The speaker showed some proper examples to make the science report easy to understand.
A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking.
A case in point is the study by Linda Sax at UCLA, who used data from a large national survey of college freshmen to evaluate the effect of single-sex versus coeducational high schools.
For in types, a somewhat contrived example is in order. Consider this interface.
He always tries his best to give the appropriate examples to illustrate the usage of an expression.
Medical beliefs, and the clinical practices that are based on them, are a case in point.
The successful reduction of residuals across all of georgia, mentioned earlier, is a case in point.
In the next few sections, I will examine the transition of distributed architecture with suitable examples.
Nearly all major cities in the us are crime - ridden. A case in point is Chicago.
A case in point was the controversy provoked by the agitation for full and immediate payment of the so-called bonus.
Cultural references evolve so quickly, it's hard to recall some of these accurately, but here are two good examples.
A case in point, some say, is Cisco's line of consumer products, whose creators clearly were engineers, not designers.
He should be well positioned to explore my problem in the abstract and, unlike my friends, to avoid getting trapped in the inadequacies of my examples.
A good example is the much-*ballyhooed announcement earlier this year that scientists had, for the first time, recorded the sound of two black holes colliding, a billion light-years away.
Case in point: a mom friend of mine recently went with a fellow mom and their respective 5-year-olds to get frozen yogurt after preschool.
That doesn't mean every company needs to make grand pronouncements like Unilever has done. Case in point: Polman has described his company as "the world's biggest NGO."
The citys attempt to resolve its education plight is aptly illustrated by the story of Peter DeMarco, formerly an aspiring comedian, who was recruited to teach English in the citys high schools.
The following examples show improper configurations which lead to problems.
Here are a few examples of instances where other languages have found the right word and English simply falls speechless.
7 - 11通过该活动使品牌闪光,Taco Bell是另外一个懂得把民众感兴趣的话题和事件恰当地加入到活动中来的例子。
7-11 does it brilliantly with this campaign, and Taco Bell is another good example of a brand that knows what the country is talking about and inserts itself appropriately into the fun.
This is yet another example of how WPF requires you to shift mental gears to make use of the platform appropriately.
For example, heating a home using solar panels becomes much less effective if the Windows in the house are not properly insulated or treated to keep the heat in and the UV rays out.
That means, for example, that sending bulk email to a list of bloggers just cause they have blogs is not okay.
This is just another example of how you must examine an application to ensure that its architecturally significant parts are properly componentized in ClearCase.
Besides, he provides ample examples to illustrate how the careful choices of words make a difference in communication.
To correctly discuss this issue I'll resemble some things coming from different sources and some contributions on my own.
To correctly discuss this issue I'll resemble some things coming from different sources and some contributions on my own.