garden for them.


  • 芬兰座城市新生派发“应急礼包”,灵感来自芬兰著名新生儿大礼包“育婴宝盒”。

    Finnish city is handing out "survival packs" to new students, taking inspiration from the country's famous baby starter boxes.


  • 目的证实运脾中药复方儿宝颗粒降低厌食大鼠下丘脑腹内侧(VMN)神经元对外周传入信号敏感性

    AIM: to explore the role of Yunpi, a traditional Chinese prescription, in reducing the sensitivity of the VMN neurons to the peripheral afferent signal in anorexia rats.


  • 据《广州日报》报道,日本近日暂停使用疑致日本4名儿童死亡的两款疫苗,分别为由美国辉瑞公司生产的“沛儿”法国赛诺菲安万特的“安尔宝”疫苗。

    Japan has stopped using the US's Pfizer Inc's Prevenar and France's Sanofi Aventis SA's ActHIBor vaccines while it investigates the deaths of 4 children who were inoculated.


  • 最近穿潜水服,到黑海去探然后穿上皮夹克”车队一块儿,摩托车风驰。

    Most recently, he donned a wet suit and dove for archeological treasures in the black Sea, and then he donned black leather and rode with a motorcycle club, Wolves of the Night.


  • 目的胃肠激素水平探讨健脾中药儿食儿食健宝颗粒治疗小儿厌食症作用机制

    Objective: To discuss the mechanism of Ershi granules (ESG) -the decoction of benefiting spleen transporting and transforming used in anorexia from the view of incretion of assimilation.


  • 目的胃肠激素水平探讨健脾中药儿食儿食健宝颗粒治疗小儿厌食症作用机制

    Objective: To discuss the mechanism of Ershi granules (ESG) -the decoction of benefiting spleen transporting and transforming used in anorexia from the view of incretion of assimilation.


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