• 帮助残疾弱势人士诚然人们尽情实况足球》游戏拇指不必水泡?

    It's all very well helping the disadvantaged, but allowing people to play Pro Evolution Soccer without getting blisters on their thumbs?


  • 整个欧洲,人们万圣节前夜看作尽情讲鬼故事互相吓唬机会

    However, in the whole of Europe, it is regarded as a Halloween enjoy slapstick, Jiangguigushi and a good opportunity to scare each other.


  • 后来尽情玩够了,等帐篷顶被风,清清楚楚地看到天空明白不仅一个马戏团,也是竞技场各处一样而且还是一个极冷酷的竞技场呢。

    And then, when he had had his fling, when the tent top blew off and he had a good look at the sky, he saw that it wasn't just a circus, but an arena, just like everywhere. And a damned grim one.


  • 大学里尽情优先于学习。

    Have as much fun as possible at college, but don't let it take precedence over work.


  • 许多圆盘用于飞盘高尔夫活动我们几个很尽兴,就是表达“尽情别人耍”的方式。

    I brought a bunch of my discs that I use for disc golf, and several of us had fun throwing them around; that was my way of expressing "to connect playfully".


  • 接着,他们森林深处走几百英尺停顿下来。 孩子们尽情嬉戏,有的甚至跳进水坑闹,有的在观察冬眠蜥蜴,有的开始复活节彩蛋

    They hiked a few hundred feet into the forest before settling down to jump in puddles, examine a hibernating lizard and paint Easter eggs.


  • 主导意图就是感觉良好意思说,爱尽情常常大笑寻找欣赏理由练习欣赏艺术

    Let your dominant intent be to feel good which means be playful, have fun, laugh often, look for reasons to appreciate and practice the art of appreciation.


  • 欢迎来到体育馆将可以学习体育运动相关词汇对话。祝你愉快尽情享受吧!

    Welcome to gym. You will learn more vocabulary and conversation about athletics while playing at gym. Have a good time here. Enjoy it!


  • 可以尽情QQ飞车了,还可以行动自如的余一鸣可以开开心心地上学。

    I can fully play QQ speed, can also play in action with yi-ming yu, more can go to school happily.


  • 爱玛尽情享受一刻,一起看电影去唐人街吃饭迪斯科舞厅里两个小时床上电视剧

    Savoring each moment, he and Emma went to the movies, had dinner in Chinatown, passed two hours at a discotheque, and went to bed with a TV movie.


  • 空间站电子游戏酒吧) “空间站”,让吧台畅饮同时尽情各种新旧视频游戏。

    Space Station is a place where you can enjoy old and new video games while drinking in a bar setting.


  • 可以草原尽情,你可以参观游牧家庭走进帐篷新鲜牦牛,同草原上牦牛一起

    Possible activity in summer in the Grassland : You could play at the grassland, visit the nomad family, go into the tent to drink fresh yak milk, play with the Sheep, Yaks.


  • 我们一起来枣子浦东新店好好吃顿,然后下午尽情挥洒你的汗水足球篮球游泳还有滑板随

    Join us for a nice lunch at the newly opened Jujube Tree Pudong branch, located near the Yuanshen Sports Center. After the lunch let's spend the afternoon playing football, basketball, swim or skate!


  • 游泳可以尽情嬉戏正是因为新加坡酷热天气游泳毫无争议的在了当地居民最爱的消遣活动之首

    Swimmers can just waddle and play in the pool. And given the hot climate of Singapore, swimming easily ranks as the favorite pastime for the residents here.


  • 为表达他们感谢之情,清教徒们邀请土著印第安人参加了一次盛大宴会。这次宴会持续了几天,人们尽情地又

    Showing their appreciation the Pilgrims invited the Native Americans to a huge feast that lasted several days and consisted of a great deal of eating and game playing.


  • 泥巴狂欢节”其中一项活动中,游客们可以泥巴池里摔跤、冲洗泥巴尽情享受泥乐趣。

    One part of the festival gives visitors the chance to play in the greyish goo at mud wrestling pits, mud slides and mud baths.


  • 带上哪里也了的。因此怂恿邻居孩子我家尽情孩子们的游戏。

    I couldn't go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.


  • 带上哪里也了的。因此怂恿邻居孩子我家尽情孩子们的游戏。

    I couldn't go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.


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