Poikilocytosis refers to the presence of poikilocytes in the blood.
我们观察了10例烧伤病人伤后2天,3 ~5天,6 ~ 10天的红细胞膜流动性、血浆过氧化脂质含量、红细胞异形率及脆性的变化。
We have observed RBC membrane fluidity, serum lipid peroxide, RBC DE - formability and fragility in 10 burn patients on PBD 2, 3 ~ 5 and 6 ~ 10.
我们观察了10例烧伤病人伤后2天,3 ~5天,6 ~ 10天的红细胞膜流动性、血浆过氧化脂质含量、红细胞异形率及脆性的变化。
We have observed RBC membrane fluidity, serum lipid peroxide, RBC DE - formability and fragility in 10 burn patients on PBD 2, 3 ~ 5 and 6 ~ 10.