• 故事书面报告形式撰写实验过程中的心得体会

    Written case studies in the form of stories or reports can serve to capture the lessons learned during the experimentation process.


  • 激励论坛上大学生团队分享了他们项目经验心得体会

    At the concluding forum, the participating student teams Shared their project experience and lessons learned.


  • 最后,还神经网络应用中的一些心得体会做了总结

    At last some lessons learned from application for the ANN is summarized.


  • 该文介绍rtk技术工作原理具体操作心得体会

    The paper introduces the working principle, concrete operation and understanding of RTK technology.


  • 空手道四段,守则,是我习武18心得体会

    I'm a 4th Dan Karate Black Belt and learned these seven safety rules during eighteen years of martial arts training.


  • 英国肯特大学提供很多跨国公司复试后续面试心得体会的文章。

    The University of Kent in the UK offers write-ups that describe second and subsequent interviews at numerous major, international companies.


  • 最后介绍系统实现情况及其展望,并总结了开发过程中的心得体会

    At last, the paper talks some about the system functions and system prospect, summarizing the personal experience when designing the system as well.


  • 一些出版商已经邀请翁虹撰写本如何在怀孕期间保持体形心得体会

    Some publishers have invited Weng to write a book about her tips of keeping fit during pregnancy.


  • 这些天来我们整天忙于阅读研究文献心得体会制定学年计划

    Reading research papers, writing our reflections, and making plans for the coming school year have been keeping me very busy these days.


  • 最后总结出作者系统设计调试时所遇到问题解决措施个人心得体会

    Eventually, the problems, solutions and the personnel experience in designing and debugging are summarized.


  • 教研室进行药理学课程整改收到良好效果本文介绍一下心得体会

    This faculty working office has carried on Pharmacology curriculum reorganizing, will receive the good effect, this article will introduce the attainment experience.


  • 本文市政给排水设计存在几个常见问题进行了分析总结了几点心得体会

    This paper municipal water supply and drainage design of common problems existed in the analysis, and sums up some experience.


  • 通过单击文章顶部底部讨论进入论坛,作者其他读者分享本文心得体会

    Share your thoughts on this article with the author and other readers in the discussion forum by clicking discuss at the top or bottom of the article.


  • 技术、工程经济角度,提出江南地区主干路规划设计心得体会同行提供一些参考

    The experience of main road plan and design in southern Yangtze area is proposed, which can be consulted by peers.


  • 简要介绍了如何更好使用EXCEL心得体会包括若干日常输入知识快速输入技巧

    This paper briefly introduces some understandings of how to make better use of EXCEL, including several common input knowledge and quick-input skills.


  • 开设“微论坛”,围绕不同时期学院中心工作“微党课”学习内容,交流学习心得体会

    Second was to set up a forum to make benefit for the CPC members' communication on the core work of the College and the study of Party lectures.


  • 把自己漫游外语天地所获得心得体会总结条,那些真心实意而不是装模作样掌握外语的参考

    Learning foreign languages, I sumed up the experience of myself. I made it into ten points for those who truly want to master a foreign language to reference, not for those who just have affectations.


  • 本文年来学习间接画法一些心得体会,公诸于世,求教于我的老师同学社会同仁。

    This thesis is my understanding of study on indirectly drawing technique during the past three years. I would like to make it public and share with my professors, classmates and others.


  • 并且叙述了作者软件开发过程中的心得体会管理员通过身份验证可以拥有完全权限管理系统

    And narrated author's in software development process attainment to realize manager after identification authentication might have the complete jurisdiction management system management system.


  • 最后就个人教学实践中的一些心得体会讨论了如何提高外语教学水平促进教学的良性循环

    At last, according to what one has gained from teaching practice, the author discussed how to improve the level of foreign teaching and bring about virtuous circle of teaching.


  • 然后一些心得体会胡姓人文趣事文字方式记载下来,送到一点胡姓团体以资分享

    Then some gains in depth of comprehension, or hu that humane anecdote is recorded by way of characters, it is surnamed as a means of sharing in the group to send to a bit more greatly hu.


  • 并且叙述作者软件开发过程中的心得体会管理员通过身份验证可以拥有完全权限管理系统

    And described the author and can own the complete legal power management system after software develop insight in the process realize the managing person to verify through the body.


  • 然而这次心得体会值得一提即使是阴暗冬天大自然仍然试图告诉我们秘密

    But the best part of what I learned was that even in the darkest days of winter, nature is still trying to tell us its secrets!


  • 噪声污染越来越受到人们的关注本文作者就从事噪声监测所得的心得体会做一总结以期大家交流学习。

    Now, more and more attention has been paid on the noise pollution, the writer worked as a noise pollution monitor and summarizes the attainment in the work in order to exchange with others.


  • 作者根据自己多年研制国家标准物质实践经验,全面地叙述了标准物质研制过程及其关键所在和心得体会

    Based on the practice and experience of the reference material developing for many years, the author elaborates the key factors of reference material developing and some related considerations.


  • 比如一个人,学习张丽莉事迹心得体会,充满变数,于是后退一步静静的看着,直到看见真诚感情

    Forexample, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.


  • 活动结束后我们安排宿舍参观心得体会交流活动颁奖典礼 ,颁奖典礼上统一公布获奖宿舍发放奖品

    After the activity , we will arrange an communication meeting & award ceremony and will announce the prizes awarded dorm list and issues the prizes on site.


  • 活动结束后我们安排宿舍参观心得体会交流活动颁奖典礼 ,颁奖典礼上统一公布获奖宿舍发放奖品

    After the activity , we will arrange an communication meeting & award ceremony and will announce the prizes awarded dorm list and issues the prizes on site.


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