• 没理表现却又差劲的幽默

    She ignored his feeble attempt at humour.


  • 他们幽默配合得天衣无缝。

    Their senses of humour meshed perfectly.


  • 加西亚搞笑式幽默感广为人知。

    Garcia is well known for his impish sense of humour.


  • 这个节目幽默打零分

    I give the programme nought out of ten for humour.


  • 作品文笔痛快地犀利极端地幽默

    The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.


  • 幽默基于他人蔑视

    His humour depended on contempt for others.


  • 没有领悟中的幽默

    She failed to pick up on the humour in his remark.


  • 一种恶作剧幽默感。

    Jane has a wicked sense of humour.


  • 首诗幽默描述了当地人物传统

    The poem humorously describes local characters and traditions.


  • 以不可思议幽默鼓舞了士气

    He used his incredible sense of humour to lift my spirits.


  • 肯尼先生一种相当不寻常幽默感。

    Mr. Kennet has a rather peculiar sense of humour.


  • 这种幽默幼稚无聊

    This kind of humour is infantile and boring.


  • 他们十分幽默地表达了对泊车规则的不满

    When they groused about the parking regulations, they did it with good humour.


  • 沙伦自嘲幽默口吻讲述一夜故事

    Sharon tells the story of that night with self-deprecating humour.


  • 幽默坚毅其他人来说一种鼓舞

    Her humour and determination were a source of inspiration to others.


  • 恐怕没有什么幽默

    I'm afraid he doesn't possess a sense of humour.


  • 幽默面对对手时也不失平静。

    His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity.


  • 这部剧幽默刻意而为的,而且牵强做作

    The humour of the play is self-conscious and contrived.


  • 这项调查显示,英国人幽默是首屈一指的。

    In the survey the Brits come out tops for humour.


  • 发言整个活动增添了一丝幽默气氛。

    His comments injected a note of humour into the proceedings.


  • 本书充满萧伯纳风格讽刺意味的爱尔兰幽默

    This book is suffused with Shaw's characteristic wry Irish humour.


  • 布勒的世界里出现一种恶意刻薄幽默感。

    A wicked, mordant sense of humour has come to the fore in Blur's world.


  • 剧本编辑全都因剧本潜在幽默而兴奋起来了

    Script editors are all juiced up over the humorous potential.


  • 身上一点不装腔作势故作严肃幽默十足。

    There was nothing portentous or solemn about him. He was bubbling with humour.


  • 士兵没有费神去约束他们的粗俗幽默,尽管在场

    The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.


  • 麦格拉思记得非同寻常幽默感,和他异想天开一面

    McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humour, his whimsical side.


  • 虽然承受压力一定相当大的,但保持冷面幽默

    Though the pressure Fulton is under must be considerable, he has retained his dry humour.


  • 他们幽默相处能力弥补他们经验不足两个特质

    Their sense of humour and ability to get along with people are two characteristics that compensate for their lack of experience.


  • 短短的时间内,一完全为人知的人已始创了一新式幽默

    Within a short space of time a group of complete unknowns had established a wholly original form of humour.


  • 彼得很幽默随时逗笑

    Peter has a sense of humour and is able to make people laugh at any time.


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