• 上周一系列骤发洪水泥流巴西里约热内卢附近的塞拉纳山地区爆发,建筑道路被破坏

    Last week, a series of flash floods and mudslides struck the Serrana mountain region near Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil, destroying buildings roads and more.


  • 自从法航载有228名乘客航班飞机在里约热内卢飞往巴黎的途中失踪以来,巴西法国救援队大西洋的一个偏远地区展开全面搜寻

    Rescue teams from Brazil and France have been scouring a remote area of the Atlantic since the Air France flight carrying 228 people disappeared as it travelled between Rio DE Janeiro and Paris.


  • 现在一名语言教师里约热内卢居住30——虽然巴西初期也发生过类似被CIA带走的小插曲。

    Now I'm a language teacher and have been settled in Rio DE Janeiro for 30 years - despite earlier hiccups in Brazil like the CIA having me picked up.


  • 警方估计,有30 000里约热内卢人,即里约居民,他们蜂拥科帕卡巴纳海滩庆祝巴西胜利

    Police estimated that close to 30, 000 cariocas, as residents of Rio are known flooded onto Copacabana beach to celebrate Brazil's win.


  • 狂欢者世上著名的巴西狂欢节蜂拥里约热内卢

    Revellers flock to Rio DE Janeiro for the world's most famous carnival.


  • 巴西里约热内卢州遭遇30年来最大暴雨袭击,引发洪水山体滑坡,目前已造成96死亡,106受伤

    The heaviest rains in 30 years in Brazil's state of Rio de Janeiro have triggered floods and landslides, killing at least 96 people and injuring 106 others.


  • 一个古怪世界看起来完全与世隔绝但是观看故事发生里约热内卢巴西肥皂剧

    Theirs is a bizarre little world: it seems totally isolated, but then they're watching Brazilian soap operas set in Rio.


  • 之前,巴西清楚自己是否可以让年后里约热内卢举行奥运会顺利步上轨道

    By then it will also be clear whether work for the Olympic games to be held in Rio DE Janeiro two years later is on track.


  • 去过巴西好几了,直到最后一才发现我真正的当地土著,货真价实的里约热内卢人。

    I've visited Brazil many times, and on my last trip I convinced myself that I was an honorary Carioca, a true Rio native.


  • 狂欢者世上著名巴西狂欢节蜂拥里约热内卢。而威尼斯新奥尔良其他狂欢节,也来夺人眼球、争艳媲美

    Revellers flock to Rio de Janeiro for the world's most famous carnival. Other carnivals, from Venice to New Orleans, compete for the title.


  • 两百多年以来,里约热内卢后方山区一直巴西最佳避暑胜地

    FOR two centuries the mountains behind Rio DE Janeiro have been the perfect Brazilian getaway.


  • 名持枪男子枪杀巴西城市里约热内卢一所学校至少11名学生

    A gunman has shot dead at least 11 children at a school in the Brazilian city of Rio DE Janeiro.


  • 2007以来,巴西私营部门信贷将近翻番,这促进消费繁荣,就连里约热内卢一些需要警察维持治安的贫民窟房价年之内翻了一番

    In Brazil, where a near-doubling of private sector credit since 2007 has prompted a consumption boom, house prices in some police-pacified Rio slums have doubled in three years.


  • 阿尔弗雷德凯驰清洁设备股份有限公司曾世界上许多著名建筑物做过清理包括巴西里约热内卢基督像、德国柏林勃兰登堡大门以及美国纽约的自由女神像等。

    Alfred Karcher GmbH and Co. has cleaned a number of monuments, including the Statue of Christ in Rio DE Janeiro, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and the Statue of Liberty in New York.


  • 星期天架原定巴西里约热内卢飞往巴黎空客A330客机飞行途中坠毁,一个潜在的原因就是飞机速度仪表的错误调查人员已经把这作为调查的重点

    Investigators have been focusing on incorrect speed readings as a potential reason for why the Airbus A330 went down on Sunday en route to Paris from Rio DE Janeiro.


  • 不过里约热内卢是个玩乐之地,奥巴马此行更多的是联络巴西人民的感情不仅仅政客打交道

    But Rio was to be about fun, and about connecting with the Brazilian people rather than just with politicians.


  • 巴西里约热内卢超过100豪雨带来的泥石流淹死。

    In Brazil more than 100 people were killed after hours of torrential rains triggered mudslides in Rio de Janeiro state.


  • 警方巴西里约热内卢一家宾馆采集巴西受害人员亲属DNA样本

    Police took DNA samples from the relatives of Brazilian victims in a Rio DE Janeiro hotel.


  • (巴西的)里约热内卢贫民窟附近,一载有圣诞老人”的直升飞机遭到贩毒分子的枪击。这架直升飞机送“圣诞老人”去参加圣诞晚会显然被贩毒分子当作警察直升机了。

    In a Rio DE Janeiro slum, drug traffickers opened fire on a helicopter carrying Santa Claus to a Christmas party, apparently mistaking it for a police helicopter.


  • 巴西里约热内卢后方树林山区短短廿四小时内,降下去年一月份全部雨量三分之一

    In Brazil the forested mountains behind Rio DE Janeiro received a third more rain in just 24 hours than in the whole of last January.


  • 巴西警方进入里约热内卢最大平民rocinha毒贩手中重新获得地区的掌控权。

    Police in Brazil moved into Rocinha, Rio DE Janeiro's biggest favela (slum), regaining control of the area from drug gangs.


  • 巴西里约热内卢伊帕内玛海滩夜晚

    Ipanema Beach in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, at night.


  • 军用直升飞机山体滑坡援救过程中坠机后被搁置空地上,新弗里堡,里约热内卢巴西周四20110120。

    An army helicopter lies on the ground after crashing during rescue operations after landslides in Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011.


  • 北京介绍社区代表此前于2009年3月巴西里约热内卢控制结核伙伴论坛上发出行动呼吁

    A preceding call for action by community representatives coming out of the Stop TB Partners Forum in Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil, in March 2009, will also be presented in Beijing.


  • 女儿洛德斯儿子洛可和她一起巴西里约热内卢周日晚上麦当娜这里著名马拉卡娜足球在七万粉丝面前举办演唱会

    Madonna, Lourdes and Rocco are currently in Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil where the singer gave a concert Sunday night before 70, 000 fans at the famed Maracana soccer stadium.


  • 利斯附近泥石流严重冲击孤立区域鸟瞰图,离里约热内卢100公里处巴西,20110118 (VANDERLEIALMEIDA/AFP/Getty Images)

    Aerial view of an isolated area severely hit by landslides near Teresopolis, some 100 km from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on January 18, 2011. (VANDERLEI ALMEIDA/AFP/Getty Images)


  • 利斯附近泥石流严重冲击孤立区域鸟瞰图,离里约热内卢100公里处巴西,20110118 (VANDERLEIALMEIDA/AFP/Getty Images)

    Aerial view of an isolated area severely hit by landslides near Teresopolis, some 100 km from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on January 18, 2011. (VANDERLEI ALMEIDA/AFP/Getty Images)


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