• 同时给出小区环境测试结果

    Meanwhile, it analyses the testing results in the micro-cellular condition.


  • 小区环境不错每天出门后走过一条长长的林荫大道

    The community I lived in has a good surrounding which always makes me relax and happy.


  • 小区环境好,客厅朝南,朝北,房间客厅相当

    Community environment, living room two rooms south south, a north room, living room is quite large.


  • 本文提出一种能有效预测环境中电波传播路径的射线跟踪算法

    This paper provides an effective ray tracing method for prediction of microcell radio propagation.


  • 结合现行小区环境规划存在问题介绍了小区环境规划设计的方法建议

    According to the issues existed in present environmental landscape planning in residential quarters concrete method and Suggestions are introduced.


  • 小区环境好,小区安全性极高小区内有网球场露天泳池绝对安静舒适

    This village environment is wonderful, community safety is high, the district has tennis courts and outdoor swimming pool, absolute quiet and comfortable.


  • 本文主要就超三代移动通信体系中多小区环境信道估计导频设计进行分析研究。

    This thesis focuses on the channel estimation and pilot design technology in OFDM-based B3G systems under multi-cell environment.


  • 选取居住小区环境多个具体典型场所行为场所理论分析城市设计成败得失。

    Several typical places within living environments, making use of the behavioral space theory to analyse the success or failure of its urban design.


  • 房子所在的小区环境好。Michelle房间楼上,并不是发现占卜板间。

    Michelle was in an upstairs bedroom, but not the one that the Ouija board was found in.


  • 广泛应用各种建筑轮廓大型灯饰图案室内装饰小区环境美化广告招牌舞台

    Are widely used in various construction contours, large-scale lighting design, interior decoration, residential landscaping, advertising signs, stage and so on.


  • 小区环境绿化面积闵行中心绿地分钟周围配套设施齐全而且对口莘庄小学

    Second, the plot environment is good, the green area high, to central green also, five minutes, with complete supporting facilities around, and corresponding xinzhuang town primary school.


  • 卧室(双人床) 、灶台洗手间小区环境清净幽雅,靠近白城沙滩,是考研学生的最佳选择

    One bedroom and washroom located in a silent and clean community near beach, perfect choice for postgraduate exam preparation.


  • 结合徐州市居住小区环境影响报告书中的节水措施分析其利用雨水资源可行性相应的治理措施。

    Based on the environment impact statement of some residential quarter in Xuzhou, the paper analyzed feasibility of water saving measures and treatment measures of rainwater.


  • 小区环境小区静安区少有版式小区环境优雅安静24小时保安住的舒心放心

    Good environment! It's the format houses that rather singular in Jing 'an district. The environment is elegance and quiet, 24 hours security makes you soft and safe.


  • 地下停车库作为一种节约用地隔离噪音停车方式出现居住小区停车布局小区环境有很大改观

    Underground parking garage as an economical use of land, isolated noise parking form it appears on the residential Area parking layout and residential environment greatly improved.


  • 实验结果对比的基础上,对某建筑小区环境有害气体连续扩散迁移过程进行了初步数值计算

    By comparison with the experimental results, a primary numerical calculation was carried out, for which gas diffusion moves around a building when poisonous gas leakage occurred.


  • 本文提出了一种能有效预测环境中电波传播射线跟踪算法——基于虚拟二叉的射线跟踪算法。

    This paper provides an effective ray tracing method for prediction of microcellular radio propagation, which is called a ray tracing method based on virtual source binary tree.


  • 作为小区环境主要功能满足居民的休闲健身交流日常活动营造健康积极温馨宜人居家氛围

    As a residential environment, its main function is to satisfy the leisure, fitness, communication of daily activities, creating a healthy, positive, warm and pleasant home atmosphere.


  • 文章通过小区空间景观环境人性化设计探讨人性化景观环境设计中的基本理念方法

    Based on the humanized design of the space environment the essay is written to explore the basic ideas and methods of humanization in landscape design.


  • 我们小区后门出去,来到附近村庄虽然距离近,环境像是两个世界一样。

    I thought she bought our produce near her house but she sent me the other way, just out the back door of our compound to a little village just around the bend, but a world away.


  • 恢复作为釜山市中心最靠近海滩原始价值探索作为环境良好的住宅小区可能性

    It is recovering the original value of closest beach from the old downtown of Busan and also exploring the possibility as new residential area with the good environment.


  • 森林公园优美环境绿色山谷”的形式引入居住小区使居民日常生活变得丰富多彩。

    By introducing the beautiful environment of the Forest Park into the residential community with the form of "green mountain valley", the designer makes residents' daily life exciting and colorful.


  • 优美的环境陶冶居民情操,居民爱护小区公共绿地蔚然成风。

    Beautiful environment cultivate the sentiments of the residents, residents of the area for public green top.


  • 除了小区综合环境成为购房者第一选择外便捷畅通的交通,使得银湖别墅成为适合全日居住的居所。

    In addition to the integrated area of the environment as property buyers first choice, convenient traffic flow, but also makes a suitable villa run throughout the day residence.


  • 通过建筑开发中的环境影响分析,论述绿色生态住宅小区产生必然性总结了概念特性

    Through analyzing the environmental impact on the construction development, this paper discusses the necessity of the green residential quarters and summarizes its conception and specific properties.


  • 使建筑融合环境用于小区公园企业学校地方

    Make the building integration into the environment, usually for village, park, enterprises, schools and other places.


  • 文章探讨了开发小区交通运输噪声环境影响分析中对车流量预测和噪声预测的几种技术方法。

    This paper discussed some key issues of environmental impact analysis of traffic noise due to the small development area.


  • 介绍了设计绿色生态住宅小区环境系统各个子系统时应满足的水质水量应遵循的设计规范

    According to water environmental system in green residential quarters related design specifications on water quality and quantity are introduced with regard to various subsystems.


  • 介绍了设计绿色生态住宅小区环境系统各个子系统时应满足的水质水量应遵循的设计规范

    According to water environmental system in green residential quarters related design specifications on water quality and quantity are introduced with regard to various subsystems.


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