• 郅媒介帮助解决难题,使人们关注需要得到帮助情况

    The media can often help solve problems and draw attentions to situations where help is needed.


  • 知道你对中国感兴趣,所以我完全相信你能帮助解决这些难题

    Knowing you are interested in China, I do believe you can help me solve these puzzles.


  • 可能帮助我们解决疑难问题方面的进化特别有利。这些难题可以分为以上两个类型

    Dreams might have evolved to be particularly good at allowing us to work out puzzles that fall into those two categories, she said.


  • 我看到,许多评论出于良好愿望,希望中国站世界舞台中心发挥顶梁柱角色帮助世界解决一些难题

    A lot of commentators make the well-intended point that China should play a bigger. even a central role in helping the world resolve some of the thorniest issues.


  • 没有简单答案正如前面不要言不由衷”所告戒学会如何解决婚姻难题可以寻找专业帮助

    There are no simple answers and like with the previous injunction of "Don't Say Yes, When You Mean No, " you may need to seek professional help to learn how to resolve your marital difficulties.


  • 森古普塔马上意识到,这种气球套气球的结构也许可以帮助解决药的难题

    Sengupta realized the balloon-within-a-balloon structure could help him tackle the drug delivery challenge.


  • 许多亚洲国家已经解决了一部分方面难题可以帮助节省实践时候适应性方面的时间。

    Second, several companies in Asia have already solved a number of headaches on how to make it work and can help save a lot of time by adapting their best practices.


  • 也许找到折中的办法,来帮助父母双方一起解决这个难题

    You might be able to come up with an idea for a compromise or solution to this problem and suggest it to both parents.


  • 虽然平衡时间extra - plan时间不能进行轻松地总结,但是报表中所包含时间发生序列可以帮助我们解决这个难题

    While the Total Balance Time and the Total Extra-plan Time cannot be summed up easily, the event firing sequence of the elements contained in the report can help us resolve this challenge.


  • Sendmail帮助解决两个难题

    There were two challenges that Sendmail helped me overcome.


  • 不仅如此做梦本身目的之一可能就在于它可以帮助人们去发现着的时候使他们感到困扰难题解决办法。

    Not only that, but one purpose for dreaming itself may be to help us find solutions to puzzles that plague us during waking hours.


  • IBM企业转化解决方案中的发现阶段能够帮助减少时间、工作这些难题所带来压力

    The Discover phase in IBM's Enterprise Transformation solution helps to reduce the time, effort, and stress associated with these challenges.


  • 解决一切潜在难题寻求帮助学习有效技巧都能或者孩子平静而自信地参加考试

    Addressing any underlying issues, getting help and learning effective skills can help you - or your child - approach testing calmly and with confidence.


  • 可以帮助同事解决他们不愿意做的难题开始

    The first place to start may be helping your coworkers jettison unpleasant tasks from their plates.


  • 伴侣才能保持爱情生活平衡帮助关爱的解决难题避免矛盾不要小题大做。

    Equilibrium in your romantic life is likely if you treat your partner well. Be sure to catch up on overdue correspondence and help those you love find solutions to their dilemmas.


  • 为了以解决这些难题方式帮助公司重新联结IT基础架构,IBM提供了一个称为企业转化的独特的解决方案。

    To help companies realign their IT infrastructures in a way that will address these challenges, IBM offers a unique solution called "Enterprise Transformation."


  • 这些只是公司在碰到无数推广挑战难题时,奥兰多帮助解决的一些例子。

    Your company encountered numerous challenges and problems, which are just the Olando can help you solve.


  • 教授为首专家们很快就帮助农民解决难题

    With professor li led experts will soon to help farmers solve problems.


  • 如果没有找到答案可以微软Windows帮助网站上解决大量的Windows7难题

    If you don't find an answer to your question here, check out Microsoft's own help site for Windows, which addresses a multitude of Windows 7 conundrums.


  • 所以外国公司帮助解决刚果难题变得更为重要

    So it is all the more crucial to get foreign firms to help solve Congo's problems.


  • 一个新的模型可以帮助解决这个难题,即评估接受IVF治疗患者的妊娠概率

    A new model could help solve the dilemma by weighing each woman's probability of having twins against the likelihood of conceiving through IVF.


  • 电脑发明不仅帮助我们解决数学难题而且我们能把信息输入电脑通过网络别人进行交流

    Invention, for example a computer, which not only help us to solve mathematical problems, and we bring information into the computer through the network to communicate with others.


  • 积极乐观态度面对生活可以帮助解决生活中的难题更加简单的处理事情并且能让你没有烦恼

    Going through life with a positive attitude and an optimistic approach will help you handle life's curve balls, cope easier, and avoid worries.


  • 确实面对一个非常困难问题时,例如一道数学难题感到抑郁通常帮助你更加有效分析解决

    Indeed, when you are faced with a difficult problem, such as a math problem, feeling depressed is often a useful response that may help you analyze and solve it.


  • 住宿来说真的很困难诚挚地希望公司能够帮助解决这个大难题特此向老板申请宿舍

    It is definitely difficult for me to get accommodations. I sincerely hope that the company could help solve my big problem. I hereby apply for a dormitory.


  • 科学家希望通过实验找出适合严酷环境下生长的土豆种类帮助解决地球人口饥饿营养不良难题

    The scientists hope the experiment will also help address the earthly scourges of hunger and malnutrition by identifying varieties suited to growing in harsh conditions.


  • 看到垃圾起来果皮箱,帮助同学解决难题

    See the garbage picked up thrown over the garbage bins to help students solve problems.


  • 看到垃圾起来果皮箱,帮助同学解决难题

    See the garbage picked up thrown over the garbage bins to help students solve problems.


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