With hindsight, it was significant that the boat was found and studied by mainstream archaeologists who naturally focused on its cultural context.
In this way our edition discovers and publishes significant variants or true unpublished of Nietzsches texts.
So it just makes sense, he says, to move farms closer to where everyone will be living.
If you think about it, the concept of a gene-environment also makes a great deal of sense.
With so much space, especially in the West, it can make sense to let a town die.
I tried not to be disconcerted - I was doing something worthwhile, wasn't I?
In a world where selling is more expensive than delivering (things like bandwidth) this makes more and more sense.
It is instructive to examine who the defenders of this alleged principle may be, and the tactics they are using.
In a shortish book on a vast subject, Mr Beattie's thematic structure makes sense.
There are many such clients performing the updates, deletes, and queries in a specific way that is meaningful to the application.
It makes sense to do this type of task in a background thread using Web workers.
Update: Mozilla has updated their statement with the following short but meaningful piece of information.
To manage this situation, it often makes sense to provide stub classes that support the behavior needed by the CUT.
This level of abstraction makes sense to business people, such as business strategists or analysts.
对于green -field开发,我发现惯例优先于配置是很有意义的。
For green-field development, I find convention over configuration makes sense.
Munk says this makes sense, given the fact that many of the trees in the Amazon rainforest have trunks covered in white lichens.
With some servers it makes sense to find out exactly what triggers the hot redeploy in the exploded directory.
If you are like most people, you have a goal or a dream that is meaningful and that you want to achieve.
It may make sense to actually suggest 'roles' for people to achieve synergistic objectives e.g.
For all these reasons, it makes sense that Shale is a completely new project, building on a fresh codebase.
This can make sense for applications such as CAD programs, where it is easier to work on drawings without perspective.
Pets are a wonderful addition to a child's growing-up experience. Aside from learning about unconditional love, they also learn responsibility and respect.
Of course, we don't always realize at the time that we aren't making sense - sometimes we earnestly believe we are saying (or thinking) something meaningful.
It is a very interesting passage of life when you get to that time in your life when your first child is getting married, and we are getting for us our first son.
China presented another interesting question. Why has a home grown engine, Baidu, captured 62% of the market, compared to Google's 20% share?
I hope this makes some sort of sense, as I know many couples who have this challenge in the marriage.
因此,雇用产权保险的公司和律师进行产权调查 ,确保房地产没有任何扣押权,可以顺利转移,这样做是很有意义的。
For this reason, it always makes sense to use a title insurance company and have a lawyer perform a title searchto make sure that there are no liens and the property can betransferred.
因此,雇用产权保险的公司和律师进行产权调查 ,确保房地产没有任何扣押权,可以顺利转移,这样做是很有意义的。
For this reason, it always makes sense to use a title insurance company and have a lawyer perform a title searchto make sure that there are no liens and the property can betransferred.