• 目的探讨我国医药企业实现规模经济方法

    OBJECTIVE: To discuss the way of realizing the pharmaceutical industry's economy of scale in China.


  • 横向联合方式为主的企业购并短期实现规模经济有效途径

    The effective way to realize the scale economy in the short run is M&I whose main mode is horizontal integration.


  • 工厂生产更多的产品种类意味着缩短了生产周期意味着无法实现规模经济

    Producing greater product variety form a factory implies shorter production runs, which in turn implies an inability to realize economies of scale.


  • 最近几年国内诸多服装业实现规模经济连锁经营作为重要战略

    In recent years, a lot of apparel enterprises in our countries choose chain operation as their strategy so as to achieve economies of scale.


  • 因为两个部门可以开发高质量产品同时生产部门可以实现规模经济

    Because this both department can be develop the quality product at the same time the production department if produce lager quantity the company also can be achieves economic of scale.


  • 促使零件制造商他们生产海外直接转移重庆从而实现规模经济效益

    This is driving component makers to move their productions from overseas directly to Chongqing to realize the benefits of economy of scale.


  • 一方面,一站式物流可以帮助运营商实现规模经济保持一个非常活跃市场竞争力

    On the other hand, one-stop logistics can help carriers achieve economies of scale and remain competitive in a very dynamic market.


  • 本文着重分析阐述了主业形成规模经济对于企业集团重要意义以及跨国经营实现规模经济的具体思路。

    The thesis investigates scale economy in particular and tells readers how to operate beyond the nation to achieve scale economy.


  • CCRIF是由加勒比地区拥有运行地区登记基金。它标志加勒比国家日益增长的希望通过合作实现规模经济效益决心

    Owned, operated, and registered in the Caribbean Region, the CCRIF signals Caribbean countries' growing commitment to work together to reap the benefits of economies of scale.


  • 科学合理规模结构不仅实现规模经济基本条件,而且提高经济效益、降低交易成本、获得较高企业竞争力的重要保证

    The scale which is scientific and reasonable ensures that profit is improved, cost of exchange is reduced and enterprise competitive competence is increased, economy of scale is come true as well.


  • 制造方面实现规模经济保障的,这是因为预计会卖出3000余架飞机——2443山姆大叔其余销往北约盟国

    Manufacturing scale economies were assured because more than 3, 000 planes were to be sold-2, 443 to Uncle Sam and the rest to his NATO Allies.


  • 某种程度,戴尔成功造就了的失败。 公司个人电脑变成商品方面是先导者,通过将电脑变成日常品即大量订单实现规模经济高效率供应链条容不得半点错误

    g suppliers to the last penny, using economies of scale computer into a commodity, which meant squeezin by placing huge orders, and running efficient supply chains with little room for error.


  • 诚然较大集团可以足够的财力来进行营销并且可以实现后台技术支持管理规模经济

    True, a bigger group has more money to spend on marketing and can achieve economies of scale in areas such as back-office technology and administration.


  • 数据便携性”能够抑止数据垄断组织意欲通过进一步垄断实现获得规模经济利润的意图,从而降低实施反托拉斯的必要性

    It might also reduce the need for antitrust enforcement by counteracting data aggregators' desire to grow ever bigger in order to reap economies of scale.


  • 沃达丰持有中国移动小部分股份希望全球有一个通用4g标准实现轻松漫游促进规模经济

    Vodafone owns a small stake in China Mobile and would like a single global 4g standard to make roaming easier and increase economies of scale.


  • 存储库管理中央团队进行实现一些规模经济的效益并且减少开支

    The administration and management of the repository sits with a central team, achieving some economies of scale and reducing overhead.


  • 但是存储库管理中央团队进行实现一些规模经济的效益并且减少开支

    But the administration and management of the repository sits with a central team, achieving some economies of scale and reducing overhead.


  • 无论实现任何程度规模经济他们需要满足工厂的起订量(MOQ)。

    To achieve any sort of economies of scale, they needed to commit to the MOQ of the factory.


  • 但是这种规模经济状态,甚至由此形成的垄断竞争中实现的。

    But this kind of scale economy, including the monopoly resulted by it, is all from competition system.


  • 产品设计规模定制条件实现产品规模经济关键技术

    Product family design is the key technology to achieve scaled economy under the condition of mass customization.


  • 零售业务提高了银行服务深度广度实现银行规模经济范围经济开辟了银行新的利润来源

    By retailing, the depth and scope of banking services will be enhanced, economies of scale and extent achieved and new profit sources developed.


  • 欧盟证券市场一体化程度不断加强,实现规模经济效益资源流动性提高

    The integration of the EU securities market has been strengthened to achieve economies of scale and the increasing in resource flows.


  • 并购越来越多地被厂商视作为一个快速有效拓展市场赢得竞争力,创造规模经济实现全球化的手段。

    Mergers and acquisitions are increasingly seen by firms as a relatively fast and efficient way to expand into new markets, to acquire new competences, to create economies of scale and to globalize.


  • 连锁经营企业主要通过规模扩张实现规模经济效用,而外派员工其连锁扩张进程起到了不可估量的作用

    The expansion in the chain enterprises is a leading way to achieve their scale economic profit, in the process, how to assign the staff to franchised company has played an inestimable role.


  • 激烈市场竞争使得饭店寻求规模经济同时也在考虑通过实现范围经济获取竞争优势,范围经济开始引起饭店理论界和实业界的关注。

    The hotel is seeking scale economies, meanwhile it is considering how to obtain the competition advantages by realizing scope economies in the sharp market competition.


  • 第四引导创建新型林业合作经济组织实现林业规模经济提高林业生产经济效率

    Fourth, the farmers should be guided to create new forestry cooperative economic organizations, to achieve forestry economies of scale, and to improve the economic efficiency of forest production;


  • 第四引导创建新型林业合作经济组织实现林业规模经济提高林业生产经济效率

    Fourth, the farmers should be guided to create new forestry cooperative economic organizations, to achieve forestry economies of scale, and to improve the economic efficiency of forest production;


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