• 跑步时听到某个人喜欢这样移动非常不错的。

    It's nice hearing someone singing, "I love the way you move" to you as you're running.


  • 首歌曲有趣的。在跑步听到某个人喜欢这样移动”是非常不错的。

    This song is a fun one to run to. It's nice hearing someone singing, "I love the way you move" to you as you're running.


  • 适时地赞美别人,比如说“喜欢这样打扮等等的时候要真诚,不要过于夸张。

    Give an occasional compliment - "I like your dress" or whatever - but don't be insincere or exaggerate it.


  • 经常给家人和朋友寄明信片,”他对《中国日报》说,“但可以想象,过一段时间,收到的明信片不如寄的那么多,而且意识到并不是每个人都喜欢这样,但也没关系。”

    "I often send postcards to family and friends," he says to China Daily, "but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it, and that's totally fine."


  • 喜欢这样是因为有益于消化系统

    I'm in favor for this because of what it can do to your body's digestive system.


  • 有人不是问题的时候会觉得他们一些事情漠不关心这样也不会任何人喜欢你尤其是老板

    When people say something is not their problem it makes them look like they don't care. This does not endear them to anybody, especially the boss.


  • 亲爱的要是利用这个机会多么喜欢(以前一直没有这样),的气吗?

    Will you be very angry with me, my dear Lizzy, if I take this opportunity of saying (what I was never bold enough to say before) how much I like him.


  • 事实必须喜欢这样冒然上门推销的方式,这些年来依然喜欢这样做。

    And the truth is, you have to love cold-calling. After all these years, I still love it.


  • 建议医改这样的医改,如果喜欢医生,那么保留的医生;如果喜欢你治疗方案,那么就保留的方案。

    Under the reform I've proposed, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor; if you like your health care plan, you keep your health care plan.


  • 可以选择强调的,色彩鲜明的或者可以根据标签来浏览皮肤。总而言之,喜欢这样的风格,而不是网站

    You can pick a skin make the app look like the website, you can pick one that emphasizes big, colorful pictures or you can browse according to tags.


  • 这时昏昏欲睡感觉来说重回到每天固定时间起床这样例行公事真的享受感觉很喜欢这种一切尽掌控的生活。

    You just feel lethargic and really bad, so for me getting back into getting up at the same time every day, and the routine-ness of it, I really enjoy, and I feel better and then, I'm like in control.


  • 因此,打开窗户了亮话,“如果喜欢的话,希望现在说实话,就拒绝”,但是没有这样做。

    As soon as I opened the door to him, I said, "If you don't like me, I'd rather you just said so now and turned away", but he didn't.


  • 那个玩笑这样的,懂得并不喜欢加法被重载这样的事情,但是可以加法,来对字符串进行合并可以用加法来加数字

    In which I said, you know, I didn't like the fact that things like plus are overloaded, because you can use plus to add strings, you can use plus to add Numbers, you can use plus to add floats.


  • 女士:“知道向来喜欢穿制服的男人,就是这样为什么时间来看,…,每天晚上在家。”

    That one fits you grand. Why don't you come up sometime and see meI'm home every evening.


  • 想象一下听到”“喜欢”“工作不够”“不可能完成这样话语现在心情如何

    Imagine hearing the words "no", "I don't like you", "your work isn't good enough", "it is impossible for you to accomplish this". How does your stomach feel now?


  • 除此之外,超级喜欢这样吃:将鹰嘴罐头掉水,加入一点柠檬事先磨碎的玛森起司(要确保购买的可以自动开启的那种),充分摇匀即可。

    I’m also a big fan of canned chickpeas, drained and tossed with a little lemon juice and pre-grated Parmesan cheese – just makes sure you choose a self opening can.


  • :“啊,大学,喜欢肥皂剧去了,没想到这样。”

    And I said, "Oh, my goodness, after I've sent you to college to love soap operas." That wasn't what I had in mind.


  • 之前这样,喜欢,因为了。

    Earlier, I swirled you around like this and you didn't like it and I don't blame you because you got dizzy.


  • 喜欢这样,”说道:“不过如果肩膀上带子紧一点的话,更加舒服。”

    "I like you the way you are," she said, "but you'll be more comfortable with your shoulder strap fastened."


  • 这样美丽娇艳使人幻想喜欢吗?

    This beautiful, dainty, Daisy, chrysanthemum makes fantasy, you say I can not like it?


  • 某个时候面试官——现在老板明确地,“知道应该这样但是了来应聘这个职位每个人,而喜欢。”

    At one point my interviewer, now my boss actually said, 'I know I shouldn't be saying this, but you're my favourite out of everyone we've seen for this post.'


  • 投机者会这样,“知道喜欢上帝当作……”心里认为上帝……”或“把上帝当作……真的很有帮助。”

    Speculators say things like, “You know, I like to think of God as …” or, “I imagine God in my mind as …” or, “It really helps me to think of God as ….”


  • 喜欢名言之一阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的。拥有科学头脑天才居然这样谈论生活,让觉得意味隽永:可以这样生活,假定没啥奇迹;也可以假定一切都是奇迹。

    One of my favorite quotes is from Albert Einstein, and I find it interesting that a genius with such a scientific mind would be talking about life in this way.


  • 如果喜欢这个博客随时通过RSSemail订阅可以Twitter关注很好的因为所有的关注者这样做!

    If you are enjoying this blog, please feel free to subscribe to posts either by RSS or email, you can also follow me on Twitter, which is nice cos all the cool peeps are doing it!


  • 喜欢这里因为在这里能够全神贯注技能训练”,关于动漫,Wood这样,“体验到了这究竟有趣”。

    "I like it here because you get totally immersed in the skill training" of manga and animation, Mr. Wood said. "it has turned out to be a lot of fun."


  • 喜欢这里因为在这里能够全神贯注技能训练”,关于动漫,Wood这样,“体验到了这究竟有趣”。

    "I like it here because you get totally immersed in the skill training" of manga and animation, Mr. Wood said. "it has turned out to be a lot of fun."


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