• 悉尼揭开夏天序幕最佳方式之一可能就是最好朋友后院里举行户外烧烤

    One of the best ways to kick off summer in Sydney might just be an outdoor barbecue in your best friend's backyard.


  • 颁奖礼是由法联军拉开序幕最佳服装设计了《伊丽莎白黄金时代英国团队

    The show began with an Anglo-French rout: Costume design went to the British team behind "Elizabeth: the Golden Age."


  • 今天才走进一个已经买电影院所以必须拖着步子,播放序幕的时候走黑暗中。

    Today, I was late to a sold out movie in the theater, so I had to shuffle in during the previews in the dark.


  • 即将拉开序幕大战中,首先登场亮相仍旧东道主德国队,挑战他们的瑞典队这场比赛无疑点燃了淘汰赛的激情火花。

    The first of the big boys play tonight with Germany, the host nation, taking on Sweden in what could be a boil-over. The Swedes are looking good.


  • 三场系列赛五月摩纳哥大奖赛拉开序幕

    The three-race series will be a curtain-raiser to the Monaco Grand Prix in May.


  • 如果过去一个序幕那么应该有可能有关美国现状大量数据中得出一些关于未来的适度结论

    If the past is prologue, then it ought to be possible to draw some modest conclusions about the future from the wealth of data about America's present.


  • 这些故事讲述一个以水龙的形象出现并用暴力杀死混沌力量,这是创世序幕

    They were stories of a god who violently slays the forces of chaos, represented as watery dragons, as a prelude to creation.


  • 怀着某种悲伤心情回忆着悠扬寂静不过那种更深沉寂静序幕,笼罩着我们所有人

    I enjoy with something of sadness remembering that this melodious silence is but the prelude of that deeper stillness that waits to enfold us all.


  • 并不足以让人欣慰事实我们不能假设过去未来序幕,这同样不能人欣慰。

    That's not exactly comforting, nor is the fact that we cannot assume that the past is prologue to the future.


  • 正如BAE公司所言,彰显下一代作战能力序幕

    It is, as BAE says, "a prelude to the next generation of fighting capacity."


  • 今天下午主题演讲拉开博览会序幕

    The keynote speeches kicked off at the Expo this afternoon.


  • 如果一切顺利,一首精美弦乐开始拉开这次搬家活动序幕

    If all goes well, the exercise will unfold with the precision of an orchestral piece.


  • 序幕,一个我们认为人类星际兄弟姐妹展开对话序幕但是当然是相互(他们出现的意义)的讨论。

    AAM: it is the beginning of what we feel is an ongoing human conversation with your star brothers and sisters but certainly among yourselves about what that means.


  • 有史以来世界银行行长该州首次访问,欢迎仪式拉开这一访问的序幕

    This was only the beginning of the first visit by a World Bank President to this Nigerian State.


  • 影片在天鹅湖序幕开始魔法师罗斯·巴特将公主变成了天鹅。

    The film begins with the prologue to "Swan Lake," in which the sorcerer Rothbart casts his evil spell.


  • 这次远航揭开其后一连串海上航行序幕,并短暂时间内中国确立大国领先的地位。

    It was the first of a series of voyages that would, for a brief period, establish China as the leading power of the age.


  • 但是这场围绕钻探冲突拉开大规模的关于环境政策争论序幕

    But the skirmish over drilling is the opening stage of a much bigger fight over environmental policy.


  • 这次会议第二召开为期两天国际货币基金组织世界银行春季会议的序幕

    Their gathering serves as a prelude to the two-day spring meeting of the IMF and World Bank, which begins the next day.


  • 不过即使是中小国家集中违约也将彻底终结建立开放式国际经济希望拉开金融民族主义时代序幕

    But even the default of an agglomeration of smaller countries would end any hope of an open international economy and inaugurate an age of financial nationalism.


  • 电影缓缓展开的序幕告诉大家,爱丽丝不但是个做着漫游仙境之的小姑娘,而且还是即将被推进可怕婚姻牢笼中的新娘

    A leisurely preface shows Alice not only as a child, dreaming her Wonderland dreams, but as a bride-to-be faced with the prospect of imprisonment in a ghastly marriage.


  • 四次足总杯冠军维埃拉出席首次出席曼城球迷见面会,拉开了其以曼城球员身份参加星期三足总杯赛的序幕

    Four-time fa Cup winner Patrick Vieira will be meeting City fans and signing autographs for the first time as part of this Wednesday's fa Cup Trophy Tour.


  • 我们大四舞会拉开序幕后,高兴地发现自己有机会去和邻一位男生约会了。连续举办几个夜晚舞会上,我们互相邀请着前往

    W hen my senior prom rolled around, I found myself in the happy position of dating a boy from a neighboring town; we invited each other to our proms, which were on consecutive nights.


  • 感恩节拉开今年假期美食盛宴序幕长达六周的时间,你的腰带可能着实绷紧了

    Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday season foodfest, a six-week stretch when diets and belts will be severely strained.


  • 一种“吞食”有机物“发电”新型机器人可能成为真正的自给型机器人的序幕

    A new cohort of 'bots that make energy by gobbling organic matter could be the beginning of truly autonomous machines.


  • 可能他们错了,当然可能只是发出他们公司金主威胁一个序幕

    Maybe they’re wrong, of course, or maybe that’s a pretext offered to squelch a threat to their corporate paymasters.


  • 美国铝业公司昨天公布财报收益创下九个季度来新高,拉开第四季度财报序幕

    Alcoa Inc. unofficially kicked off the fourth-quarter earnings season in the U.S. yesterday, reporting its highest profit in nine quarters.


  • 美国铝业公司昨天公布财报收益创下九个季度来新高,拉开第四季度财报序幕

    Alcoa Inc. unofficially kicked off the fourth-quarter earnings season in the U.S. yesterday, reporting its highest profit in nine quarters.


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