The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.
At the sides of the well the magnetic field lines are quite high and rise steeply above the galactic plane.
Guys the curve is now going up in a steep fashion which means that everything is heating up.
Most other sources of external finance have dried up as dramatically as they had grown in the boom years.
CRM is not new, but the Internet radically alters its dynamic.
Lenders, however, are less likely to increase spending sharply when the values of the loans they own rise.
The Japanese currency had risen sharply on Friday on talk of repatriation flows as the disaster unfolded.
Over the past decade the number of hazy days has increased dramatically most years (see chart).
As streams of material spiral from the disk onto the star, its mass increases and it brightens and heats up dramatically.
The value of large conferences has rapidly eroded, none really stand out and most mistake crowds for community.
All things rush on, they stop not, they look not behind, no power can hold them back, they rush on.
Fisher argued that borrowers, who lose from deflation, are typically short of cash and will be forced to cut their spending sharply when their debt burden rises.
But markets are taking their cue from Fed chief Ben Bernanke, who has pledged further action if the economy slows sharply.
Resource optimum population size don't occur drastically change with the passage of time, but economic optimum population size keep constantly increasing.
Catherine said nothing to her father about these visits, though they had rapidly become the most important, the most absorbing thing in her life.
The market share of national brand climbed dramatically, from 25% in 2008 to 32% in 2009.
Dae Jang Geum is a hot new Korean TV series. Because of this series, my personal status and living standard have been drastically degraded.
The chimney of converter is one of the main equipment in steel-making factories. The boiloff and cooling of cooling water in the chimney tubes change with smelting process rapidly and periodically.
While these angles might not seem much, such tumbling would have dramatically increased stresses inside these moons, leading very likely to "a global pattern of tectonic fractures," Nimmo explained.
里纳特神经科学生物技术公司(Rinat Neuroscience)曾研制过一种实验性药物,可以急剧地降低啮齿类动物的食欲。
Rinat Neuroscience had an experimental drug that sharply reduced appetite in rodents.
Seahorse's populations could fall precipitously, because so much of their habitat could have been lost to the spill.
When the speed of human innovation and its transfer were not fast enough to keep pace with rapid ecological change, famine and disease became difficult to avoid.
When gas prices rose dramatically in 2008, Americans began flocking to mass transit in droves, resulting in declining revenues for the Federal Highway Trust Fund.
Biologists found no evidence of any dramatic changes on either the breeding or wintering grounds.
These, in turn, have sparked correspondingly sharp rises in greenhouse gas concentrations, ozone depletion, great floods, depletion of fisheries, loss of forests, species loss.
With the amount of stored data growing constantly and exponentially, so too is the amount of data that a business analytics system must process to produce relevant results.
With the amount of stored data growing constantly and exponentially, so too is the amount of data that a business analytics system must process to produce relevant results.