• 提出基于系统调用异常检测模型

    A new anomaly detection model based on system call macro was presented.


  • 提出大规模网络中一种基于相似度异常检测模型

    An anomaly detection model based on the multi-feature similarity in large-scale network is proposed in this paper.


  • 现有单层马尔科夫异常检测模型基础提出一种崭新两层模型

    On the basis of the current single layer Markov chain anomaly detection model, this paper proposes a new two-layer model.


  • 阐述危险模式概况运行机制,提出了一种基于危险模式的异常检测模型以及相关的算法

    The general situation and running mechanism of danger theory are presented in this paper. After that we present an anomaly detection model based on danger theory, describe an interrelated algorithm.


  • 该文对种基于机器学习用户行为异常检测模型进行描述,在此基础提出一种改进的检测模型

    This paper introduces an user behavior anomaly detection model based on machine learning originated mainly by Terran Lane. Then it presents an improved anomaly detection model.


  • 本文提出了一种自动模型及其系统结构的有效实现,并用算法自动建立噪声数据上的异常检测模型

    An automatic model and its system architecture are presented, and an algorithm that automatically builds abnormally detecting models on noisy data is realized.


  • 该文基于机器学习用户行为异常检测模型进行描述 ,此基础上提出一 改进的检测模型

    We are having a lot of teething troubles with the new machine, but when we have improved it, it should be the best of its kind.


  • 进一步完善异常判别中的统计模型根据异常检测模型给出数据描述相应异常判别算法最后总结异常判别算法优点将来的工作。

    Perfect stat. model in the stat. model and give data description and arithmetic according to distinguishing model, summarize advantage of the arithmetic and work that be done in future.


  • 异常检测模型首先总结正常操作应该具有特征得出正常操作模型后续的操作进行监视,一旦发现偏离正常统计学意义上的操作模式,即进行报警。

    Anomaly detection model first summarizes the signatures normal operations which should have to educe models of normal operations, and then monitors the subsequent operations.


  • 提出了一种k-均值聚类算法SOM自组织神经网络算法相结合异常检测模型,使得系统可以更好分类正常数据异常数据流,以此来防范未知攻击

    Secondly, the anomaly detection model based on K-means algorithm and SOM network is constructed. It can classify the normal and abnormal network data stream so better to detect the unknown attack.


  • 针对网络入侵确定性导致异常检测系统较高不足提出一种基于Q-学习算法异常检测模型QLADM)。 该模型把Q-学习、行为意图跟踪和入侵预测结合起来,可获得未知入侵行为的检测和响应。

    To the problems higher rate of false retrieval in anomaly detection system due to the uncertainty of intrusion, this paper presents an Anomaly Detection Model Based on Q- Learning Algorithm (QLADM).


  • 实验结果表明模型可以检测异常的网络数据包具有较好的适应性

    Results show that this model can detect abnormal data packets well, and has a better self adaptability.


  • 使用DeclarativeTransaction模型容器不会针对检测到的异常自动事务

    The container will not automatically roll back a transaction on a checked exception when you use the Declarative Transaction model.


  • 利用背景自动更新模型背景减法,实现了智能运动检测功能,并进行异常情况告警和启动告警录像;

    This system has implemented intelligent motion detection by utilizing a algorithm of difference image based on an automatically-updating background model.


  • 给出了针对无线网络入侵检测模型网络异常行为检测策略

    Moreover, it presents a model of intrusion detection system and strategies for detecting anomaly behaviors.


  • 针对网络异常检测偏高问题提出了一种基于属性相似度模型网络异常检测方法

    A new method for the anomaly detection based on the attributes similarity and the cloud model was proposed to alleviate the high false positive rate problem in the detection.


  • 系统模型综合了基于异常行为的入侵检测基于特征入侵检测技术配置采用主机配置网络配置相互配合的方式。

    This model uses not only misuse but also anomaly detection technology, and at deployment the host based subsystem cooperates with the network-based subsystem.


  • 此基础上,以不定模式作为基本单位构建了一个马尔可夫模型检测异常行为

    Then a Markov chain model is constructed based on variable-length patterns to detect abnormal behaviors.


  • 本文针对不同需求应用提出研究了几种高效的异常检测方法模型

    In this thesis, several efficient intrusion detection methods and models are proposed and investigated based on different requirements and applications.


  • 本文提出的网络行为检测模型可以有效帮助网管人员及时发现网络中的异常行为,为网络管理人员提供便利,具有的实用价值

    The detection model outlined in this paper would be able to help the network managers to find the anomaly behavior, which has high practical value.


  • 实验室模拟真实提取过程(各种异常情况),根据过程参数反馈指标成分含量变化建立在线检测模型

    We simulate real extraction process in the laboratory (including various of abnormal conditions) and set up on-line testing model according to each process parameter index content changes feedback.


  • 首先建立了系统运行HMM模型基础上提出依赖节点异常检测算法

    We focus on the issues related to found a HMM for the behavior of system, and bring forward an algorithm of anomaly detection relied on node.


  • 数据分析融合了异常检测误用检测两种方法提出相应检测模型引入了函数

    The data analysis integrates the two detection methods: anomaly and misuse, which provides corresponding detection models and introduces the noise filtering function.


  • 基于网络流量模型异常检测流量异常检测一个重要研究方向

    Anomaly detection based on network traffic model is one of the important research directions in traffic anomaly detection.


  • 通过研究网络流量异常检测提出一种新的基于自适应自回归(aar)模型在线故障检测算法

    A novel online fault detection algorithm based on adaptive auto-regressive (AAR) model is proposed focusing on the anomaly detection of network traffic.


  • 支持向量机应用于网络入侵检测提出一种基于支持向量机的网络异常入侵检测模型

    Apply SVM technique to network intrusion detection, and propose a network abnormal intrusion detection model based on SVM.


  • 降低虚警率,提出嵌入数据异常检测恢复功能BIT系统改进模型证明模型有效性

    For decreasing FAR, an improved model for BIT systems with embedded abnormal data detecting and renewing functions was proposed, and the effectiveness of the proposed model was proved.


  • 通过指针映射故障模型可以自动检测内存释放异常内存泄露指针引用等动态内存故障提高测试效率

    Through pointer mapping sets and fault model, it can detect bad deallocation, memory leak and null pointer dereference faults automatically and increase the testing efficiency.


  • 监视程序行为近年基于主机异常入侵检测研究热点构建程序行为模型是进行异常检测关键

    Monitoring program behavior is one of the highlighted research topics of host-based anomaly detection recently. The key is to construct a program behavior-based anomaly detection model.


  • 监视程序行为近年基于主机异常入侵检测研究热点构建程序行为模型是进行异常检测关键

    Monitoring program behavior is one of the highlighted research topics of host-based anomaly detection recently. The key is to construct a program behavior-based anomaly detection model.


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