• 想象着未来的我坐下来读这些书页。

    I imagined a future me sitting down to read the pages.


  • 作业之前下来饼干以及一杯牛奶

    Before I did my homework, he would sit me down with three cookies and a glass of milk.


  • 最后下来了这本叙述故事

    I'd finally gotten to a point where we'd discovered a lot of things that were very exciting, things that were provocative. Finally I sat down to write the book, to tell my story.


  • 下来打开了海盗故事》,开始读给他听。

    I sat down and opened the Pirate book and commenced to read.


  • 跟着起来。跟着下来。跟着拍手学。

    Follow me stand up. Follow me sit down. Follow me clap your hands. Follow follow me.


  • 卡尔确定但是通常我坐下来时,会皮夹出来

    CARL: no, I'm not sure. But I usually take out my wallet when I sit down.


  • 回到宿舍,冲以后下来冷静思考了一下这个问题

    After coming back to my dorm and taking a shower, I came down to reflect on the issue.


  • 这件事之前,进了办公室我坐下来

    Before I can do that, he calls me into his office and tells me to sit down.


  • 找到潮汐下来一页页地翻,其他人在旁边看着

    We got a copy of the Tide Tables, and I sat down and looked through it while the others watched.


  • 下来,不会自语道:“现在创造艺术作品。”

    When I sit down to write a book I do not say to myself, "I am going to produce a work of art."


  • 知道应该立刻回到寨子里去,一种意念驱使下来天黑

    I knew I should go back to the stockade now, but an idea came to me and I sat down to wait for darkness.


  • 结果下来,然后扑通面前他失业了要赶出公寓了

    Instead, he sat me down, knelt in front of me, and told me he was losing his job and apartment.


  • 踏入化妆间,就看到两个化妆师等着,下来他们就开始化妆

    I stepped inside the make-up room where the two make-up artists were waiting for me. I sat down and they began putting on my make-up.


  • 于是下来慢慢勾了轮廓,上色,足足花了一个半小时重现幅画。

    I then just sat down and spent a good hour and a half just recreating the look, slowly outlining it and developing the colours!


  • 于是下来列出生活中的积极消极面发现积极面远超过消极面。

    So, I sat down and listed the positives and negatives of my life and found I had far more positives than negatives.


  • 下来决定好好研究一下各种商品包装英语真的很多

    The other day, I decided to sit down and learn some English from the package of some goods, and I really learned a lot.


  • 下来戴上太阳眼镜避免任何人无意间对视,发现默默地哭泣

    I sat down, put on my sunglasses to prevent anyone from accidentally looking me in the eye and cried in silence.


  • 糟糕每次下来写作总能听到同样声音然后自觉继续下去。

    What's worse is that each time I sit down to write, I experience the same set of voices, and I have to consciously keep going.


  • 一刻下来了,马克哭泣,也为再也不到马克的朋友们而哭泣。

    That 's when I finally sat down cried. I cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.


  • 很早,坐下来钟看了一会儿离开房间因为滴答觉得厌烦。

    Still it was early. I sat staring at the clock for some time and, when its ticking began to irritate me, I left the room.


  • 最后下来还是非常恐惧,一晚上没有合眼,在一点干粮之后睡着了。

    At last I sat down, and notwithstanding my apprehensions, not having closed my eyes during the night, fell asleep, after having eaten a little more of my provisions.


  • 贝茜走过去打开,随后下来曲子曲华尔兹,听得着迷。

    Bessie went and opened it, and then asked me to sit down and give her a tune: I played a waltz or two, and she was charmed.


  • 下来谈这件事,是非盈利组织“一切为了非洲负责人讨论了一些可选方案

    So I sat down with my mum (who is the director of All for Africa, a non-for-profit organisation) and we discussed some of my options.


  • 于是下来思考所有一切能带来影响骤然发现原来自己并没有失去任何重要东西

    So I sit and think of all the things this situation has cost, and I realize that nothing very important has been lost.


  • 知道只要下来随便指向菜单行字然后上来,不久上可口的饭菜。

    But, I know that if I sit down, point to a random line on the menu and wait for the food to arrive, odds are I'll sink my teeth into something delicious.


  • 今天接受采访时,“星期二那天晚上下来顿时感到精神振奋,一种极度的幸福感喜悦感。”

    "It was a Tuesday evening and I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy," she said in an interview today.


  • 今天接受采访时,“星期二那天晚上下来顿时感到精神振奋,一种极度的幸福感喜悦感。”

    "It was a Tuesday evening and I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy, " she said in an interview today.


  • 亲爱的2013届毕业生认识家伙很多年了,今天我坐下来你们这篇文章的时候,突然想到了

    I knew this guy many years ago and I thought about him today as I sat down to write this piece for you, dear class of 2013.


  • 亲爱的2013届毕业生认识家伙很多年了,今天我坐下来你们这篇文章的时候,突然想到了

    I knew this guy many years ago and I thought about him today as I sat down to write this piece for you, dear class of 2013.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定