• 强调卫生一个事业可以盈利

    I wanted to highlight that sanitation is a business and that it can be profitable.


  • 不过强调是,它们不是来自对手而是来自朋友

    But I want to stress that it comes not from an adversary but from a friend.


  • 但是强调这两建立积分的方法其实是相同

    But, what I want to emphasize in this way is that both of these you set up pretty much in the same way.


  • 强调当今世界任何国家不能建设

    What I want to stress is that in today's world, no country can afford to pursue development with its door closed.


  • 强调架构师们需要根据EA调整改变自己态度

    What I want to emphasize is the need for architects to change their attitude with respect to EA justification.


  • 强调当今世界任何国家不能建设

    What I want to stress is that in today's world, no country can afford to pursue development with its door closed .


  • 强调面试应该审问,应该是基于平等的一次谈话

    I want to emphasize that an interview should not be an interrogation. It should be a conversation between two equals.


  • 离开一切背后强调你们一面享受每年捕捞渔具质量冒险

    Leaving all this behind I would like to stress the fact that one aspect of enjoying your annual fishing adventure is quality fishing equipment.


  • 强调中国军机有关空域享有飞越自由中方的有关行动合法专业

    I'd like to emphasize that the Chinese military aircraft has the freedom of overflight in relevant airspace, and the operations of the Chinese side are legal and professional.


  • 强调英语重要因为需要处理国际业务并且很快要去国外出差。

    And I would like to stress that English is a must because of the international contacts and most likely traveling abroad very soon.


  • 在此强调缺少信任因此场战斗出现了,其实根本没有什么的。

    What I want to emphasize here is that I lacked trust on her. So a fight came out even though there is nothing to argue about.


  • 强调发现,乃是扭曲过去里建筑的海边王国的致命后果

    All I want to stress is that my discovery of her was a fatal consequence of that "princedom by the sea" in my tortured past.


  • 强调如果创建了自定义扩展并且提供了模板则它用户起到帮助作用

    I just want to stress that if you created a custom extension point, it would help your users if you provided a template for them.


  • 强调是,海峡两岸中国人责任、有义务共同维护国家领土主权海洋权益

    I want to stress that Chinese people from both sides of the Straits have the responsibility and obligation to jointly uphold territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests of the country.


  • 强调第二件事情,这里发生,是Python一些类型检查的工作。

    The second thing I want to highlight is, that what's going on, is that Python is doing some type checking.


  • 强调中美作为两个大国拥有广泛的共同利益合作双方唯一正确选择

    What I want to emphasize is that China and the US, as two major countries, share broad common interests. Cooperation is the only right choice for the two sides.


  • 然而,在阅读霍布斯著作时,强调,对于读者来说,一直是一悖论

    However, and this is what I want to emphasize throughout our reading of Hobbes, he has always been something of a paradox to his readers.


  • 强调是,下面转折说完“一母亲过来,就会很听话“之后

    Then I want to note the transition that happens at the very bottom of this page after he says, "I was chastened whenever I remembered that my mother had come close to killing me."


  • 强调地方随着移情的承认,著作分析师要去,已经大大增加了

    This is the point I wish to emphasize: with the recognition of the transference the demands which his work puts on the analyst have been immeasurably increased.


  • 最后强调是,回家后,应该家人快快乐乐过年才是春节的主旨。

    Last but not least. When we return home, we should feel more happy with the family. This is the meaning of the Spring Festival.


  • 危机开始时反复呼吁人们建立起信心勇气现在强调是人们冷静清醒

    At the beginning of the crisis, I appealed to people to build confidence and courage. Now I want to stress that people need to remain calm and sober.


  • 最后强调一点人权事业全人类共同事业,需要每个国家积极努力加以实现

    Finally, I want to stress that the human right undertaking is the common undertaking of the entire humankind, and calls for the active efforts by every nation for realization.


  • 因此它们受到广泛的责难,被指责虚假、伪善强调,这绝不是因为它们自身有什么过错

    And hence it is that they are popularly accused of pretense and hypocrisy, not, I repeat, from their own fault.


  • 对于这点并非妄自菲薄只是承认不足但是强调其它优点完全可以弥补这些不足。

    At this point I don't look down on myself. I admit that I have some shortcomings, but these can be totally compensated by my other advantages. This is what I want to emphasize.


  • 对于这点并非妄自菲薄只是承认不足但是强调其它优点完全可以弥补这些不足。

    At this point I don't look down on myself. I admit that I have some shortcomings, but these can be totally compensated by my other advantages. This is what I want to emphasize.


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