• 市长打击毒品斗争中行动不力。

    The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.


  • 市长计划鼓励在下曼哈顿区开公司

    The mayor's plan offers incentives to firms setting up in lower Manhattan.


  • 市长针对这些提议提出另一较缓和版本

    The mayor introduced a watered-down version of the proposals.


  • 马克•强竞选缅因州萨库市长时没有竞争对手。

    Mark Johnston was running unopposed for mayor in Saco, Maine.


  • 示威者们在市长到达进行为期一周访问时候嘲弄

    Demonstrators jeered the mayor as he arrived for a week-long visit.


  • 74市长归功为帮助洛杉矶成为西海岸金融中心的人。

    The 74-year-old mayor is credited with helping make Los Angeles the financial capital of the West Coast.


  • 市长宣布了人们不想听到的消息,所有城市雇员可能不得不进行不薪休工

    The mayor delivered the unwelcome news that city employees may have to take unpaid time off.


  • 由于抢劫一直持续夜里旧金山市长弗兰克·乔丹宣布全市进入紧急状态

    San Francisco mayor Frank Jordan declared a state of emergency in the city as the looting continued into the night.


  • 安德森市长这些感觉一定程度上合理的。

    Mayor Anderson said those feelings were justified to a certain extent.


  • 报纸关于市长经济论坛上讲话的文章了吗?

    Did you read the article in the paper about the mayor's speech at the economic forum?


  • 洛塔世界第一位初级自行车市长工作区荷兰首都

    Lotta is the first junior cycle mayor in the world and her working area is the Dutch capital.


  • 不管怎样现在市长梅根·巴里上台,正是讨论话题的时机。

    This is, in any case, the right conversation to be having now as Mayor Megan Barry takes office.


  • 办公室里一个替身意思就是市长处理公务代替

    Before a stand-in from his office literally stood in for the mayor while he conducted official business.


  • 罐头市长临时搬迁”,居民称其为集中营

    This is Tin Can Town, described by the mayor as a "temporary relocation area", but by its residents as a concentration camp.


  • 除了纽约芝加哥圣地亚哥城市市长全国各地关注

    Districts all over the country are taking notice, along with mayors in cities like New York, Chicago and San Diego.


  • 超低排放新区(Ulez)”可能明年伦敦市长选举重大议题

    The new ultra-low emission zone (Ulez) is likely to be a big issue in next year's mayoral election.


  • 这位市长使得纽约拍摄电影低廉、更容易并且能够得到更多的协助。

    This mayor has made it cheaper, easier, and more cooperative to make movies in New York City.


  • 他们小名里斯”,因为市长鲍里斯·约翰逊建立这项计划。

    I think their nickname is "Boris Bikes" cause the mayor Boris Johnson set up the scheme.


  • 可以作为参议院或是市长拟定一个政策,我可能8年后才会看到效果

    I could write a policy as a senator or as a mayor, and I could see the effect maybe in eight years.


  • 正在努力成为这个地方市长——镇上最好松脆印尼豆豉色拉白萝卜。

    I'm trying to become the mayor of this place—the best crunchy tempeh salad with daikon in town.


  • 去年斯蒂芬斯市长成立了一个特别执法工作组,公开宣称要根除市政府腐败

    Last year, Mayor Stephens established a special law-enforcement task force with the avowed mission of eradicating corruption in city government.


  • 对于这个任何一个城市城镇要大问题市长议员们只能这么多。

    Mayors and councillors can only do so much about a problem that is far bigger than any one city or town.


  • 塔斯卡卢萨市长马德克斯告诉CNN龙卷风几乎夷平这个城市一个一个街区

    Tuscaloosa Mayor Maddox told CNN that the twister literally obliterated blocks and blocks of the city.


  • 市长议员们只能这么了,因为这个问题远远超出任何城市城镇的能力范围。

    Mayors and councilors can only do so much about a problem that is far bigger than any one city or town.


  • 佐拉餐厅主厅里挂满了芝加哥市长哈罗德·华盛顿其他当地名人大幅放大照片

    Izola's main dining room sets large blowup photos of former Chicago Mayor Harold Washington and other local luminaries.


  • 这项工作着实不易人们不计报酬地付出因为他们知道这样做为了他们自己。” 阿加德兹市的一位市长

    "This is hard work, but people give freely of themselves because they know it's for them," said one mayor in Agadez.


  • 可以成为市长、一名参议员或者一位最高法院法官——这也只有在参与学生会或者辩论的事情时你才能知道

    You could be a mayor or a senator or a Supreme Court justicebut you might not know that until you join the student government or the debate team.


  • 汤姆·布拉德利1973年至1993年期间担任洛杉矶市长这个时期,洛杉矶一个郊区聚居城市转变为美国第二大城市。

    Tom Bradley was mayor of Los Angeles from 1973 to 1993, an era when the city had transformed from a collection of suburban neighborhoods to the second-largest city in the United States.


  • 汤姆·布拉德利1973年至1993年期间担任洛杉矶市长这个时期,洛杉矶一个郊区聚居城市转变为美国第二大城市。

    Tom Bradley was mayor of Los Angeles from 1973 to 1993, an era when the city had transformed from a collection of suburban neighborhoods to the second-largest city in the United States.


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