• 留言坐在这里进来的,不是故意的。

    The message came in when I was sitting here. I couldn't help but hear it.


  • 事实上坐在这里现在已经至少放了20个了。

    In fact while I've been in here I must have farted at least 20 times.


  • 于是坐在这里一边品着拿铁目标离开学校

    So here I am, sipping a latte and waiting for the Target to leave for school.


  • 坐在这里,边摇摆宝宝想着怀上他不可思议事。

    I was just sitting here rocking my baby and thinking about the miracle of her conception.


  • 坐在这里这本小册子时,何不一些这类小册子。

    Why don't you go and collect some more brochures while I sit here and read this one.


  • 服务员用餐者不耐烦到,你难道要坐在这里,整晚挨饿吗?

    "Waitress," shouted the impatient diner, "Do I have to sit here and starve all night?"


  • 但是目前坐在这里砸了整个事情了,行动,行动,行动。

    But now I'm sitting here thinking I messed the whole thing up, up, up, up.


  • 又打了分钟电话再次挂断以后坐在这里等,塔已经路上了。

    He spends a few more minutes on the phone, then hangs up again and asks me to sit. Chita is on his way.


  • 又打了分钟电话再次挂断以后让坐在这里等,已经路上了。

    He spends a few more minutes on the phone, then hangs up again and asks me to sit.Chita is on his way.


  • 坐在这里思忖,终于想到所以邀请到这里来,是有两个原因

    As I sat here looking around for an idea it struck me that I was called for two reasons.


  • 那么如果坐在这里发挥一些和弦不管最好歌曲已经没有任何反应

    Well if I sat here and played some chords whatever and say I'm going to write the best song I've ever written, nothing happens.


  • 坐在这里看着人们整天撞车,”MohammedNabi说道,一位沿路贩卖烤鱼的露天摊贩

    "I sit right here and watch people crash all day long," said Mohammed Nabi, who fries fresh fish in an open-air stall along the road.


  • 这种情况下看来一个可能带来诉讼,而不是其他不是绝对坐在这里能完全看清楚所以不能十分肯定的。

    In this case, it seems you would be the one more likely to bring the suit, not the other way around, but this is not absolutely clear from where I sit, so I can't be quite sure about that.


  • 一直不理解为什么有些晚上工作很晚然后早上大部分时间用来睡觉,但是现在,已经凌晨1了,坐在这里,反反复复一首歌,终于明白了。

    I never understood why some people would work late into the night and sleep most of their mornings away, but now that I am sitting here, at 1am, listening to the same song on repeat, I get it.


  • 怎么坐在这里看着两个孩子追逐打闹,欢声笑语享受着这样的时刻?

    How am I sitting here watching two kids play, share, laugh, interact, and enjoy each other?


  • 期待你们安静地坐在这里尊重周围的同学,期待你们都对学习环境有所贡献。

    I expect you to sit there quietly respect your neighbor I expect you to contribute to the learning environment.


  • 当时有意识地告诫自己:不管41岁时在做什么,不想坐在这里躲避弹始终坚守着那个决心

    I thought very consciously: whatever I am doing at 41, I shall not still be sitting under barrages, and stuck to that resolve.


  • 现在,这里看着的长辈们以前坐在一起那样又重新体会到了那种感觉。

    That same feeling I felt again, as I stood there seeing them all lying as they used to sit, in those two long rows.


  • 每天都上课,面带微笑坐在这里,学着你们的英语,有一天英语也会成为语言

    I come everyday.I sit here and smile and I laugh and I try to talk your Englishwhich you always say will bemy”language.


  • 秋天这里迫不及待家人朋友们一起坐在篝火旁享用烧烤大餐还有甜点

    Fall is here, and I can't wait to sit around a campfire, roasting dinner and dessert with family and friends.


  • 完晚饭,又一琢磨:别人都穿着裤衩进了家了,怎么还能坐在这里忍气吞声

    But after dinner I got to thinking: Guy comes in in his shorts and I'm sitting here taking this?


  • 不会坐在这里自己找借口如果真是,那算倒霉

    I'm not going to sit here and make an excuse. If I foot-fault, I did.


  • 坐在这里看着鼻孔长长的羽毛状的烟雾她同妻子对照,找回原先失落想这奇怪啊。

    I thought how strange it was to sit here and watch her nostrils breathe out long plumes of coupling smoke from her cigarette, to compare her to my wife and find the original lacking.


  • 然而现在孤单一人坐在这里,举行自己的第一次签名售书活动。开始怀疑自己人生是不是天大的玩笑。

    Now, sitting there alone at my first book signing, I wondered if my entire life wasn't just a big joke.


  • 不想坐在这里学一辈子为了解读一个句子意思,千万这么告诉

    I don't want to be told that I could sit here for the rest of my life just sort of parsing one sentence. Don't tell me about that.


  • 无法专心学习,有时间,甚至收拾行李回家去,而不是坐在这里考试。

    I was unable to concentrate on studying and for a time, I was even going to just pack my bags and leave for home instead of sitting those exams.


  • 现在坐在这里,已经晚上6点钟现在意识到有多

    Now I’m sitting here, it’s past 6 pm, and I realized just how tired I am! I’m also exhilarated by the last couple of days.


  • 现在坐在这里,已经晚上6点钟现在意识到有多

    Now I’m sitting here, it’s past 6 pm, and I realized just how tired I am! I’m also exhilarated by the last couple of days.


- 来自原声例句

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