• 没有什么干裂嘴唇看上去更糟糕了

    Nothing looks worse than dry, cracked lips.


  • 舌头舔了一下干裂嘴唇试图说话

    She passed her tongue over her cracked lips and tried to speak.


  • 舔了舔干裂双唇

    She licked her parched lips.


  • 干裂唇部调制植物性护唇膏

    Rosehip Seed lip balm Pure plant lip balm for chapped and dry lips.


  • 还有干裂大地树根早已期待着

    And the perched soil and tree roots have likewise been dying for rainfall.


  • 只苍蝇干裂嘴唇上走了

    A fly alighted on her cracked lips, and I brushed it away.


  • 通过紫外光固化技术能够制备无干裂完整薄膜

    It was demonstrated that a no-crack integrated cured film could be obtained via UV curing technique.


  • 只有一些起码的,因为久已不用而干裂化妆品

    She had only rudimentary cosmetics, dry and cracking with disuse .


  • 田里现在只有干裂泥块,一带,现在是桑树势力!

    The unplanted fields as yet were only cracked colds of dry earth; the mulberry trees reigned supreme here this time of the year!


  • 阿木紧紧地蜷缩起自个身体看起来干裂树皮

    Amu tightly curled Since a body that looks like an old bark chapped.


  • 稳住自己的,把骷髅嘴边口唇到了干裂骨质

    Steadying his hands, the initiate raised the skull to his mouth and felt his lips touch the dry bone.


  • 降雨干裂田野恢复了生机,到了冬天整个王国还余下了不少的面包

    The rain quickly brought back life to the parched fields, and that winter there was bread to spare in the kingdom.


  • 爸爸让莱拉从座位上趴过来,指着远处几堵看上去年代久远且干裂砖墙

    Babi had Laila lean across the seat and pointed to a series of ancient-looking walls of 11 sun-dried red in the distance.


  • 选择含有天然油脂(含水杨酸)唇膏涂抹最容易干裂嘴唇边缘嘴角部位。

    Choose a lip balm with natural oils (but without any salicylic acid), and spread it all the way to the corners and rim, where cracking occurs.


  • 也许看见这个更好一些——记住脚跟干裂皮肤,不要去想眼睛闪光

    Perhaps, it's better to see that - to remember the cracked skin of her heel rather than the shine in her blue eyes.


  • 因为一些药物的原因,嘴唇干裂使用干裂的嘴唇完全得到愈合

    I had severely chapped lips from some medication. After using this product on them my lips are completely healed.


  • 德克萨斯州安格洛市的费舍尔,德州公园警察托马斯·比格姆走过干裂河床

    Texas State Park police officer Thomas Bigham walks across the cracked lake bed of O. C. Fisher lake in San Angelo, Texas.


  • 少量用于双手高浓度有效配方快速地修复干燥干裂皮肤,明显改善皮肤外观感觉

    Apply just a dab for prompt relief of dry, chapped hands. Concentrated to instantly leave dry hands noticeably softer and smoother.


  • 今天在家里打盹弟弟觉得好玩透明胶带干裂嘴唇上然后把撕了下来

    Today, I took a nap on the couch in the family room. My brother thought it would be hilarious to take clear packaging tape and put it on my chapped lips. Then rip it off.


  • 声微小铃声,好似一阵微风细雨吹拂干裂大地,一丝又一丝余音,绕着心房打转。

    Like a soft breeze blowing over dry land, the ring resonated faintly but distinctly, touching the bottom of my heart.


  • 第二幅照片令人难忘,大块干裂田地里,塑料薄膜为禾苗供给着水分,这初夏的西北并不少见

    The second picture is impressive. In early summer, it is not rare to see in the Northwest of China that plastic covering moisturizes sprouts grown in the cracking fields.


  • 张照片拍摄2011年1月28日,图这位山东周平的农民干裂土地上,干枯蔬菜种子。

    This picture taken on January 28, 2011 shows a Chinese farmer holding dried vegetable seedlings at his drought-striken fields in Zhouping, east China's Shandong province.


  • 每当干渴饥饿、疲乏袭来的时候,看手中苹果一抿干裂的嘴唇陡然又会增添不少力量

    Every time getting thirsty, hungry or tied, he would take a look at the apple, wet his cracked lip, then unexpected energy generated at once.


  • 沙伊多14辍学结婚母亲借钱孩子们添置冬衣舍得凡士林来护理一下干裂的双手

    Ms. Sayidova dropped out and married at 14. She was ashamed to have to borrow money from her mother to buy winter clothes for her children and Vaseline for her hands.


  • 自言自语:“我不在乎拥有片枣椰林那些干裂黑土地,我只知道做梦游戏场地。”

    "I don't care," I told myself, "who owns those date palms, those trees or this black, cracked earth-all I know is that it's the arena for my dreams and my playground."


  • 莱拉坐在窗边,看着车外的景色被白雪覆盖山峰渐变成沙漠峡谷,再变成被太阳烤得干裂的、盘踞在地面上的大岩石

    Through Laila's window, the landscape shifted from snowcapped peaks to deserts to canyons and sun-scorched 7 outcroppings of rocks.


  • 嘴唇干燥开裂难受的一件事,寒风凛冽冬季里,嘴唇很容易干裂,所以记得每天唇膏,就算嘴唇不干裂的时候也别忘记。

    Dry, chapped lips can be unsightly and even painful. During the harsh winter months, lips are especially likely to dry out. Wear moisturizing lip balm daily, even when your lips do not feel chapped.


  • 位桑布鲁(Samburu)老者正行走一块干裂土地上,这里原本有一条流向肯尼亚东部城镇阿切站(Archer 'sPost)河流。

    A Samburu elder walks on the cracked earth where a river once flowed in the eastern Kenyan town of Archer's Post.


  • 这块残片来自较大的那佛像,其中包含羊毛成分,用于防止黏土干裂佛像开裂

    Clay fragment from the larger Buddha. This remnant retains goat hairs that were added to prevent cracking when the clay dried.


  • 防止嘴唇干裂对于合理的装扮是是非常重要的,它防止的嘴唇硬皮或流血

    Preventing chapped lips is important for proper grooming and will help prevent your lips from crusting and bleeding.


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