恶名远扬生物圈二号封闭生态系统项目就是未经充分准备仓促上马的前车之鉴。 1991年,首批八个人住进位于亚利桑那州图克森附近的生物圈二号。
The infamous Biosphere 2 closed-ecosystem project outside Tucson, Ariz., first inhabited by eight people in 1991, is the best example of an approach not to take.
There will also be worries about concentration and monopoly, and the danger of closed ecosystems that make it hard for people to switch between services.
The Ebinur lake of Xinjiang is located in an arid area, being a closed inland lake with a peculiar wetland-arid ecosystem.
Water dried up seasonally in Haifeng wetland, whose ecosystem was an insular plateau lake.
Protective production belongs to occluded biosystem in man-made control, and there are especial need and technology in production of pollution-free vegetables.
Protective production belongs to occluded biosystem in man-made control, and there are especial need and technology in production of pollution-free vegetables.