Schedule difficult tasks for times you feel good, saving easy ones for when you're tired.
You'll feel a lot better, if pluck up your courage and start a conversation with someone you don't know.
It feels like hands are pulling it, a left a right, rhythmic shaking.
The purpose of choosing such a language is not to make you feel better and that programming is easy.
So if you feel better than usual when you wake up in the morning, it probably means you're still drunk.
The itching and pain usually clear up after delivery but that won’t make you feel better now.
The itching and pain usually clear up after delivery, but that won’t make you feel better now.
When you start to feel better then you can use the powers of your perspective to return to balance.
The itching and pain usually clear up after delivery, but that won't make you feel better now.
The Unloader allows you to send boring documents on an exciting journey and feel a little better.
It's not necessarily a disaster, but it feels as if we should be able to compress down to the true information content.
You're offering thought in every waking moment, and so achieving a propensity to positive good-feeling thoughts will serve you extremely well.
Well. That "s probably why. Go home and rest in bed for two days, then you" ll feel better.
Ethan: Look, why don't you take this international phone card. Call your mom. You'll feel better then.
玛丽亚:我希望他们见到新老板后能感觉好一点, 我想我该为他们做点什么。
Maria : I hope they feel better after they met the new owner. I wish there was something I could do.
I love that idea. It just Seems so peaceful. Hey Mamma Mia, we could use pine needles and maple syrup!
This programme USES clown doctors to help children who are ill or who have undergone surgery feel better.
Most people tend to delude themselves into thinking that freedom comes from doing what feels good or what foster comfort and ease.
See aunts and uncles in the fields planting Onions, warm and familiar feel good, as if returning to childhood scenes of their work in the fields.
It is freaking for the nerves but I quickly understood that if I play music while it is happening, it is much better than just hearing it happening.
The First Splendid Truth holds that to think about my happiness, I should think about feeling good, feeling bad, feeling right, in an atmosphere of growth.
He had just started to feel better, when another urge came on. This one sounded like a diesel engine revving, and smelled worse.
To be honest, most of us take the easy way out: We try to feel better about ourselves by spoiling the good in others.
I know that I cannot seek what I am looking for from another (him), so I need to know what to do for myself to feel better about me?
My mentor said, 'If you would spend less time worrying about choices you don't have and actually creating those choices, you would be better off.
Understand your energy cycle. There are peaks during our days. Even during the week. Try to complete your workout when you feel good about yourself.
Understand your energy cycle. There are peaks during our days. Even during the week. Try to complete your workout when you feel good about yourself.