• 门口老人伯父

    The o1d man standing at the gate is my unc1e.


  • 开始开始就从当访问伯父家庭

    I will start from the beginning from when I was out of town visiting my uncle and family.


  • 只是不该伯父侧室,岱爱上谁,没人又阻止

    No. He just should not have married my uncle's wife, Concubine Dai. When my father is in love, nothing can stop him.


  • 只是因为伯父西尔·侯赛因是个电影制片人当时正在拍电影,就对:‘需要一个小孩的角色,不如由来演吧?’

    It was 8 essentially because my uncle Nasir Hussain was a film maker. He was making a film and he said, 'Why don't you do this part that I have for a kid?


  • 准备搬进间公寓不过就在最后一刻堂姐看中了待售新房而且这房子离伯父公司近。

    He was going to move into an apartment, but at the last moment, my cousin and he saw a new house for sale, that was close to his business.


  • 相信父亲长命百岁就像伯父那样到了107

    I believed my dad would live to be over 100 years old, as my great uncle lived to be 107 years old.


  • 分钱顽固老头。毕竟还是伯父好啊

    I the unprogressive old man of penny money. Can after all still have an uncle good.


  • 而且之外没有别的亲人就是说这次大阪之行是去继承伯父秘藏财产

    Lord, and in addition to I outside have no another close relatives. Be say, I this trip to Osaka inherit the property that uncle Mi hides.


  • 堂姐游说伯父卖掉伯母大概25年前一起建造房子

    My cousin talked him into selling the house that he and my aunt had built together about twenty five years before.


  • 接下来几天伯父见到了这个女孩,她就是Sana,尝试与她说话但是坐在寒冷、毫无安全感的地下室里,她像被挡在一面悲伤后面几乎话来

    And I had tried to talk to Sana then. But sitting on a bed in a cold, bare basement room, she had been withdrawn behind a wall of grief, managing to speak barely a handful of words.


  • 看见儿子笑眯眯地向上看着,先生位目前还老家伯父正在对面小路上聊天呢。

    I saw my son was smilingly looking up and my husband was talking to one of my uncles in the path opposite to my home.


  • 一个关于伯父伯母故事,或许应该留下只言片语给祖母

    It is a story about my uncle and aunty, but I should introduce my grandma first.


  • 伯父本杰明赞成念书,并且提议全部说教速记本赠送(想大概作为开业的资本罢),如果学习他的速记术的话。

    My uncle Benjamin, too, approved of it, and proposed to give me all his short-hand volumes of sermons, I suppose as a stock to set up with, if I would learn his character.


  • 这位伯父命名的,因为父亲感情特别融洽。

    I was named after this uncle, there being a particular affection between him and my father.


  • 伯父花三百美元匹一只眼

    My uncle bought a one-eyed horse for 300 dollars.


  • 当然继兄弟星期四晚饭了。我的伯母伯父孩子也来了。

    And, of course, my stepbrothers stopped by for dinner on Thursday, and so did my aunts and uncles, with all their kids.


  • 看到这个C语言中使用内存问题但是答案解释伯父行为

    I saw this Problem usage memory in C, but the answers are not explaining the OOM behavior.


  • 准备搬进间公寓不过就在最后一刻堂姐看中了待售新房,而且房子离伯父公司近。

    He was going to move into an apartment, but at the last moment, my cousin and he saw a new house for sale, that was close to his business. She helped him buy furniture and a flat screen television.


  • 那位喜爱中国古典文学绘画伯父影响较大

    I was more influenced by my uncle, also a businessman, who was fond of classical Chinese literature and painting.


  • 堂姐游说伯父卖掉伯母大概25年前一起建造房子

    My cousin talked him into selling the house that he and my aunt had built together about twenty-five years before.


  • 担任牧师伯父主持餐前祈祷。然后餐桌上阿拉伯语不绝于耳表兄弟们开始着调料吃面包舀一勺黎巴嫩风味的“tabouleh”色拉,再一小口一小口细细品尝蜜糖果仁酥饼。

    My uncle the priest blessed the table and the chatter of Arabic began as cousins dipped their bread scooped up the tabouleh salad and daintily bit the sweet baklava pastry.


  • 不敢相信这么这么热爱这首尤其考虑到这首歌歌颂战斗地方,正是德国伯父战死的地方(处境很尴尬,是?)

    I can't believe I admire this song so much... especially considering that the battles this song honors is where my German granduncle died (puts me in a bit of a tacky situation eh?)


  • 不敢相信这么这么热爱这首尤其考虑到这首歌歌颂战斗地方,正是德国伯父战死的地方(处境很尴尬,是?)

    I can't believe I admire this song so much... especially considering that the battles this song honors is where my German granduncle died (puts me in a bit of a tacky situation eh?)


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