• 经济萧条并非由于产品质量低劣数量下降

    The present depression is not due to a deterioration of quality nor to a decrease of the quantity of production.


  • 赢得射手美名并非由于弓箭而是由于他的目标

    Win good striker reputation is not due to his bow and arrow, but due to his goal.


  • 由此看来,他们残杀自己同类并非由于拿破仑命令

    Therefore it was not owing to Napoleon's commands that they killed their fellow-men.


  • G20进程遇到问题并非由于迄今的全球复苏令人失望

    The problem with the G20 process is not that the global recovery has disappointed so far.


  • 睡眠并非由于缺乏刺激做出的消极反应而更像是一种本能积极反应。

    He said that sleep was not a passive response to lack of stimulation but an active process, rather like an instinct.


  • 斯坦伯格而言,清楚地表明冒险增加并非由于考虑不周而是由于回报增加。

    To Steinberg, this shows clearly that risk-taking rises not from puny thinking but from a higher regard for reward.


  • 亚洲欧洲股市暴跌并非由于某一直接因素。美国股市昨天由于放假而休市。

    The sharp sell-off in Asia and Europe was not prompted by one immediate catalyst and the US market was closed for holiday.


  • 其实从来没有真正的关注过马刺邓肯不喜欢并非由于对他球场出色表现嫉妒。

    I've never really cared much for San Antonio Spurs forward Tim Duncan, but my dislike has nothing to do with Duncan's amazing talent on the basketball court.


  • 然后想法造成改变并非由于件事的,却是因为不再做出正确声明

    Seek then to create change not because a thing is wrong, but because it no longer makes an accurate statement of Who You Are.


  • 并非由于精力不足,这位思科系统老板精力充沛而是因为他以公司科技骄傲,是狂热用户

    That is not for want of energy, of which the boss of Cisco Systems has plenty. It is because he is a proud and enthusiastic user of his own company's technology.


  • 并非由于Office一种糟糕产品(并非如此)封闭源代码(确实如此),只是因为不进退的道理。

    That's not because Office is a bad product (it isn't) or because it's closed source (it is) but simply because it has nowhere to go but down.


  • 房地产1964增长12%,一增长并非由于市场不断增加需求,而是出于对新增税项以及建设限制担忧

    Housing construction had 12% more invested in it in 1964, not so much owing to increased demand, as to fears of new taxes and limitation of building.


  • 以为的话能够引起公家一丁点兴趣,”,“我这么并非由于重视隐衷有意瞒哄本人所从事的事件。”

    "I do not think anything that I say can be of the slightest public interest," he said. "I am not saying that because I value my privacy, or that I am doing anything I want to hide."


  • 不过规划出台并非由于这座城市绿色有什么样信仰而是有着更加迫切的理由:有别于美国其他东北部城市,纽约人口正在急剧膨胀

    It came about not because New York got green religion, but because the population, unlike that in most of America's other large, old, north-eastern cities, is growing.


  • 由于许多古生物学家工作基于化石形状,因此保存方法并非旨在保存DNA

    Because many palaeontologists base their work on the shape of fossils alone, their methods of conservation are not designed to preserve DNA.


  • 由于个体思维能力存在局限性并非所有解决问题有关经验知识可以单靠个人努力获得

    Not all experience and knowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due to limitations of mind and capabilities of each individual.


  • 我们认为由于混合营养藻类具有前述特性,实际的情况并非总是如此。

    We felt that because of what mixotrophy algae could do, that wasn't always the case.


  • 我们关注他们辩论原因并非出于一时兴起,而是由于我们一家人

    We have been following the debates not out of interest but because they are like family.


  • 这样认为并非由于做过这个问题类似研究调查,而是因为我治疗过上百例这种早期胎儿创伤

    I feel this way, not because I have done peer-reviewed research on the matter, but because of the hundreds that I have treated for their fetal life traumas.


  • 由于并非WSDL中的所有内容意义,因此将语义添加WSDL无疑是挑战原因在于很难描述OOP所使用中间对象

    Since not all the content in WSDL is meaningful, adding semantics into WSDL is an obvious challenge as it is difficult to describe the intermediate objects used in OOP.


  • 由于并非参数类型,所以未该类本身二进制表示添加任何签名

    Because the class is not a parameterized type, no signature is added to the binary class representation for the class itself.


  • ODBC驱动程序ibmDB 2驱动程序早一些但是由于ODBC并非专用于DB 2数据库,因此开源应用程序经常使用ODBC。

    The ODBC driver is slightly older than IBM DB2 driver, but because ODBC is not always used specifically for the DB2 database, open source applications use it more often.


  • 由于欧元区并非货币区,使得欧洲情况特别棘手

    Europe's situation is particularly tricky, because the euro zone is not an optimal currency area.


  • 由于欧元区并非货币区,使得欧洲情况特别棘手

    Europe's situation is particularly tricky, because the euro zone is not an optimal currency area.


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