Flying Swallow to wear Pied Piper, in mid-spring, come here … …
But 3-year-old Xiao Yanzi has been doing this since the age of 1.
In Xiaojian leadership, swallow and others entering the fugitive.
Finally, little Swallow, frozen to death, while the Happy Prince has been removed due to dilapidated.
Benjamin, Erkang often crape myrtle and swallow when the messenger, and red liu Qingliu become friends.
However, she turned to the Bride With White Hair, and then finally I did not see the Flying Swallow.
"Cold winter is coming," said the swallow, "and I am going to fly away into warmer countries."
The poor little Swallow grew colder and colder, but he would not leave the Prince, he loved him too well.
The swallow is not exceptional also, panting flew in from the north, glorious added a lot of vitality for spring.
Because those who swallow too small, will not fly, had to rely on their parents to feed them back out to look for food.
Winter's brother did a careless thing to swallow Yeah, geese those chilly birds arrived at the South go.
In order to create the future with Kang Lagerstroemia crape myrtle and her girl, very reluctantly gold and, to the palace and the little swallow.
There were three chicks when we arrived but only one left just after two days, two of them found dead under the nest on the stone floor.
睁眼一看,天啊,真是稀罕事- - -两只小燕子不知道什么时候从小气窗飞进了我的房间。
Eyes open to see, God is really uncommon two Flying Swallow — do not know when I flew into the small fanlight room.
睁眼一看,天啊,真是稀罕事- - -两只小燕子不知道什么时候从小气窗飞进了我的房间。
Eyes open to see, God is really uncommon two Flying Swallow — do not know when I flew into the small fanlight room.