• 想像着爱敌人仇人做好事。

    Imagine loving your enemy and doing good to those who hated you.


  • 没有想像,”凯文不快地

    "I don't have your imagination," Kevin said unhappily.


  • 汤姆心里什么想像出来,但是确实严肃。

    What went through Tom's mind I can't imagine, but he did manage to keep a straight face.


  • 苏珊想像着自己婚礼那天,挽着父亲手臂沿着教堂过道走过来。

    Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.


  • 特雷莎·扎帕塔告诉了那件家人很难想像事实打算美国工作

    Teresa Zapata told her family the unthinkable; she was going to work in the United States.


  • 可以想像每小时30英里的速度,开车一面砖墙撞去什么样子

    You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour.


  • 穿衣服严格地追求舒适经济但是在佩戴时装首饰方面则想像肆意发挥。

    She dressed strictly for comfort and economy, but let her imagination run riot with costume jewellery.


  • 想像各种各样——或者回形针之类需要东西

    I imagine there are different kinds of paperor things like paper clips that need to be removed.


  • 想像一下现在个家伙在密西根一家精神病院认为自己拿破仑

    Imagine that there's right now somebody in an insane asylum in Michigan who's got the thought that he is Napoleon.


  • 想像一下如果已经爆发麻疹,而消息爆发后个月后才传到我们这里。

    Imagine if we have an outbreak of measles and the information is relayed to us three months after the outbreak.


  • 如果我们受到良好训练,水下部分事情可能不会真的想像那么严酷。

    If we are well trained, the underwater part of things is not really as harsh as you might think.


  • 世界上一类是,发生每件事都记得非常准确;另一类人是,将已经发生事与想像的事趋于混淆。

    There are two types of people in the world: those who remember everything exactly as it happened and those who have a tendency to muddle what's happened with what's imagined.


  • 那里监狱的条件难以想像恶劣

    Conditions in prisons out there are unimaginably bad.


  • 这家旅馆装饰得很有想像吸引力

    The hotel is decorated imaginatively and attractively.


  • 这部电影值得收藏大胆富于想像煽动性

    The show's a keeperdaring, imaginative and provocative.


  • 这个地方非同凡响时髦别致设计极富想像

    The place is quirky, funky and dazzlingly imaginative in design.


  • 我们这个时代具活跃想像爵士乐钢琴演奏家之一。

    He's one of the most dynamically imaginative jazz pianists of our time.


  • 所有母亲一样也有幻想想像女儿长大成人后生活会怎样

    I had fantasies, as do all mothers, about how life would be when my girls were grown.


  • 想像我妈妈一样帮助更多的人。

    I want to help more people like my mother does.


  • 想像故事中的女主角一样灯笼光秃秃灯泡上。

    I want the paper lanterns hung over the bare light bulbs, like the heroine of the story did.


  • 坚持尺寸想像蛋酒拿铁摩卡这样甜点,而不是饮料

    Stick to small sizes. Think of treats such as eggnog lattes and mochas as desserts, not drinks.


  • 他们最激烈批评者认为一波移民不能实际上想像几代人那样融入社会

    Their loudest critics argue that the new wave of immigrants cannot, and indeed do not want to, fit in as previous generations did.


  • 范妮想像出来的世俗的女人

    Fannie was the worldliest old woman to be imagined.


  • 所有我见过想像出来乞丐中,穿得最破烂的。

    Of all the beggar-men that I had seen or fancied, he was the chief for raggedness.


  • 想像不出是什么样子

    I cannot visualize what he looked like.


  • 从来没有想像自己好莱坞明星么?

    Ever imagined yourself as a Hollywood star?


  • 我们无法想像使用武器危险

    We cannot imagine the danger of using such weapons,” Dhanapala continued.


  • 美国人并不想像那样无知

    Americans aren't as ignorant as you might think.


  • 美国人并不想像那样无知

    Americans aren't as ignorant as you might think.


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