In 1929 he received his first industrial-design commission to contemporize the appearance of a duplicating machine by Gestetner.
An industrial design is the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article.
The coordination of computer supported engineering design and industrial design.
Wired: Do you have any advice for young industrial designers and software architects?
相对于13mm 厚度的工业设计,我们更关心机子的性能。
But even more than the industrial design, the big deal is the host of promises Acer is making with this 13mm-thin machine.
We were the only industrial design supplier on it for the duration of the design and development.
和企划 、工业设计、市场部门共同规划了多款新品。
Planned many new products with layout, industrial design and marketing department.
When Steve Jobs appointed Ive vice President of industrial design in 1997, everything changed.
我仍然在试着搞清楚Boxee Box引人注目却又与众不同的工业设计。
I'm still trying to make up my mind about the Boxee Box's attractive-but-idiosyncratic industrial design.
The white - goods manufacturer established an industrial design unit back in 1994.
Cook did not oversee Apple's industrial design — that was Jony Ive answering directly to Jobs.
On the product side, he was a pioneer in embracing the techniques of top-class industrial design for the company's hardware and usability for its software.
Marketing strategies were simple: steal. Designs and brand names were copied identically or simply mimicked.
Welcome improvements to aesthetics, more functional industrial design, better graphics and longer battery life. Sleeker than the original: A third of an inch thick and 10 ounces.
The cooperation with Magellan Technology results in new innovations in our product portfolio designed for the pharmaceutical industry.
The company is a specialized in industrial design and manufacturing, improve processes, improve the efficiency of the company.
They are fresh and original, fruit of an amalgam of the rich Spanish craft tradition and the cutting edge of new industrial design.
Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing, Vehicle Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Logistics Management, Industry Design.
To clarify the obscure cognition of industrial design in industry field, this paper discusses the generation and intension of industrial design.
When did you start working in industrial design field? Could you share with us how you accomplished your current achievements?
It becomes the bridge for the technology transform by combining human requirement actualization and technology humanism into an organic unity.
Every aspect of design imaginable is represented here, from industrial design and architecture to graphic design, fashion and furniture.
Wing design, to bring professional design team and strategy think-tank, feel the trend of the market, lending industry design trend.
There’s a streak of a modern-day Medici, a patron of the arts whose sponsorship of Jonathan Ie has ushered in a Renaissance for industrial design.
These principles, which may overlap, are used in all visual design fields, including graphic design, industrial design, architecture and fine art.
We can learn a great deal about affect from architecture, the cinema and stage, and industrial design.
The sounds, the movement, the vistas, or the industrial designs all can make the designer go back and implement some of those ideas into a web or visual design.
Clients only need to choose the display size, motherboard type, industrial design and delivery date, and the alliance will deliver their customized notebooks.
Clients only need to choose the display size, motherboard type, industrial design and delivery date, and the alliance will deliver their customized notebooks.