• 我们坚决响应他们求救,也向海地人民保证今天,在将来美国你们忠诚朋友伙伴

    We will be resolute in our response, and I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward.


  • 我们坚决响应他们求救,也向海地人民保证,不管今天,还是将来美国你们忠诚朋友伙伴

    We will be resolute in our response, and I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward.


  • 如果询问美国大学生,就会知道她们另一半的期望包含了天底下的一切除了忠诚之外,伴侣必须风趣,还要是个朋友

    If you ask American college women, they expect everything under the sun: in addition to being committed, partners have to be amusing, funny and a friend.


  • 电影《玩具总动员》中,胡迪对他的朋友和主人安迪很忠诚

    In the film Toy Story, Woody is loyal to his friends and owner, Andy.


  • 待人忠诚可靠如果朋友知道他们可以依赖,他们就不会跟你断绝关系。

    Be loyal and trustworthy. If friends know they can depend on you, they will not drop you.


  • 开发人员态度:“作为公司朋友忠诚的伙伴一生都献给了品牌,我一大堆理由为什么应该给予特殊考虑。”

    The developer's attitude was: "Hey, I've devoted my life to your brand, and I have good reasons why I should be given special consideration as a loyal partner and friend of the company."


  • 这种简单检查可以防止错误投票浪费或者拒绝一个忠诚朋友

    This simple check could save you voting for the wrong person, wasting your money or rejecting someone who would be a loyal friend.


  • 有着钢铁般的意志,强烈的自我意识以及独一无二个人魅力。你会是一个忠诚朋友狂热恋人

    You possess an iron will, a strong ego and a unique personal magnetism. You make a loyal friend and a passionate lover.


  • 有点懒散、不爱干净,有时候忧心忡忡却是忠诚朋友、一流的侦探位能打动人心诗人

    They concern a talking pig, Freddy, who is lazy, messy and sometimes fearful, yet a loyal friend, a first-rate detective and an impressive poet.


  • 其实朋友没什么担心的,因为男友十分忠诚显然对此事感到紧张沮丧

    My friend had nothing to worry about because he's a faithful guy, but she was definitely stressed and upset about the whole thing.


  • 不会特意去告诉别人自己一头金发,不会有意向朋友宣称自己慷慨忠诚的。就是我——永远都是。

    No more would I have to state, "I have blonde hair" than I would have to tell a friend, "I am generous and loyal" - it's who I am... always.


  • 巨蟹父亲喜怒无常,遇到忠诚朋友

    Cancer dads might be moody but they will be the most loyal friend you'll ever have.


  • 我们一起度过17我们一起房子成功事业忠诚朋友家人一起欢度时间

    We had spent the last 17 years, buying a home, raising a child, being successful in our careers, having loyal friends and sharing time with our families.


  • 就我个人而言挑选朋友的时候,诚实忠诚正直是最基本的原则。

    Personally, I don’t think you can go past honesty, loyalty and integrity as a foundation for choosing friends.


  • 但是疑虑没有减少我那朋友忠诚继续崇拜偶像

    But my doubts did not shake my friend's devotion and he went on with the worship of his idol.


  • 他们最终会成为真正可爱忠诚朋友,但是他们保卫自己领地杀死入侵者

    They ended up being really lovely, loyal friends: the same people that came out to defend their land and who were, I am sure, ready to kill us had we been aggressors.


  • 朋友意味着依赖信任忠诚奉献支持和陪伴。

    To be a friend, means being trusted and trusting, honest and dedicated, supportive and available.


  • 学业上成功让很有成就感喜欢冲劲十足的朋友一起努力同时我乐于后进生”一起玩,看来他们更加真挚忠诚

    While I do enjoy accomplishing my academic goals and working with this highly motivated group of friends, I also enjoy "the losers," who to me seem much more sincere and loyal.


  • 那些我们有着共同文化精神渊源盟友、我们保证待诚实朋友那样忠诚

    To those old Allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends.


  • 父母教育家作家,也是我们国家人民忠诚朋友

    Li: Your parents are educators, writers and old devoted friends of our country and our people.


  • 士兵们打包好物品,他们收到他们阿富汗忠诚朋友——M-4步枪然后和家人及朋友最后道别

    Whentheir bags were packed, the soldiers received the M-4 rifles that would betheir constant companions in Afghanistan, then bade final goodbyes to familyand friends.


  • 父母伴侣子女朋友离世之后,都成为我们忠诚精神伙伴

    Parents, spouses, children, and friends can become true spiritual companions after they have died.


  • 朋友或是归属的团体可能会让你捐超出你的实际承受能力的现金;对可靠的同事不要过于敞开心扉过于忠诚的领导能力会派上用场。

    Find out what they're up to, and see if you can pick up where you left off. Don't be too open or put your faith in unreliable coworkers.


  • 从未朋友忠诚过,虽然25岁就结婚了,他从未对妻子忠实过。

    He was never faithful to a girlfriend, and although he married at age 25, he was never at any point faithful to his wife.


  • 认为自身一个优点这个优点你们可以考虑一下就是对我的朋友绝对忠诚

    I think I have their own advantages, the advantages you can consider, this is my friend absolute loyalty.


  • 一个邮箱列表支持你,并且他们联系服务他们角落一直支持你的亲爱的亲密的,忠诚朋友

    When you have an email list of people who get you, and they connect with you, and you serve them, it's like having dear, close, loyal friends who will always be in your corner.


  • 一个邮箱列表支持你,并且他们联系服务他们角落一直支持你的亲爱的亲密的,忠诚朋友

    When you have an email list of people who get you, and they connect with you, and you serve them, it's like having dear, close, loyal friends who will always be in your corner.


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