• 愿意吃苦受累,通过自己积极主动努力实现自身价值

    Willing to endure hardship involved, and by our own proactive efforts to achieve their own value;


  • 生人理念年轻的季节,通过自己积极主动的努力实现自身价值

    The outlook of mine is:I will accomplish my self-worth through positive endeavour in my youth.


  • 员工——我们尊重重视每一员工员工创造实现自身价值良好环境

    To employee-we respect and regard every employee, even try our best to create a good environment that can make every employee realizes their values.


  • 我们要求自己适应工作照顾父母承担家庭负担竭尽能的达到目标实现自身价值

    We need to improve ourself to fit the work, take care of the parent, feed the family, try our best to achieve our goals and realize our own value.


  • 我们尊重知识,更尊重所学企业国家社会创造财富从而实现自身价值人才

    We respect knowledge and the person who create wealth for enterprise, country and society by his knowledge.


  • 因此获得养成美德我们道德追求之所在,是我们实现自身价值重要途径方法

    Therefore, access to and cultivate virtue is where our moral values lie, we value the importance of realizing ways and means.


  • 社会各阶层希望通过自己劳动获得社会的认可尊重实现自身价值社会价值统一

    All social classes hope that they can access the social recognized and respected by their own labor. They hope that their own value and society value should unity.


  • 配送中心可以几种同类产品未来市场占有率进行预测从而实现自身价值提高客户满意度

    Distribution center can predict the future occupation rate of market for several kinds of like products to realize one's own value and raise customer satisfaction.


  • 如何能够在实现自身价值同时,又能充分体现社会价值,“关爱的传播”给我们最佳答案

    As to how to realize one's self-worth and in the meantime fully serve the society, "Connected with Love" has given us the best answer.


  • 职业生涯设计个人根据自身兴趣特点,将自己定位一个最能发挥自己优势的位置,可以最大限度地实现自身价值

    Design of vocational career refers to one person exploits his advantages to the full on the basis of his interest and character.


  • 面临很大的挑战,需要找到方式兴趣的工作中获得收益——也认为一种很有用战略,可以让我找到合适的工作,从而实现自身价值

    This challenges me to find a way to get paid for what interests me -- and I believe that is one useful strategy for generating a unique niche and value.


  • 所以信念年轻季节甘愿吃苦受累通过自己富有激情积极主动的努力实现自身价值工作做出最大的贡献最后愿贵公司事业日益辉煌并希望自己成为其中的一员。

    So my faith is: in the young season, I would rather endure hardship involved, would only through his passion, proactive efforts to achieve their own value, and work to make the greatest contribution.


  • 通过学习实现自己设计不是设计成为开发者手中的孤儿——你提升自身价值

    By learning to implement what you design rather than leaving it orphaned in the hands of developers - you increase your value.


  • 无论是社会德育关注重视还是德育自身价值实现具有非常重要现实意义

    Paying attention to the concern about moral of the society, or the realization of the one's own value of moral, have a very important realistic meaning.


  • 激发员工斗志满足员工精神方面需要实现员工的自身价值

    Can stimulate the morale of staff, to meet the spiritual needs of employees to achieve their own values employees.


  • 理想希望自己快乐健康富足家人相亲相爱如果能够实现社会自身价值更好

    My vision is to hope that their happy, healthy, prosperous, and family members love each other, if I can achieve in the community's self-worth all the better.


  • 控制广告的可以控制文化,其文化的控制通过控制我们消费取向自身价值生活方式实现的。

    Those who eontrol adverl ising control culture by controlling what we spend our money on and what our values and lifestyles are.


  • 实践价值关系确立基础,是价值需求产生的根源,是价值创造价值实现的现实展开,是确证自身价值根本途径

    It is the base of value relation, the origin of value needs, the process of value creation and actualization and the fundamental way to proving one's value as a human being.


  • 享受人生所有美好实现梦想快乐感受自身价值开心意识到自己获得成功满足

    May you experience all the good things in life---the happiness of realizing your dreams, the joy of feeling worthwhile, and the satisfaction of knowing you've succeeded.


  • 一个组织机构终极目标实现自身价值产生相应社会价值而非单纯利益

    The ultimate target of one organization is to implement the own values and the corresponding society values, not only for profit purely.


  • 一个组织机构终极目标实现自身价值产生相应社会价值而非单纯利益

    The ultimate target of one organization is to implement the own values and the corresponding society values, not only for profit purely.


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