• 正准备上学时,母亲不小心错把父亲的背心拿给了

    One day, as I was getting ready for school, my mother carelessly handed me my father's vest instead of mine.


  • 这种可能性一筹莫展时,召唤楼上父亲屋里去。

    While I was worrying over this possibility I was one day summoned upstairs to my father.


  • 那天感恩节一天- - - - - -也是第一三个孩子没有在他们父亲陪伴下度过,早在几个走了

    It was the day before Thanksgivingthe first one my three children and I would be spending without their father, who had left several months before.


  • 要是妨碍自己古怪哩,”咕噜着,不知道背后,“但是脸上寻找父亲时,一天找到了!”

    It will be odd if I thwart myself, 'he muttered, unconscious that I was behind him.' But when I look for his father in his face, I find her every day more.


  • 儿子过去经常是不是选择父亲还是母亲生活

    My son constantly asked me if at some point they would have to choose who to live with.


  • 学校一个男孩欺负告诉父亲,气愤之余,推荐了一个他觉得唯一能有点用的行动学会空手道然后去教训那个男孩。

    When I told my father I was being bullied by a boy at school, he recommended what he considered the only sensible course of action: learn karate and then hit him.


  • 听到严厉口吻知道原来父亲回来了即使只有一天

    Once I heard his strict tone, I knew that the old Dad was back, if only for the day.


  • 父亲去世一天妈妈参加班级舞会穿的服装。

    The day before my father died, my mother and I had gone shopping for a PROM dress.


  • 然后,主动去商店为买来了需要用品。一天父亲一起走过了一座桥步入成年,而则更重地担起了父亲母亲责任

    W e both crossed some kind of bridge that day: me into womanhood and he more deeply into the role of being mother as well as father.


  • 而且打赌地主的土地上挥舞着锄头,他的父亲一定想象着他的孩子能够克服艰难困苦走向新的天地

    And, I'll bet, as his hoe rang on the landlord's clay, his Dad imagined a day when he'd hear his boy take step after crunching step toward anyplace but this field.


  • 另外一位透露姓名朋友告诉,他仍然记得回到家中,竟发现父亲正在擦拭血迹收拾玻璃,而之前,他正在一个商业伙伴进行一场“生动讨论”。

    Another friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, remembers coming home to find his father mopping up blood and broken glass from their front room after "a lively discussion" with a business associate.


  • 家人长期经验明白个道理:她们丈夫父亲某个特定的星期天能否显露出某种莫名的欣喜之情,大都取决于利物浦队一天战果如何

    Through long experience, my family has come to know that their chances of having a vaguely pleasant husband and father on any given Sunday depend largely on how Liverpool fared the previous day.


  • 熬过了一天父亲回家,却发现典型学校混混正在向接近,事实上他们就是一些不断别人麻烦的家伙

    I made it through the day and was waiting for my dad to pick me up when the archetypal high school bully approached-the kind of guy who actually still gave people wedgies.


  • 收到父亲紧急电报,没有任何解释就是赶紧回家自然遵命。

    One day I received a telegram from my father of such urgency that in compliance with its unexplained demand I left at once for home.


  • 梅格离去一天端着托盘来到花园父亲。他喜欢坐在长椅上享受阳光

    A month after Meg's passing, I took a tray2 into the garden for dad.he liked to sit on the bench in the sunshine.


  • 影响很深努力就是为了有成为一个父亲一样的男人

    This affected me deeply, so I work hard so that someday I could be the man like my father.


  • 戴着矫形器笑着对父亲,“爸爸希望每天都一起跑步,但害怕发病。”

    One day she smiled through her braces and said, "Daddy what I'd really love to do is run with you every day, but I'm afraid I'll have a seizure."


  • 之后父亲断绝了关系,同时也清楚早晚也会这样的。

    When my dad disowned her after that, I knew he'd do the same to me one day.


  • 为了已经努力了很多年真的情景起来就象昨天发生的,父亲带到一旁然后说。

    Na: Indeed, I have worked for years for this very day. It seems like just yesterday when my father took me aside and told me.


  • 看着孩子自己成长……出狱时,的孩子以为父亲回来

    We watched our children growing without our guidance... and when we did come out, my children said, we thought we had a father and one day he'd come back.


  • 每当一天冥思苦想如何妻子更好丈夫孩子们的更好的父亲

    To this day, I'm still figuring out how to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids.


  • 从小就崇拜父亲虽然只是平凡,可向往着有一天一样坚强魄力

    I have adored my father since I was a child, though he is just a ordinary person, but I hope I can be same strong, brave as him.


  • 父亲的面前一天一天去,他生活中的颜色也一点一点地褪去简单的生活反而有点像儿子

    Now i see my father old day by day. The life of my father turns into black and white, it's simple like my son's.


  • 父亲的面前一天一天去,他生活中的颜色也一点一点地褪去简单的生活反而有点像儿子

    Now i see my father old day by day. The life of my father turns into black and white, it's simple like my son's.


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