• 贝克太太高兴相识

    I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs Baker.


  • 谨此欣然奉告

    I am pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived.


  • 小宝宝心跳会受到持续监听。

    Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously.


  • 我们销售代表选择合适投资方面帮到

    Our sales representatives can assist you in selecting suitable investments.


  • 如果孩子出现任何生病的症兆,医生

    If your child shows any signs of illness, take her to the doctor.


  • 随信附上汇款支票收款方为瓦利科技服务公司。

    Please enclose your remittance, making checks payable to Valley Technology Services.


  • 小时工作英镑心想大方”。

    He gave me an extra five pounds for two hours' work. I thought 'That's big of you'.


  • 每年保险费可能有点但是如果了伤

    The annual premium can be a little steep, but will be well worth it if your dog is injured.


  • 好说,好说!夸奖了。

    It's very good of you to say so, but I don't deserve such praise.; You flatter me. I wish I could deserve such compliments.


  • 正挥舞着手臂吗?

    Are you waving your arms around?


  • 以前到访过英国吗?

    Have you visited England?


  • 裙子越来越

    Your skirt keeps getting shorter and shorter.


  • 多谢大力栽培

    A thousand thanks for your patronage.


  • 眼镜多少度?

    What's the strength of the lenses of your glasses?


  • 照料植物

    Look after what you've planted.


  • 问好

    She wished to be remembered to you.


  • 如果安眠药,我落入水杯整夜陪伴着

    If I were a sleeping pill, I'd fall into your water glass and accompany you throughout the night.


  • 谈谈自己的经历极大影响目前从事工作

    Talk a little bit about your own biography, which has so much influence on the work you're doing today.


  • 对不起打扰了,想问问是否碰巧知道在哪里

    I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wondered if by any chance you know where he is.


  • 如果周末外出我们办事处高兴预定旅馆。

    If you wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel reservations.


  • 米尔森起来。“谢谢我们不再耽搁了,斯特宾太太。”

    Millson stood up. "Thank you. We won't detain you any further, Mrs. Stebbing."


  • 雅虎通屏幕上弹出一个包含的“朋友名单视窗

    Yahoo! Pager puts a small window on your screen containing a list of your "friends."


  • 如果喜欢别的东西,乐意调换一下。”—“不用,这个好。”

    "If you'd prefer something else I'll gladly have it changed for you."—"No, this is great."


  • 虽然一些现代车辆的技术极为复杂,我们服务台可以解决任何问题

    Some modern vehicles are so complicated these days, but our help desk can sort any problem out.


  • 如果我们这里买到任何商品不满意,我们乐意为更换办理退货愿意哪种方式都行

    If you are unhappy with anything you have bought from us, we will gladly exchange your purchase, or refund your money, whichever you prefer.


  • 付过帐了吗?

    Have you paid the bill?


  • 介意线上付款吗?

    Would you mind paying online?


  • 总是亲切地对我说话。

    You always spoke kindly to me.


  • 给了我生命中的力量。

    You have given me power in my life.


  • 不起,女士,我不了解的背景,因此低估了

    Sorry, madam, I have underestimated you as I didn't know your background.


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