• 童年记忆还是一个女孩的时候,十分喜欢西海公园

    A Memory Of My Childhood When I was a young girl, I liked going to the Xihai Park very much.


  • 随着成长父亲讲述的故事的童年记忆占据越来越重要的地位,甚至超过了我的玩具娃娃彩色画册

    As I grew up, Dad's stories seemed to belong more and more to my childhood, put away with my dolls and coloring books.


  • 不久发现了装作看到,于是赢得非常开心,银铃般的笑声院子回荡我的童年记忆里回荡。

    Later though I discovered her, yet I pretended not to, and she won proudly with her silver bell-like giggling that echoed in the yard, and in my childhood memory as well.


  • 童年最温馨的记忆是关于一张圆桌。

    The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table.


  • 直到今天仍然保留一些现在它们当成中国历史一部分,当然也是童年记忆的一部分。

    Till this day I still have some of them left, now they would be considered part of history for China and part of my childhood history as well.


  • 虽然没有关于童年太多记忆,但是清晰记得小学的时候学习动物分类的事情

    Although I don't have a ton of memories from my childhood, I distinctly remember being in elementary school and learning about animal classification.


  • 以前是教工业艺术老师童年记忆中,他妈妈总是分分和和。

    He was a former industrial-arts teacher whom my mother dated off and on for much of my childhood.


  • 有关童年最早记忆刷牙仰望开裂天花板

    My earliest memories from childhood are of brushing my teeth and of looking up at a cracked ceiling.


  • 童年记忆记得曾经有那么父亲不可思议地把怀里

    During my childhood, I can recall one magical moment when my father held me in his arms.


  • 母亲,把举到船舷栏杆外面,让新世界微风里晃荡,情景成为了最初童年记忆

    My mother held me over the 4 railing of the ship and this became my earliest childhood memory, my mother swinging me in the breezes of a new world.


  • 具体说到女儿童年记忆心里留下了烙印,她内心深处一直渴望击败掌控她命运人—她的母亲

    Most specifically, my daughter's childhood memories and her 13 inward desire to defeat the 14 empress of 15 destiny, her mother!


  • 见过太多精神科医生分析师这儿的和国外的,但是他们仅仅是一头扎童年记忆——了这些,因为恐惧根本就没有消失

    I've been to ever so many psychiatrists and analysts, here and abroad, but they merely delve into my memories of childhood - and I'm fed up with it because the fear hasn't gone at all.


  • 目标创造连贯安全环境我的家庭,我的发挥巨大的梧桐树房子旁边的一个山涧自己的童年记忆想法

    Towards my aim of creating a coherent and safe environment for my family, I drew ideas from my own childhood memories of playing under huge plane trees in a house next to a mountain stream.


  • 实际上最喜欢童年记忆就是家人地下室龙卷风过去

    Actually, some of my fondest memories of my childhood were of spending time with my family in the basement waiting for the tornados to pass.


  • 早晨起来第二个或许我的童年时代记忆有关吧。

    Woke up in morning, I thought, my second dream, might be relate to the memories in my childhood.


  • 一个永远童年影响。摄影之路最初寻觅儿时记忆环境

    A man will never go out of his childhood. My photography, the first is looking for a childhood memory of the environment and people.


  • 参加狂欢节。是的知道不是12岁但是摩天你带回童年记忆当中。

    Go to the carnival. Yeah, I know, you're not 12 anymore, but riding that Ferris Wheel can bring you back to your childhood.


  • 八岁时候,博格林获得了第一次驾驶卡丁车经验非常美好童年记忆

    At the age of eight I had my first go-kart experience on the Nurburgring - great childhood memories.


  • 站在后院里着刚洗好的毛巾散发的清新气味,温暖阳光后背上,突然间仿佛又回到童年记忆里的那个后院——那里,祖母衣服

    Being out in the yard, smelling freshly washed towels, and with the sun on my back, I was suddenly in my yard I grew up in-helping my grandmother hang out the clothes.


  • 那种甜蜜深深地童年心坎上,至今想来,记忆犹新

    The kind of sweet, seared deeply into the hearts of my childhood has come to think fresh.


  • 今年18了,但是童年记忆依然让人难忘的甜蜜

    I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream.


  • 那些散发着香气的、爬上去上个把小时果树成为童年快乐记忆

    The happiest memories of my childhood stem from those fragrant trees, which I climbed and then stayed in for hours.


  • 狂欢节是的知道不是12岁但是摩天你带回童年记忆当中。

    Go to the carnival. Yeah, I know, you're not 12 anymore, but riding that Ferris Wheel can bring you back to your childhood.


  • 如果真是这样,除非消掉记忆否则找回童年就是不可能

    If this is true, then truly recapturing my childhood is impossible without erasing my memories and who wants that?


  • 那儿整个童年青少年记忆所在

    No matter how the town understood by others, there were my entire childhood and youth memories lied.


  • 风景画从来不对景写生不要照片主要依靠童年记忆以及现在自然生活环境感受

    I never paint or sketch from nature or photos when I am painting a landscape painting, I only depend on memory about childhood and my feeling on present natural living environment.


  • 风景画从来不对景写生不要照片主要依靠童年记忆以及现在自然生活环境感受

    I never paint or sketch from nature or photos when I am painting a landscape painting, I only depend on memory about childhood and my feeling on present natural living environment.


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