• 资方不得以年龄为由歧视职工

    It is not permissible for employers to discriminate on grounds of age.


  • 错要承认—我谎报了年龄

    I've a confession to make—I lied about my age.


  • 本来以为年龄还要大一些。

    I had imagined her to be older than that.


  • 工作场所年龄歧视问题忽视

    The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized.


  • 这个小组各种年龄的人都有。

    The group encompasses all ages.


  • 虽然已退休年龄大权在握。

    He's reached retiring age, but he's still firmly in control.


  • 参赛者年龄能力分组

    Contestants were grouped according to age and ability.


  • 随着年龄增长似乎变得左倾起来

    He seemed to move leftwards as he grew older.


  • 莫莎已到了青春期年龄

    Moesha had reached the age of puberty.


  • 看上去比年龄

    She looks young for her years.


  • 习惯吸烟人口比重年龄增长而上升

    The proportion of regular smokers increases with age.


  • 随着年龄的增长,技术恐惧感越来越强烈

    Technophobia increases with age.


  • 随着年龄的增长,可能变得远视近视

    As you get older, you may become long-sighted or shortsighted.


  • 随着年龄增长的头发逐渐变粗糙了

    Her hair gradually coarsened as she grew older.


  • 雇主不得年龄歧视

    Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age.


  • 任何年龄都有可能遭遇意外事故突发疾病

    Accidents and sudden illnesses are no respecters of age.


  • 参加者年龄分组。

    Participants were categorized according to age.


  • 随着年龄增长,我喜欢定期重读文学名著。

    As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly.


  • 他们6年前结婚年龄差别似乎并不重要

    When they had married, six years before, the difference in their ages had seemed unimportant.


  • 的确年龄来说看上去太差喜欢

    Granted, he doesn't look too bad for his age, but I don't care for him.


  • 不同年龄儿童成人思维方式上有着质的差异

    There are qualitative differences in the way children of different ages and adults think.


  • 所有攻击者都是男性年龄2530岁之间。

    All the attackers were male, aged between 25 and 30.


  • 丝毫也不体谅年龄要求一样卖力

    She made no concession to his age; she expected him to work as hard as she did.


  • 超过退休年龄人口比例过去年中急剧增长

    The proportion of the population who are over retirement age has grown tremendously in the past few years.


  • 父母这个年龄认为他们了解生活吗?

    Do you think you are more knowledgeable about life than your parents were at your age?


  • 3年龄1920岁之间的被告指控蓄意谋杀

    The three accused, aged between 19 and 20, are charged with attempted murder.


  • 觉得很难相处这可能是因为她们年龄差距

    She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages.


  • 基于年龄住处教育水平妇女们之间存在显著的差异。

    There were significant differences among women based on age, place of residence, and educational levels.


  • 这个问题超越社会经济的所有界限,影响各个年龄的人。

    The problem cuts across all socioeconomic lines and affects all age groups.


  • 孩子们谈论表达情感方式取决于他们年龄成长阶段

    The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.


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