• 父母给了我想要的一切,但现在意识到他们在自己身上花的却很少。

    My parents gave me everything I wanted, but I realize now they spent little on themselves.


  • 人微笑着说:“拥有我想要的一切想要不能拥有的东西。所以很高兴。”

    The poor man smiled, "I have everything I want, and I don't want what I can't have. So I'm happy."


  • 父母不再满足一切

    My parents no longer satisfy me with all I want.


  • 得到一切,事情好不过了。

    I've got everything I want, it couldn't be better.


  • 此外尽管富裕,但是一切

    Moreover, although our family is not wealthy, he will give all the things that I want to me.


  • 父母世界上最好父母,他们给予要的一切,细心照顾

    My parents are the best parents in the world, they give me what I want and take care of me carefully.


  • 得到了要的一切,可其实根本不那些。

    I had everything I ever wanted but nothing I really needed. And I think what I need is you.


  • 一味地宠当然知道应该拥有我想的一切……只是考验

    Don't spoil me. I know quite well that ought not to have all I ask for...... I'm only testing you.


  • 现在瑜伽找到了一切肯定会一直练下去,让瑜伽陪伴一生

    Now I found Yoga is all I want, and I am sure to make Yoga to accompany me for all my life.


  • 即使失去要的一切,但至少拥有你们情谊不是吗?朋友们

    Even though I have lost everything I want at least I still own the friendship between us I think. Isn't it? My friends.


  • 实现一切运用能量解放身体尽管最后一丝压力可能依然存在

    I achieve everything that I want. I am using the power of my mind for set my body free of even the last trace of stress that might exist in it.


  • 没有什么特殊或是物质上的愿望——已经得到了要的一切一支优秀的车队很快

    I don't have any special or material wishes - I already have everything that I ever wanted: a great team and a fast car.


  • 昨夜才许愿,遥遥望着天边那蓝色闪烁的怪怪的虔诚的祈祷,我想一切上帝

    It's on the last night I made a wish, when I were looking at a strange star in the azure sky, that give me the thing I want, let the God love me.


  • 使觉得强大的,不可估量的,这值得全世界分享,而且能够成为能够做到能够获得所有的一切

    That I was powerful beyond measure, that I was worth sharing with the world and that I could be, do and have anything I wanted.


  • 吧,来吧一切应该所有可以是不是没有看到没有一定抓住黄铜戒指来吧,来吧的一切知道一定发生过

    Come on, come on Give me everything I deserve all I can get, you aint seen no-nothing yet I'm gonna grab the brassy golden ring Come on, come on I want everything I know it's gonna happen


  • 随后的专辑《一切同样销量可观,其中的《喜欢这样这样》跃至乡村歌曲榜榜首另一支《不会离去》也获得了亚军。

    The following album, all I Want, also amassed15 huge sales and McGraw topped the country singles charts with "I Like it, I Love it" and just missed with "Can't Be Really Gone".


  • 似乎拥有任何人一切丈夫,可爱的和已长大成人、有出息的子女

    I seem to have everything anyone could want–a good husband, a lovely home, grown-up children who're doing well.


  • 托雷斯由于伤病世界杯中表现得不够,他说:“这时间赛跑马德里的时候一切那么完美,当到达南非就变得有些糟糕,不是指世界杯而是的伤病,最终们取得了要的结果,但是对于个人而言是另外一回事。”

    It was a race against time. When we were in Madrid it seemed that everything was perfect, then we came to South Africa, and it wasn't OK.


  • 例如整整的时间推出博客网站因为完美首先了解关于一切

    For example, it took me a whole year to launch my blogging websiteas I wanted to be perfect and know everything about it first.


  • 发现真相不难,首先必须一个坦诚态度去相信“渴望真相胜于一切。”

    Truth can be discovered, but first we have to have an attitude of openness that says, "I want the truth more than anything else.


  • 去过荷兰旅行,为的是发现她们为什么平等职业成就独立自主权力等等一切可爱的事情? !

    I have travelled to Holland to find out why women here don't want equality, professional fulfilment, independence and autonomy and power and... Lovely things!


  • 感到握住的微微握紧的手,那个圣诞节以来第一感到自己克服一切病痛,也是有生以来第一次强烈地想要克服一切病痛。

    I felt a slight tightening on my hand and for the first time that Christmas I felt I would survive my ordeal, and for the first time in a long time, I wanted to.


  • 父亲告诉这个消息的时候,感到窒息了。忘记一切,让一切消失

    I fell dead after Dad dropped the news on me. I felt all forgotten, all left out.


  • 就在于积极角度提问,让自己对未来一切机遇可能敞开心灵之

    I think the main point is to reframe the questions you ask yourself into positive questions that open up - instead of closes - the door to opportunities and possibilities.


  • 一切顺遂只有好事的生活因为那样坏,不会像现在这样懂得感受生活。

    I would never want to live a life that is filled only with positive stuff because then I would be too spoiled and I would not be able to appreciate my life as much as I do now.


  • 发现真相不难,首先必须一个坦诚态度去相信“渴望真相胜于一切。”

    Truth can be discovered, but first we have to have an attitude of openness that says, "I want the truth more than anything else."


  • 发现真相不难,首先必须一个坦诚态度去相信“渴望真相胜于一切。”

    Truth can be discovered, but first we have to have an attitude of openness that says, "I want the truth more than anything else."


- 来自原声例句

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