• 知道人们曾经问过哪些无知问题

    I want to know some of the ignorant things people have asked you.


  • 知道如何这么时间内完成这个项目的。

    What I want to know is how he managed to complete the project in such a short time.


  • 知道如何这么时间内完成这项任务的。

    What I want to know is how you managed to finish the task in such a short time.


  • 大家都觉得好玩,知道的是什么时候可以发下来。

    Everyone thinks this is hilarious. I want to know when the guns get handed out.


  • 知道(烟草缸)变来变到底算不算奇迹

    What I want to know is whether what I am going to do with it is a miracle or not.


  • 问你的不这个,知道为什么要到布吕丹丝家里去。

    What I'd like to know is why you called on Prudence .


  • 知道的是什么而痛苦,知道敢于满足心灵渴望

    I want to know what you ache1 for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing2.


  • 多哥知道的是把等离子水注入食物里时,发生甚么事

    F from Togo: I want to know what would happen if we inject some plasma water into the food?


  • 知道有没有劳驾制作中国工人解释一下这个家伙

    What I'd like to know is whether anybody bothers to explain who this guy is to the Chinese workers who crafted him.


  • 先不说其中的战略意义知道重力下,他们如何筷子吃饭的。

    Forget the social political or strategic implications of this story, what I demand to know is how do you eat rice with chopsticks in zero gravity?


  • 知道的是这种情况不会发生那些深深地关心着的,同时与其他人保持某种关系的身上。

    I wonder if this wouldn't happen with anyone that she CARES deeply about who has other relationships.


  • 如果判定一个篮球运动员标兵知道的是球场以外人们生活带来了积极影响吗?

    If I were deciding whether a basketball player was a positive role model, I would want to know: Does he influence people's lives in a positive way away from the court?


  • 知道中国有什么影响如果告诉他们他们攻击的那一秒他们购买所有国债就马上被认为已付清

    I would wonder, what effect it would have on China, if we told them, the second they attack all of the debt they have purchased is considered immediately paid off.


  • 知道的是一切消逝之后什么在内心支撑能够独自面对自己否真正喜欢你在空虚时刻结交的伙伴

    I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.


  • 知道的是一切消逝之后什么在内心支撑着,你能够独自面对自己真正喜欢空虚时刻结交的伙伴

    I want to know what sustains12 you from the inside when all else falls away13. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company14 you keep in the empty moments.


  • 知道一切消逝之后什么在内心支撑着能够独自面对自己否真正喜欢你在空虚的时刻结交的伙伴。

    I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you truly like the company you keep in your emptiest moments.


  • 知道触碰自己受伤的心,否因为生活辜负你而变得豁达,因为害怕遭受更多痛苦而变得无助紧闭心扉。

    I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow4, if you have been opened by life's betrayals5 or have become helpless and closed from fear of further pain.


  • 知道为了忠实自己而敢于令他人失望否敢于承担背叛的骂名而愿违背良心,做到诚实可靠从而值得信赖。

    I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, if you can bear6 the accusation7 of betrayal and not betray your own soul, if you can be faithful and therefore trustworthy8.


  • 知道触碰过自己受伤的心,因为为生活辜负你而变得豁达因为害怕遭受更多痛苦而变得无助、紧闭心扉。

    I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!


  • 知道触碰过自己受伤的心,因为为生活辜负你而变得豁达因为害怕遭受更多痛苦而变得无助、紧闭心扉。

    I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!


- 来自原声例句

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