• 办法魅力让海伦不到时候失去戒备。

    He had a way of throwing Helen off guard with his charm when she least expected it.


  • 想不到多么感激同意参加这次旅行!

    You can't think how obliged I am to you for consenting to come on this trip!


  • 技术应该一种工具完全依赖肯定产生想不到效果

    Technology should be a tool, but depending on it totally will most certainly have unexpected effects.


  • 至少葛根可以作为一个例子,证明本地植物会带来想不到结果

    At the very least, kudzu serves as an example of the unexpected results that can come from nonnative plants.


  • 例如列火车颗明亮的星星误认为白光,然后发生不到的事情。

    For example, one train mistook a bright star for a white light and something unexpected happened.


  • 认识一点开始更加坚定地在意想不到人和地方努力寻找朋友

    Since this realization, I have begun to make an even more determined effort to find friends in unexpected people and places.


  • 可能更少蛋白质更多一些不到添加剂比如咖啡因

    There could be less protein, more sugar and some additives you wouldn't expect, such as caffeine.


  • 杰佩托对这个想不到的嘲弄感到非常难过沮丧以前任何时候都难过。

    At that unexpected trick, Geppetto became very sad and downcast, more so than he had ever been before.


  • 这种不到颜色表现会吓到捕食者使其迷惑潜在猎物提供逃跑机会

    This unexpected display of color startles or confuses the predator and provides the would-be prey with an opportunity to escape.


  • 某些事情上的失败可以帮助发现真诚的朋友你找到想不到成功动力

    Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.


  • 无论多么仔细地计划经济收入没有预测什么时候发生想不到事情。

    No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can predict when the unexpected will happen.


  • 不到惊喜比如场聚会、一份礼物一个电话,可能会预期感觉要好

    A surprise like a party or a gift or a phone call that is unexpected somehow feels better than you were expecting.


  • 候鸟会影响老家冬季目的地两者生态系统扰乱传统路线可能会产生想不到副作用

    Migrating birds affect ecosystems both at home and at their winter destinations, and disrupting the traditional routes could have unexpected side effects.


  • 过去儿子转身坚定地他说:“我们。”接下来发生的令人想不到

    I went over to them, picked up my son, turned to the boy and said, firmly, 'No, we don't push," What happened next was unexpected.


  • 我们容易忽略长期存在背景噪音即使非常大声而不是有意想不到的噪音干扰的情况工作

    We are much more able to "tune out" chronic background noise, even if it is quite loud, than to work under circumstances with unexpected intrusions of noise.


  • 为什么我们流畅对话感觉很舒服对话想不到沉默打断时,我们会感到紧张沮丧呢?

    Why do we feel comfortable in conversations that have flow, but get nervous and distressed when a conversation is interrupted by unexpected silences?


  • 2005年,科学家们几内亚南部水域得到了想不到发现:一种叫做海豚物种

    Scientists made an unexpected discovery in the waters south of New Guinea in 2005: a new species of dolphin called the snub-fin.


  • 必须启动AcrobatReader接受许可协议否则以后可能会遇到想不到问题

    You must launch Acrobat Reader and accept the license agreement, otherwise you may have unexpected issues later.


  • 甲虫内脏内容物遗传特性显示出一些想不到结果时,研究人员决定进一步研究蚯蚓的DNA

    When genetic characterization of the contents of beetle guts gave some unexpected results, the researchers decided to take a closer look at earthworm DNA.


  • 这些方法地幔深处揭示一些想不到巨大构造其中最大非洲南端正下方的一块

    These methods have revealed some unexpectedly immense formations in the deepest parts of the mantle; the largest of these is a buoyant mass of hot rock directly below Africa's southern tip.


  • 想不到结果两大好处可以很快学会处理失望情绪认识关闭时另一扇门会为你敞开

    Unexpected results have two benefits: you pretty quickly learn to deal with disappointment, and realize that when one door closes, another opens.


  • 的确人们贫困线上浮浮沉沉,也许是因为遇到想不到阻碍比如失去工作或是低报酬工作时长不稳定。

    Indeed, people tend to dip in and out of poverty, perhaps due to unexpected obstacles like losing a job, or when hours of a low-wage job fluctuate.


  • 我们知道全球气候系统极其复杂一切某种方式联系在一起因此这个系统能够以意想不到方式波动

    We also know that the global climate system is immensely complicated and that everything is in some way connected, and so the system is capable of fluctuating in unexpected ways.


  • 人们在不知道如何真正控制的情况下发射一个无人机一样的自我控制飞行机器时,可能会发生一些糟糕想不到的事情

    Something bad or unexpected can happen when people send up a self-controlled flying machine like a drone without knowing how to really control it.


  • CubeSat 公司研究人员表示现在时候考虑一下越来越多进入自己狭小空间可能产生的意想不到后果了。

    Cube Sat researchers suggest that now's the time to ponder unexpected and unintended possible consequences of more people than ever having access to their own small slice of space.


  • 想不到从来没搞过专业演唱。

    It surprises me that you've never sung professionally.


  • 件意想不到的事情正在沃尔玛等待他们

    A surprise awaited them in Wal-Mart.


  • 想不到当着孩子们竟做出这种举动。

    I'm surprised at you, behaving like that in front of the kids.


  • 学到了很多意想不到的东西。

    I learned a lot I had never expected to.


  • 个意想不到的邀请正是他所需要的。

    This unexpected invitation was exactly what he needed.


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