• 我们知道理论知识先于实践存在的,所以如果存在就是感知,我们必须既有理论,又有实践

    We know that rational knowledge exists before experience, so if to exist is to experience we must always have both sources of knowledge.


  • 人民实践不断前进指导这种实践理论不断前进。

    The practice of the Party and the people keeps progressing, so should the theories guiding it.


  • 这个理论指导实践实践更正理论个道理,这就是思行合一

    The idea of idea guide practice, practice correct theory is putting thougts and actions into one.


  • 门课程中理论抽象程度而言,必要把它,用于实践但是绝大多数情况下,理论无疑都是为了实践存在

    At this level of abstraction, plainly there isn't all that much incentive to apply thinking of that kind, but on the other hand undoubtedly theory does exist for the most part to be applied.


  • 作者长期教学实践翻译实践基础上英语翻译进行理论的探讨。

    On the basis of long-term teaching and translation practices the writers have studied the theory of translating long English sentences.


  • 讨论文化多元主义理论实践时,我们要对英国实践给予特别关注

    In discussing the theory and the practice of multiculturalism, it is useful to pay particular attention to the British experience.


  • 面对这种实践要求我们必要进行方面理论研究教学实践

    Facing this practice request, we have the necessity to carry on this aspect the fundamental research and the teaching practice.


  • 此,抛弃模糊认识人类新的实践成果实践模式做出新的概括就具有理论实践双重意义

    Whereas abandoning fuzzy understanding and making the new generalization to mankind new practice achievement and practice mode have double meaning with theory and practice.


  • 实践直接现实性品格往往产生现实潜在盲目性由此决定理论实践指导批判作用

    Substantial character of practice often produces blindness of reality or latency, so decide theory having the function to direct and criticize practice.


  • 实践基础研究经济新闻对经济新闻传播基础所作理性思考,具有一定理论意义实践价值

    Research on economic news resource based on practice is the rational study of economic news propagation basis, and is of theoretical importance and practice value to certain extents.


  • 翻译良好学术氛围进行,翻译实践一方面需要导师监督进行翻译任务实践,另一方面需要学习理论增强知识

    Translation needs to be practices in an academic environment in which trainees work on both practical tasks under the supervision of their teachers and theoretical aspects to enhance their knowledge.


  • 大部分理论实践主要蕴涵教师绩效评价理论实践中。

    Most of its theory and practice is the main implication of teachers in the performance evaluation of the theory and practice.


  • 理论无法实践相符时,我们应该认识实践价值并且修改理论

    When the definition doesn't describe the practice, I think we should value the practice and fix the definition.


  • 理论实践两个方面微型学校进行评价理论上的研究包括微型学校的优势研究和质疑,指出微型学校实践过程中的问题

    The author estimates the small school from the two sides of theory and practice including the advantages, the query about small school and the problems in practice.


  • 教育实践者若一味地拔高教育理论理性功能使教育理论教育实践脱离成为一个假想问题

    If educational practitioners blindly overstate rational function of educational theory, it will be divorced from educational practice and a hypothetical question.


  • 会计实践教学有利于会计理论实践紧密结合,是培养应用型会计人才的一种有效手段

    Accounting experimental instruction is an efficient means of training applied accounting talents and combining accounting theory with practice.


  • 一般而言,大部分翻译理论应用型的所以无论何时何地,翻译门重实践学科保持翻译理论实践统一性

    Generally, translation theories are for application. Therefore, the unity of theory and practice must be called for in practice-based Translation Studies.


  • 笔者注重一般民法理论分析解决实践错综复杂法律问题从而使本文更具有对实践的指导意义

    The writer attaches importance to applying basic theory of civil law to account for some complicate and diverse practical legal issues, which makes this article abound in empirical significance.


  • 行政法学理论热点,也是行政执法实践司法审判实践遇到的亟待解决的问题。

    This is not only a new welcome theory in the administrative law circle, but also a difficult subject needing to handle in the administrative practice and judicial practice.


  • 教育实践在恪守教育理论理性限度同时,通过提升实践理性来沟通教育理论实践

    Educational practitioners should observe the limitation of educational theory and integrate theory with practice through improving practical rationality.


  • 建筑设计课程教学中,如何培养学生创造能力,提出一些理论见解实践方法并且倡导教学工程实践紧密结合教学方法。

    The paper expounds the theories concerning the approaches for improving the student's creation ability, encourage the teacher to combine the teaching with project practice.


  • 校长需要完善教育领导中的实践理论理论实践对话的平台。

    The principals need to improve the practical theory in theired ucational leadership in order to bridge the gap between theory and practice.


  • 明清医家医疗实践通过道教内丹术的水火思想做了理论升华并用以指导临床实践

    Wen-bu Sect(TCM physicians emphasizing in using Chinese herb containing heat character)in Ming dynasty was the most eminent result achieved by putting water-fire thoughts into practice.


  • 管理学习实践中的理论概念观点,和实践方法做了批判性分析

    The theories, concepts, ideas, and practices that inform the study and practice of management are critically analyzed.


  • 管理学习实践中的理论概念观点,和实践方法做了批判性分析

    The theories, concepts, ideas, and practices that inform the study and practice of management are critically analyzed.


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