• 这个帝国多年渐渐走向堕落。

    The empire had for years been falling into decadence.


  • 统治一个幅员辽阔帝国

    She once ruled over a vast empire.


  • 罗马帝国北欧蛮族推翻了

    The Roman Empire was overrun by Nordic barbarians.


  • 这个帝国无法凝聚一个合法整体

    The empire could not cohere as a legitimate whole.


  • 东京帝国大学英语文学系录取了。

    He matriculated in the English Literature Department at the Tokyo Imperial University.


  • 奥斯曼帝国逊尼派国家

    The Ottoman empire was a Sunni state.


  • 1918年10月期间帝国开始瓦解

    During October 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to disintegrate.


  • 发达国家他们帝国主义剥削中获益

    The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation.


  • 统治一个帝国

    He ruled over a great empire.


  • 罗马帝国欧洲多数地区置于自己统治之下

    The Roman Empire subjected most of Europe to its rule.


  • 出戏广泛地诠释为帝国主义征服寓言

    The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest.


  • 声称帝国主义者试图该国重建殖民统治

    He claims that imperialists are trying to re-establish colonial rule in the country.


  • 现在管理加利福尼亚南部最大零售业帝国

    He now controls the largest retail development empire in southern California.


  • 满足一旁,妻子一步步地建立一个成功商业帝国

    He was content to watch from the sidelines as his wife built up a successful business empire.


  • 帮助创建土耳其共和国是在帝国残存的领土建立起来

    The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire.


  • 他们战略扩张主义的帝国主义,当然,没有抗衡力量时候就会达到最大效果

    Their strategy is expansionist and imperialist, and it is greatest in effect, of course, when there is no countervailing power.


  • 帝国19世纪曾昌盛一时

    The British Empire flourished in the 19th century.


  • 一个帝国衰落时候看起来就是这样

    This is what an empire looks like when it falls.


  • 扮演不同角色雕像送往帝国各地

    Statues of him in different roles were sent all over the empire.


  • 不能那个领域上建立殖民地;你要对付强大的帝国

    That is not territory that you can build colonies; you've got powerful empires to deal with.


  • 混凝土这种奇特特性罗马帝国成功作出重大贡献

    This strange characteristic of concrete made a significant contribution to the success of the Roman Empire.


  • 帝国理工学院埃利奥·里博利,长高一点会有很多益处。

    A little extra height brings a number of advantages, says Elio Riboli of Imperial College.


  • 英国开始效仿法国人于是餐馆理念传遍了整个大英帝国

    The British began to copy the French, and the restaurant idea spread throughout the British Empire.


  • 随着罗马帝国向北扩张构建活动大部分时间是在太阳年前后。

    As the Roman Empire expanded northward, it organised its activity chart for the most part around the solar year.


  • 人们制造东西及其制造方式决定城市兴衰,也影响帝国的隆替。

    The things people make, and the way they make them, determine how cities grow and decline, and influence how empires rise and fall.


  • 直到1500年后罗马帝国末期,战车游行凯旋中占有一席之地。

    Chariots maintained their place in parades and triumphs right up until the end of the Roman Empire 1,500 years later.


  • 直到1500年后罗马帝国末期,战车游行凯旋中占有一席之地。

    But chariots maintained their place in parades and triumphs right up until the end of the Roman Empire 1,500 years later.


  • Drindian帝国人口普查每年进行一次,以确定每个村庄人口

    In the Drindian Empire, censuses were conducted annually to determine the population of each village.


  • 由于这场冲突,人们更难通过授予帝国头衔领土让步这两种方式换取和平了。

    The conflict made it more difficult to make peace through the process of granting imperial titles and territorial concessions.


  • 然后他们这些石膏模型运到帝国各地工厂,而后大理石青铜为材进行复刻。

    Then they shipped these plaster casts to workshops all over the empire, where they were replicated in marble or bronze.


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