The apartheid system which enshrined racism in law still existed.
However, Mr Obama himself acknowledges that his plan is only an opening bid, unlikely to become law in its present form.
Require by law a comprehensive ban on all forms of advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products.
Rizzo's quotation from Mises on nonaction also being a form of "action" is praxeologically correct, but is irrelevant to the law.
In 2003, the two countries signed the treaty on good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation, which fixed the relations between the two countries in the form of a legal document.
More than 100 countries now have some form of universal jurisdiction, including Britain, Belgium, Spain, France, Germany and Canada.
Subsequent legislation has ensured that French is the language of business and of education in the province.
Another key recommendation is that a country should have laws penalizing bid rigging, market division, and other forms of collusive behavior, along with a commitment and capacity to enforce such laws.
The law also introduces a health tax on tobacco products, and a total ban on tobacco advertisements, promotion and sponsorship in any form.
Also, it should be noted, since the law and crime are defined in terms ofproperty rights, the Xeer is unequivocal in its opposition to any form oftaxation.
These articles mustconform to the laws of the state in which the business is incorporated. corporated.
Unschoolers can keep records other than or in addition to those required by states law in the form of grids, journals, portfolios, or informal transcripts.
The common law was also quite ingenious in devising forms of common or joint ownership, with subtle technical differences between them.
They represent an opportunity for the architect to share his or her knowledge with the project in a "codified" form.
In November's elections Californians will vote in a referendum on the repeal of the law underpinning the state's planned emissions cuts.
The republics of the 20th century codified the separation between church and state, which led to a broader distinction between private and public life.
If the law stipulates that a particular form be adopted, such stipulation shall be observed.
To engage in civil disobedience of any kind is not only to call this or that rule into question but it is to call into question the very nature of law, the very question of the rules.
These are laws which form part and parcel of the process of decentralized data exchange so central to the Internet.
Most state laws mandate that disclosures be on special forms the seller must sign and date.
The new company shall be established in the form of limited liability company according to German laws if required.
So, this text carrys on some discussions to private school in terms of legal organizational form.
Most of the states also have some form of laws of their own dealing with hate crimes.
Legal logic USES not only the knowledge of formal logic but the knowledge of dialectic al logic language logic an debate logic etc.
Legal logic USES not only the knowledge of formal logic but the knowledge of dialectical logic language logic an debate logic etc.
An enterprise shall recognise, measure and report transactions or events based on their substance, and not merely based on their legal form.
An enterprise shall recognise, measure and report transactions or events based on their substance, and not merely based on their legal form.