• 未来一年这些悲惨结局是否成为现实目前还远远无法确定

    It is far from certain these dismal outcomes will materialise over the coming year.


  • 虽经全力抢救,终复合伤害硝基苯化学物直接损伤器官导致悲惨结局

    The patient' prognosis would be bad because of the complex injuries and direct damage of the nitrobenzol chemicals to the organs.


  • 突尼斯选举利比亚领导人卡扎菲悲惨结局之后,伊朗暗杀沙特特使的阴谋已逐渐走上华盛顿的前台。

    The elections in Tunisia and the dramatic demise of former Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi have pushed the allegations of an Iran-sponsored plot to assassinate the Saudi envoy to Washington on U.


  • 美丽曲线艾滋病成为整幅画卷一部分最初天真浪漫的爱情最后幻想破灭甚至悲惨结局,成为了条弧线的一部分。

    In the Line of Beauty, Aids becomes part of a bigger picture and of that arc from naive romance at the beginning to a more disillusioned and even tragic ending.


  • 们中的大多数得面临悲惨结局

    Most of them will have to face a sad end.


  • 麦道夫的悲惨结局同情麦道夫的家人”皮卡昨天电子邮件声明

    Madoff's death "is a tragic development and my sympathy goes out to Mark Madoff's family," Picard said in an e-mailed statement yesterday.


  • 故事的结局有些悲惨蝴蝶还没有翅膀不能,最后死掉。

    The result is tragic: the wings never develop properly, the butterfly cannot fly, and it dies.


  • 他们并不认为死亡悲惨结局但是却是一个Zalmoxis至高上帝接触机会

    They did not see death as a tragic end, but as a chance to meet with the supreme god, Zalmoxis.


  • 犹太教堂征集志愿者的时候,他这么:”是的我们悲惨历史,但是让我们过去这一页,结局并没有这么

    And when he goes to synagogues to solicit volunteers, he makes this argument: "Yes, we had a miserable history, okay, let's get over that, we ended up not in such a bad place."


  • 他们只要看看音乐商业报业就可以预见:如果他们对自己在网上资源失去控制将会造成多么悲惨结局

    They merely have to look at the music business, or the newspaper business, to see the dire consequences of losing control of their content online.


  • 这个故事结局悲惨医生冠以叛国罪处死,卡罗琳马蒂尔德被流放到英国君主制度祖先家乡汉诺威

    The story ended badly, with the good doctor put to death as a traitor and Caroline Mathilde exiled to Hanover, the British monarchy's ancestral home.


  • 不想什么预测不过麦肯锡季刊猜测是悲惨结局

    I won't make predictions, but McKinsey Quarterly has a guess: poorly.


  • 即使玛丽王后在生活上挥霍无度仍然受害者,被特殊身份和环境所害。 一年轻观众表示:“她服装、珠宝的花费上确实显得有些奢侈,但悲惨结局让我同情。”

    To the crowd flocking to see the play "Marie-Antoinette, " the consensus is that the queen was a victim of her surroundings, even if she spent a bit too much on her attire.


  • 一些人们耳熟能详的故事近几年来改头换面后又出笼了,砍伐森林导致环境退化随后就是人口锐减甚至还可能出现人吃人的现象,总之最后结局特别地悲惨

    The familiar storydeforestation leading to environmental degradation; subsequent population collapse, possibly including cannibalism; eventual endemic misery—has been revised in recent years.


  • 哈代悲剧创作第一尝试,小说中的三个主要人物结局悲惨

    It is the first overall attempt in Hardy's tragedy creation. The three main characters all get miserable endings.


  • 本以为故事中的人物会一个悲惨结局接近尾声情节发生了转折一切都变得很好

    I thought the characters were headed toward a tragic ending, but there was a twist near the end, and everything turned out well.


  • 她们虽然坚强勇敢勤劳善良具有崇高自我献身精神,但最终却都落得悲惨结局

    Even though they are strong, brave, industrious, kindhearted, and with a lofty devoting spirit, their whole life is very tragic in the end.


  • 星期暗示哈利波特可能死亡。她:“哈利波特的故事相当清楚地到达了悲惨结局。”

    This week she hinted at Harry's possible demise:"I think that Harry's story comes to quite a clear end, sadly, " she said.


  • 自己恋爱小说中的主人公几乎全部设置悲惨的命运与结局,他们要么身患疾病要么走向死亡,要么是两者兼而有之

    Zhang Ziping set a tragic end for almost all the characters in his love novels, either badly sick, or dead, or both.


  • 虽然坚强勇敢勤劳善良具有崇高自我献身精神,但最终却落得悲惨结局

    Even though she is strong, brave, industrious, kindhearted, and with a lofty devoting spirit, her whole life is very tragic in the end.


  • 注定最后可能想到结局应当陷入了一悲惨境地——最后一个朋友离她而身上分文没有。

    It was destined that the last he was to know of her should be that she was thrown on the tender mercies of the world, -her last friend gone, her last penny expended.


  • 小说塑造成一个十足小人结局十分悲惨

    He is portrayed in the novel as a full villain, the outcome is very tragic.


  • 但是不管怎样分类这些女性结局都是悲惨的,男权的统治下她们都不可避免地走上悲剧道路或是自杀、或是发疯、或是出走

    However, in any case of classification, the out come of these women are miserable. In men world which have right to rule, they inevitably take to the road of tragedy, or suicide, or madness, or leave.


  • 朋友老板犯了大错,他把公司一个活动管理公司合并,本来合并为了提升的公司,谁知道最后竟是悲惨结局

    My friend's boss made a huge mistake by tying up with an event management company. The whole purpose of the tie-up was to promote his company but it failed miserably.


  • 诚如宾州马札拉所说的,若使用镇静剂这种绝不可能圆满落幕的情势,“可能悲惨结局收场”。

    As Penn State's Mazzara notes, without the use of calmatives, such no-win situations might "very possibly lead to more tragic results."


  • 男孩死亡中,试图说服结束自己的生活学会1989种情况,这一个悲惨结局

    Ed attempts to talk him out of ending his life and learns the man is haunted by a tragic 1989 case that resulted in a boys death.


  • 《见面》一书读起来好像是写给如今生活西方丰衣足食女儿临终遗书,但该书讲述的却是一个夫妻如此邂逅故事,结局悲惨

    Written as a deathbed letter to a well-fed daughter now living in the West, "House of Meetings" tells the tale-and tragic consequences-of one such encounter.


  • 十来个街区孩子到了马车旁边,急切地等着看什么悲惨可怕的结局

    All about the carriage were gathered the children from a dozen blocks, waiting and eager for some tragic and terrible denouement.


  • 本世纪头几年信贷结局如此悲惨,令人不堪回首的记忆或许能影响消费者未来年的态度

    But the borrowing boom of the early 2000s ended badly, and the searing memories may shape consumer attitudes for years.


  • 本世纪头几年信贷结局如此悲惨,令人不堪回首的记忆或许能影响消费者未来年的态度

    But the borrowing boom of the early 2000s ended badly, and the searing memories may shape consumer attitudes for years.


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