Together, they can give light to an area of up to 6,400 square kilometers on the Earth for 24 hours.
Although the study is based on plant life in Scotland, our models apply across regions spanning hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.
The United States has a territory of 9, 372, 610 square kilometers.
The United States has a territory of 9,372,610 square kilometers.
A landscape with an average of 45 people per square kilometre is ideal for sparking wildfires.
The Coral Sea covers 780,000 square kilometers and borders the Great Barrier Reef off Australia's east coast.
九月范围均值 (百万平方公里)三月范围均值 (百万平方公里)
September/March (minimum/maximum) September Average Extent (millions of square kilometers) March Average Extent (millions of square kilometers)
Between 2002 and 2009 Brazil committed 709, 000 sq km of the Amazon to such use.
All the teams overestimated the ice loss, some of them by more than 1m square kilometres.
Australia has a land area of 7, 682, 300 square kilometers and its coastline is 36, 735 kilometers long.
Burns to exposed skin may be produced over many square kilometers and eye injuries over a still larger area.
The 2,000 UFOs are spotted every year in the United States represent just 0.0002 sightings per square kilometer.
The wildfires that swept through southern California this week gripped more than 700 square miles (1, 700 square km) in their incendiary embrace.
It covers an area of 16,807 square kilometers and has a population of nine million, including 5.97 million urban residents.
Owing to the isostatic uplift that has been taking place since the last ice age, the surface area of the country is growing by about 7 sq. kilometres a year.
IBM's software is built for the SKA telescope (Square Kilometre Array) and allows to automatically classify astronomical objects.
The UN Environment Programme reckoned in 2006 that every square kilometre of sea held nearly 18, 000 pieces of floating plastic.
Shiyan city, a city in northwest Hubei, a two-million square kilometer barrier lake has been formed by a massive landslide.
Hence the scramble—not quite the scramble for Africa, an area of 30m square kilometres, but a scramble for half as much.
More than a million square kilometres of sea ice - a record loss - were missing in the summer of 2007 compared with the previous year.
Yet with around 7, 000 people per square kilometre, Singapore is the third most densely populated country in the world.
里海是世界上最大的内陆水体。 里海面积371,000 平方公里 (143000 平方英里).
And it's the largest inland body of water in the world and have a area of 371.000 sq.km.
The Lunar Array for Radio Cosmology (LARC) would involve hundreds of small radio telescopes covering two square kilometers on the side of the moon that never faces Earth.
"Although the study is based on plant life in Scotland, our models apply across regions spanning hundreds of thousands of square kilometres," said Clark.
The SKA will join the hunt for gravitational waves, ripples in the structure of space predicted by Albert Einstein’s general relativity.
The SKA will join the hunt for gravitational waves, ripples in the structure of space predicted by Albert Einstein’s generalrelativity.
The SKA will join the hunt for gravitational waves, ripples in the structure of space predicted by Albert Einstein’s generalrelativity.