The permitted news coverage allowed the public to get the we 've-come-together photos and video footage that the White House wanted, while keeping the discussion private among the men.
When we are together, even the moon in the sky will be jealousy. Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.
On this special day I send you New Year‘s greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together.
The holidays are special because of the opportunities we get to connect or reconnect with friends and family.
Today is a real presentation of world harmony. Food connects us so closely. We are all together, without any boundary of ethnicity, nationality and skin color.
On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hopethatsome day soon we shall be together.
On this special day I send you New Year's greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together. Happy New Year, my best friend.
We were happy the way children are who have been separated and are together again and I told her about the trip.
The Olympic game is a game to show the friendship, equality, etc. What we should do is gather together now to celebrate this sport pageant.
I would like to wish you a joyous New Year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.
On thellos special day Isend you New Years greetings and hopethatsome day soon we shall be together.
On this special day I send you greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together.
All the stunning gals and guys, at this fabulous friday night, come out and dressed up to teeth. Let's go party for Chinese Rock music and Chinese Contemporary Literature.
I would like to wish you a joyous New Year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.
I would like to wish you a joyous Year of Dog and express my hope for your...
I would like to wish you a joyous Year of Dog and express my hope for your...