• 普里岛是南部的一个岛屿国家,它因美丽的海岸线而闻名,是一个受欢迎的旅游目的地。

    Capri is an island in the south of the country, famous for its beautiful coastline and a popular tourist destination.


  • 世界许多易受气候变化影响国家产生排放量非常其中大多数非洲岛屿国家

    Many of the world's most climate-vulnerable countries, the majority of which are African or small island states, produce a very small quantity of emissions.


  • 希腊这个岛屿国家,有9000酒店

    In Greece, a country of numerous islands, more than 9,000 hotels operate.


  • 日本一个岛屿国家延伸亚洲东部或者太平洋海岸线上

    Japan, a country of islands, extends along the eastern or Pacific coast of Asia.


  • 这个城市以及酒店位于岛屿国家南部海岸

    The city, as well as the hotel, are located on the southern coast of the island nation.


  • 气候问题敏感岛屿国家能够选择最低航线

    Island nations sensitive to climate issues could choose the least carbon dioxide-intensive shipping lines.


  • 西太平洋海域热带岛屿国家孕育地球丰富的珊瑚礁生物。

    The island nations of the tropical western Pacific cradle the richest coral life on our planet.


  • 15个小岛屿国家联盟成员木材阔叶林列为主要自然资源

    Fifteen AOSIS members list timber or hardwood forests as one of their main natural resources.


  • 营养标签不仅标准不一致往往还不使用英文——大多数太平洋岛屿国家通用语言

    Nutrition labels are not only inconsistent but often not in English, the common language spoken in most Pacific island countries.


  • 岛屿国家联盟由42个主要位于太平洋加勒比海岛国海岸国家组成。

    Aosis is a bloc of 42 island and coastal states mostly in the Pacific and Caribbean.


  • 这些岛屿国家要求创立一个新的组织讨论图瓦卢提议(事实上这个提议并不是新的)。

    The islands request that a new contact group be created to discuss the Tuvalu proposal (which is, in fact, not new).


  • 例如许多岛屿国家拥有大量椰子树当地居民提供了木材椰子、干椰子棕榈油

    Many small island nations, for instance, have abundant coconut trees, which serve as sources of wood, coconut, copra and palm oil for the local population.


  • 太平洋岛屿国家来说一个主要挑战学校里加强营养教育促进健康饮食习惯

    A major challenge for Pacific island countries is to reinforce nutrition education in schools by promoting healthy eating practices.


  • 委员会指出一些太平洋岛屿国家大流行疫苗很高摄取率,足以减少这些国家发生疫情风险

    The Committee noted that the uptake of pandemic vaccine in some Pacific Island countries appeared sufficiently high to reduce the risk of outbreaks in these countries.


  • 太平洋附近岛屿国家全球肥胖率最高萨摩亚已经肥胖率最高十个国家榜单

    The Pacific island nations have some of the world's highest rates of obesity, with Samoa usually included in the for obesity levels.


  • 太平洋附近岛屿国家全球肥胖率最高萨摩亚已经肥胖率最高十个国家榜单

    The Pacific island nations have some of the world's highest rates of obesity, with Samoa usually included in the top ten countries for obesity levels.


  • 圣诞牛肚体现了这个岛屿国家动物饮食文化——他们食用动物通常丢弃的部分

    Christmas tripe soup reflects the island nation's "whole animal" eating culture — the practice of eating even those parts of an animal that might normally be discarded.


  • 圣诞牛肚体现了这个岛屿国家家“动物饮食文化——他们食用动物通常丢弃的部分

    Christmass tripe soup reflects the island nation's "whole animal" eating culture — the practice of eating even those parts of an animal that might normally be discarded.


  • 总的说来,小说创作以下几个方面特色:“荒岛文学英国这个岛屿国家传统文学题材

    Generally speaking, he has the characteristic of some following aspects on novel creation: Desolate island literature is the literature subject of the tradition that is this British island country.


  • 然而由于岛屿国家陆地面积1人口密度气候地理地形条件等很大差异,它们森林覆盖程度也有很大差别

    However, due to a considerable variation in land area, 1 population density and climatic, geological and topographical conditions, the extent of forest cover differs greatly among the island states.


  • 马耳他今年栓在一起,是因为这个岛屿国家缺乏面积规模,马耳他弥补了全年的阳光良好的保健犯罪率

    It tied with Malta this year. For what the small island nation lacks in size, Malta makes up for in year-round sunshine, excellent health care and low crime rates.


  • 众所周知英国尤其是伦敦天气蓝天而著名岛屿国家非常罕见的,所以蓝色更多的是跟大海联系在一起。

    It is well known that Britain, especially London, is famous for its foggy weather and blue sky is rare in the island nation, so blue color is more related to the sea.


  • 陆地面积小于5万平方公里2,岛屿国家,2000年的森林覆盖率约为陆地总面积38.4%,世界平均水平29.6%。

    Among the island states with a land area of less than 50 000 km2, the combined forest cover was estimated at 38.4 percent of the total land area in 2000, whereas the world average was 29.6 percent.


  • 这次海浪侵袭可能升高了低于海平面岛屿国家(例如Tuvalu,Tokelau)忧患意识,海平面上升意味着海洋带给人类生命生计更大威胁

    The waves may also raise anxieties in low-lying islands, such as Tuvalu and the Tokelau islands, that rising sea levels will mean greater threats from the ocean to human life and livelihoods.


  • 密西西比佛罗里达一些大陆地区沿岸组成海湾群岛国家海滨七座屏障岛屿中的座。

    It is one of seven barrier islands that, along with some mainland areas of Mississippi and Florida, make up the Gulf Islands National Seashore.


  • 就是为什么太平洋岛屿国家正在一起努力,以尽自己的职责。

    That's why countries of the Pacific Islands are working together to do their part.


  • 就是为什么太平洋岛屿国家正在一起努力,以尽自己的职责。

    That's why countries of the Pacific Islands are working together to do their part.


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